China Is Building The World's Largest Animal Cloning Center - Alternative View

China Is Building The World's Largest Animal Cloning Center - Alternative View
China Is Building The World's Largest Animal Cloning Center - Alternative View

Video: China Is Building The World's Largest Animal Cloning Center - Alternative View

Video: China Is Building The World's Largest Animal Cloning Center - Alternative View
Video: How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory 2024, September

China intends to create the world's largest animal cloning center. It will be located in the Tianjin area of northeastern China on the basis of the local technical and economic development zone.

The cost of the project is $ 31.3 million. South Korea also participates in the project. The construction of production buildings has already begun. Scientists are expected to start work at the new center in the first half of 2016.

The main task of the center will be the raising of service dogs, domestic animals, racehorses and cattle. According to the head of one of the parent companies, it is planned that at first the center will produce 100,000 cattle embryos per year. At the same time, the design capacity of production is 1 million embryos per year.


The idea has generated widespread interest among livestock companies looking to increase the number of beef cattle. As for dogs, Seoul National University already has experience in cloning them - in 2009, the world's first cloned dog was bred there specifically to search for drugs at airports and border crossings.

Work in this direction has been going on in China for a long time, and scientists from the PRC have more than once published reports on the creation of various wonders in the world's leading scientific journals, for example, "especially muscular hounds." They also conduct experiments with goats, sheep, pigs, monkeys.

Thanks to the huge budgets allocated for work in this area (it is expected that by 2019 the PRC will become the first in terms of investments in cloning), experts around the world expect breakthroughs in the Celestial Empire in the coming years.