Paranormal Or Still Unknown? - Alternative View

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Paranormal Or Still Unknown? - Alternative View
Paranormal Or Still Unknown? - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Or Still Unknown? - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Or Still Unknown? - Alternative View
Video: Hauntings, Histories, & Campfire Tales: What Ghost Stories Tell Us | Coya Paz | TEDxDePaulUniversity 2024, October

The aphorism “Life is a bicycle, and if you stop, you immediately fall” is probably known to everyone. And not everyone dares to argue that he is a reflection of the truth. However, there are people (and I am among them) who take this statement with a laugh. Just one simple question, and the author's logic will collapse like a house of cards. Let's say that the statement is true, but what if you rode your bike to the edge of the abyss?

If you are a reasonable person, stop. If you are an outrageous adept who appreciates other people's thoughts above logic, you will continue to step on the pedals. Well…? So is it worth taking on trust other people's statements, even if they seem so witty (at first glance)? Or is it wiser to have your own judgment and not trust someone else's experience, even if voiced by an authoritative scientist or philosopher?

So … I affirm that everyone is wrong. And Darwin was wrong, and Pavlov, and Einstein. You cannot blindly trust anyone, even if they are considered indisputable authorities, and their statements are written down in a number of dogmas, axioms and postulates. It all ends someday. Everything has a limit. One day you have to rethink everything, and make a difficult choice: - What to do next?

But in order for the very possibility of choice to appear, it is necessary to be able to make a stop in time. If you thoughtlessly follow the postulates, you will certainly fall into the abyss, and then there will be nothing at all. This means that the author of the above aphorism must be put in a dusty chest with mothballs, and in no case should he quote him, so as not to endanger those who have not lost their last logical thinking skills.

If this is clear, then it will not be difficult to delve into the course of the following reflections. So…


The first and main question (discarding the hoax) is what is a paranormal phenomenon? How and why does it arise?

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To do this, it is necessary to understand and accept that the theory of Higgs fields (not particles) most accurately approached the concept of what quantum theories are and, most importantly, that our world, our visible reality, is based on an information component. That is, information is primary, it is followed by energy as its integral component and can manifest itself as matter in our world. There are people who can manipulate this information field a little better than others. That is, speaking about a paranormal phenomenon, first of all, one should take into account the person himself as a generator of disturbances in the information field of reality.

Perhaps the very first recognized scientific genius who confirmed the effect of the paranormal in a normal scientific way was Hans Eysenck and his work called "The Psychology of the Paranormal." Yes, this is the same scientist whose IQ tests mankind still uses.

As a result of his research, it became extremely clear that it is a person who is able to manipulate the surrounding space, and primarily on the energy-informational plane. Why would Eysenck create such a work? If only because Boeing was his customer. In reality, the company's questions were much more pragmatic than the desire to satisfy interest. The question was from the perspective: "Can a person influence the readings of high-precision instruments"? And the answer was more than yes, resulting in pilots being tested for such disturbance in the field around the person. Indeed, I would not like to find myself in a situation where the pilot sees not entirely accurate readings of the aircraft dashboard in flight. Also with passengers on board.

In fact, the information field and the ability to operate with it determine the basic pattern of the paranormal in our reality. Any of us has these inclinations, and if you develop them, they will give their results. With no exceptions.

But I'll go a little further and touch on a strange topic. Is man mortal or not? And my answer to you is no. You close your eyes in one body and open them looking at the world in a completely different way.

What Happens During Conception? Roughly the following - a person receives one strand of DNA from his father, the rest from his mother. But if you insulate a fertilized egg with a thick layer of lead from the outside, it won't develop into what we know as a human. It takes information from the outer space of the planet.

This, by the way, could be an explanation for the discovery of a glass coffin with a sleeping girl in it, known as the "Tisul Find". Someone had to lay energy matrices in the information field of our planet and enable us to develop and become a human.

These moments are very much interconnected - the manifestation of the paranormal and such examples as conception. In both cases, it is the energy-informational field that acts as the main link. Very often you can find the effect of twins, similar people, and the classic cases with twins who feel each other at a distance and have very similar fates have already become a kind of denunciation, and not just confirmation of these processes.

So after all, where is conception? I was interested in a completely different question. Why does a person behave this way and not otherwise. And the answer turned out to be prosaic - at the moment of development of the fetus, it integrates into the information system of the planet and takes from it the main scenario of development, formation … In a way, I am talking about fatality, but these processes are well known to me. That is, all those people whom you will meet, get to know each other, break up, this is already the originally planned scenario of life. Not from beginning to end, in small things and details, but you will take some moments from your direct relatives, sometimes even repeat their fate, habits, since they will be the first, whose energy-informational casts will suit your model of genetics the best.

And you will take some moments from the strongest and brightest personalities who were able to leave their mark in the information space. I call such life scenarios fractal. They are nested within one another and are repeated with such an enviable indicator that it is simply impossible not to notice the similarity of the psychodevelopment of individuals and legendary personalities.

That is, somewhere out there, in the distant and not very past, there are our first ancestors who gave the start of our civilization. We still get most of the script lines from them. It is for this reason that the knowledge of legends and myths, especially when they talk about the personal achievements of individual heroes and gods, should be our first priority.

