The Traps Of Our Mind - Alternative View

The Traps Of Our Mind - Alternative View
The Traps Of Our Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Traps Of Our Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Traps Of Our Mind - Alternative View
Video: 5 Ways to Defend Yourself Against the Mind Games of High Functioning Sociopaths 2024, September

Due to the effect of the influence of the result, a person has a tendency to evaluate a decision made in any situation only by the result obtained, and not by the degree of its complexity or correctness.

Under the influence of the player error effect, people begin to think that their future directly depends on their past. For example, gambling and winning several games in a row, a person will think that his chances of winning a big win have increased, but in fact they have remained unchanged.

A person perceives phrases spoken in rhyme more truthful and believes them more readily than simple sentences. Sellers use this effect of perception of rhyme by placing short verses in advertising with a mention of their product.

The trap of a biased assessment of inaction makes a person judge about any harmful action, as a result of which serious negative consequences have arisen, much stricter than about no less harmful inaction.

Due to the effect of resistance, any person in adolescence tends to do everything in spite of their parents, does not take their advice and believes that they are trying to limit his personal freedom and control his actions.

Under the illusion of control, people begin to think that they are able to control random and, in reality, events beyond their control.

It is because of the effect of hostility that a person regards all the negative actions of persons unpleasant to him as a manifestation of their real qualities of character, and the good actions of the enemy seem to him to be a happy coincidence or a forced step.

Due to the so-called "IKEA effect", it is inherent in a person to believe that the object that he made with his own hands is more useful and necessary.

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Under the influence of false objectivity, a person perceives the reality around him as a whole image and believes that only his vision is objective, therefore he considers those people who agree with him reasonable. And those who think differently, either have insufficient information, or are ignorant and fools.

Due to the effect of devaluing ideas, any proposal made by someone you do not like will be considered extremely unfortunate and rejected, even if it was rational and correct.

Due to the effect of the same type of others, a person believes that his circle of friends consists of more versatile people with different interests, compared to other companies.

Due to the Zeigarnik effect, a person remembers interrupted actions better than completed ones. Therefore, we remember about unfinished business, but we lose sight of the successful and completed ones.

Under the influence of the retrospective effect, a person believes that many mistakes in the past could have been avoided or at least predicted in advance the development of events. However, he forgets that those facts that could affect the past became known to him only in the present.

Often a person exaggerates the time it takes to overcome a path along an unfamiliar road. And following the already familiar route, he begins to believe that he has overcome it in a shorter period of time than he actually is. This is called the familiar road effect.

Because of such a psychological trick as the spotlight effect, a person tends to exaggerate the importance of his actions and deeds in the eyes of other people.

In real life, the degree of agreement of people in your environment with your point of view is much lower than you think. This is a false agreement effect.

The projection effect makes us think that others are experiencing similar feelings and emotions to ours.

If a person is given a choice between reducing a small risk to zero or reducing a large risk, then the majority will choose the first option and will be influenced by the effect of a preference for zero risk.

Many people think that they are less likely to fall into psychological traps than others, but in reality they only experience the effect of a blind spot.