Aliens And Cloning - Alternative View

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Aliens And Cloning - Alternative View
Aliens And Cloning - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Cloning - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Cloning - Alternative View
Video: The Science and State of Cloning - Offworld Episode 34 2024, September

The creation of clones of living things is considered the highest achievement of science. However, there is a lot of evidence (including received from the military) that our alien "brothers in mind" have been doing this for a long time, dozens, if not hundreds, "churning out" new people in their laboratories. Moreover, some of the laboratories, apparently, are located on Earth …

Why do aliens need human clones?

The famous American psychotherapist Barbara Bartholic writes that among her patients there were those who talked under hypnosis about their contacts with aliens. Some talked about the creation of human counterparts by aliens. “After numerous sessions of regressive hypnosis, I became convinced that people describe something similar to the process of cloning,” says B. Bartolik. - Here is what, for example, one of the patients told: “All the time it seemed to me that they were conducting some kind of genetic experiments with me. They injected me with something, took blood, pieces of skin, seminal fluid from me. Then this liquid was administered to animals …"

Another doctor, K. Turner (USA), who has conducted more than a thousand sessions of regressive hypnosis with different people, has no doubts that representatives of alien races have visited the Earth. According to the doctor, the most disturbing thing about the aliens' experiments is the creation of new human organisms and clones by them. “It is not yet clear,” he writes, “whether these organisms are intended for the restoration of the human race in the event of some global cataclysm that will destroy it, or there is another purpose. One patient told me that the aliens scared him, saying that if he did not want to voluntarily cooperate with them (by “cooperation” here we mean sexual intercourse with an alien), then he would be cloned and “replaced”. No one will be able to distinguish his double from the original."

Secret laboratory. She's a brothel

Some ufologists are convinced that the governments and intelligence services of the United States and other countries maintain contacts with aliens and have already received many different technologies from them, including the creation of human clones, which are "produced" in secret laboratories.

Promotional video:

This version is supported, in particular, by the ufologist and hypnotherapist Katharina Wilson (USA). After the release of her book on cases of abduction of people by extraterrestrials, many readers turned to her with similar cases. Examination under hypnosis of these patients showed that there was indeed something unusual behind their stories.

Two women, not familiar with each other, described to Wilson their abduction by aliens, which happened in 1993. Everything indicated that the unfortunates had dealt with the same aliens and were taken to the same place - to some underground base located somewhere in the mountains. The most curious thing is that this base did not belong to aliens at all …

Here is what one of these women was told by the humanoid, blond-haired, Nordic, who abducted her: “There is a secret government laboratory for human cloning. The created clones, after the completion of experiments with them, fall into sexual slavery to the base personnel, government officials and the military. When the clones get bored, they are killed. We gave the cloning technology to the earthlings. Your government promised to use it for good, but it turned out that clones are created to please a bunch of scoundrels. We want you to announce the existence of this object and stop its activity."

The stranger promised the woman to provide all the necessary evidence, video and audio materials, as well as the addresses of eyewitnesses and participants (however, she never received any of this).

The woman was amazed that the military and civilians who were passing by for some reason did not pay attention to them. Only later did she realize that she and the alien were invisible to the base personnel.

“Clone women were raped by all and sundry,” she described what she saw. - The staff treated them like some kind of inflatable dolls from sex shops or like animals. I was in complete despair at the sight of these unfortunates. They dragged out the most miserable existence without any hope for the future and in complete dependence on their creators."

"Stars" to order

Even more interesting was the testimony of the second woman. At that time she was very famous, worked as a model, took first places in beauty contests. In a confidential conversation with K. Wilson, the beauty said that when she was kidnapped, she was forced to follow the tall blonde alien everywhere, completely obeying his will. He took the girl through the premises of some underground laboratory where human clones were created. The most licentious people reigned in the laboratory. The clones were forced to obey their creators in everything, and those, it seems, did not need anything but sex.


The witness saw clones of famous film actresses, winners of the Miss America and Miss Universe contests, pop and television "stars", other women known for their beauty and popularity. The alien explained to her that the genetic material for growing the clones was taken from a special "gene bank".

Tens of thousands of people have submitted their material to it, hoping to create their counterparts in the future. The bank also contains her genes. The local experimenters raised six clones from them. Two have died, four others are in sexual slavery.

“If information about everything that happens here is leaked to the press, it will shock the whole world,” she told her guide.

"We just want this," he replied, "and you will help us with this."

Parting, the stranger handed her a briefcase with cassettes and documents for presentation to the media. At the same time, he warned that she would have to read out her statement after she was given a sign. But this did not happen. At night, when the witness was returning to the hotel from filming on television, her car suddenly stopped. A tall man dressed in black approached the car and said that plans had changed. They do not believe in earthly justice and will end the base in a radical way. They have already confiscated the briefcase with the compromising material. She should be silent about everything she saw and heard.

According to K. Wilson, the "radical method" is an explosion accompanied by an artificially created earthquake. Just in the days when the aliens contacted the witness for the second time, there was a strong earthquake in the Sierra Nevada mountains; later, ufologists learned that during the cataclysm the sounds of explosions were heard, and UFOs were flying in the sky over the mountains. K. Wilson believes that it was there that a secret base for growing clones could be located. By now, there is probably nothing left of her.

Clone clones

John Coleman, in the book "The Hierarchy of the Conspirators: The Chronicle of the Committee of 300", puts forward the version that some of the alien races are clones of clones. They cannot reproduce like humans, which means they must be created by cloning, and most likely not one by one, but entire generations. The same original creatures, from which, in fact, cloning began, may have died out millions of years ago or remained in another galaxy.

In the course of long evolution, many organs of the clones atrophied and eventually disappeared. For example, aliens do not have an esophagus, they only take in their mouths that can dissolve or turn into liquid. In other words, the mouth performs the function of the stomach for them, since the stomach in our understanding is absent.

For these creatures, there are no moral and ethical norms, people for them are just a source of the necessary genetic material. It's not even worth talking about cruelty on their part. They treat us no more cruel than we do, for example, with chickens, when we want to cook broth from them.
