A NASA Employee Spoke About The Existence Of Alien Drones - Alternative View

A NASA Employee Spoke About The Existence Of Alien Drones - Alternative View
A NASA Employee Spoke About The Existence Of Alien Drones - Alternative View

Video: A NASA Employee Spoke About The Existence Of Alien Drones - Alternative View

Video: A NASA Employee Spoke About The Existence Of Alien Drones - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

Scientist Jacques Ville from the National Aerospace Agency of the United States of America is confident that unidentified flying objects periodically observed by the inhabitants of the Earth are in fact alien drones.

“Highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations living within the not very distant space, obviously have long known about our existence. UFOs, therefore, are alien reconnaissance unmanned vehicles that use them to observe us,”says a NASA employee.

Jacques Ville confirms his words with the results of a large-scale scientific work, in which he compared the information accumulated as a result of multiple UFO sightings.

“I focused on UFO sightings with clear luminosity in the optical range. After evaluating the optical characteristics of unidentified objects, I decided that they were unmanned vehicles. Which can only belong to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, because earthlings do not yet have such technologies,”the scientist explains.

Who, by the way, talked to many civilian and military aircraft pilots who saw UFOs with their own eyes.

Kolesnikov Andrey