Take, for example, the tale of a king who had three sons. It exists in different interpretations. The moment comes and the father sends his sons on a hike. Why is he doing this? Like any wise person, he understands that life is something that cannot be learned in the palace walls and complete isolation. He sends his sons for the most important thing - experience. So that they take more interesting life scenarios from the world than him, check the existing formation for the fortress. Speaking by analogies, the information field contains a lot of everything that accompanies the development and accumulation of a person's base. He's like launching a flash drive - he just needs to get into the space that is useful for him and fill his empty clusters. But such wisdom, as in the cited tales, does not appear from scratch. These are long generations of observations, understanding the development skills of their own generic branch,and the ability to sometimes choose the most suitable task as the final mission.

Are the gods our ancestors? In fact, we called them gods, placed them on icons, created statues. But with varying degrees of probability, yes. Someone is an ancestor to someone.

Where are we from? Really. Where from? When you understand how interconnected the energy-field processes are, it is difficult to imagine, for example, that our planet has decided by itself to inscribe such a being as a person into the information space. A more plausible statement is that the planet will give rise to something like the Moon than a bioorganism like us. And animals as well. That is, I am now saying that, among other things, somewhere on our planet there should be conservation chambers with reference bio-species, on the basis of which all the diversity of life is possible on our planet. And one should not think that a person does not receive, in addition to scenarios of social interaction with his own kind, also scenarios of the primary attitude towards animals.

Some of us have met such a statement as "congenital phobia". Arachnophobia, for example. Where is she from? Most likely, at conception, a specific person was chosen from the information fields of the planet and partially his reactionary model was transferred. Or the initial predisposition to a specific species - the absence of fear and the ability to understand behavior on an intuitive level. Yes, every time we are born here, we are called to improve our life scenarios. Although, not everyone succeeds.

In other words, a person is not just a flash drive. He writes basic archetypes into his memory cells. Exactly as Gustav Jung described them. A person writes in his fields not only abstract images, but also quite concrete objective ones. I'll say "teddy bear" and I'm willing to bet everyone will have different visuals. But I am also ready to bet that with a more detailed study, with a large survey of respondents, you will have a dozen typical images of a bear cub and some unaccounted percentage that is different from the rest.

In fact, the meaning of life is to prescribe as many variations as possible in the person himself and gain the highest quality experience. We will all need it much later, but more on that later.

I remember the lecture of a certain person under the pseudonym "Afghan" who, as best he could, told the Internet audience about his out-of-body experience. Of course, he called the goal of life - "to fill all your egregors." Unfortunately, the Internet community did not understand exactly what he meant. Although everything is simple - go through the scenarios of life, play the main roles of interaction with different creatures, locations, and form archetypal filled cells. This idea is not new and no one even tried to make any secret out of it. But for some reason, a person wants to believe more in some kind of qualitative purpose of his own than in what is the basis of his psychic nature.

After all, we develop from the first steps, sighs, the first visual contact. Why not pay attention to the fact that a set of experiences and reactionary patterns of life are in fact our basis? We cannot, like a chicken, instantly stand on our feet and, within a day, jump from a two-meter height after the chicken. Chicks are already hatching with programs, recognize objects, eat on their own, can sometimes recognize a threat and hide from it. But nothing more interesting happens in their lives. In this sense, a human cub must drop a rattle several hundred times in order to understand what the very principle of gravity is. And usually mothers scold their children who cannot speak for such frequent throws of toys on the ground. But do you feel the difference? Animals that from the first days are ready to run after their mother, and a person,which even has no idea at what speed objects fall down.

More sensitive people may note that sometimes they can read mental images, passages of phrases, in general, they can show telepathic capabilities. This is due to the fact that in the information field, regardless of the distance, all our actions, deeds, thoughts are the same informational disturbances, like circles on the water. Have you seen the water striders? One movement and small waves go through the water. Most simply do not realize that in our field they are just the same disturbers of space. With the difference that not just waves are transmitted in the information environment, but images, thoughts, actions. A complete package of information as a whole, as we know it from the analogs of the information world. Therefore, the manifestations of telepathy, empathy, in some way, this is the property that can only be helped.

Schizophrenia and voices in the head. What is it? And here the answer is much simpler than expected. Our cranium is designed in such a way that it has a certain resonance in a narrow frequency spectrum. By the way, any human organ individually has its own frequency. And these frequencies are pretty well known. For example, the chest resonates perfectly at the mains frequency (50-60 Hz). But this is not enough for the effect of the “voices” so dearly loved by our psychiatry. Unfortunately, at this stage of development, our cranium does not resonate with the processes that are outside the energy-informational field of the planet. That is, any source of indignation that may seem very unusual to us will be ours, planetary.

Interesting practices of lobotomy have accompanied us throughout the history of civilization, specifically in cases when the patient needed to solve this particular problem. That is, deliberately damage the cranial resonator if a person fell into a harmful wave and experienced discomfort. You won't get rid of the “voice in your head” that will tell you how to win the lottery, or warn you about an accident? Socrates even conducted a constructive dialogue with such a voice. But this will not change the fact itself - the human box is an excellent resonator for its frequency range. By the way, high blood pressure increases a person's sensory abilities at times. This provides a clue as to how our earlier ancestors formed their worldview and captured it in legends.

Now I'm talking about the fact that with a higher pressure earlier on our planet, a person could better interact with the energy-informational environment.

But we know of cases with the frequent practice of lobotomy, for example, deliberate deformation of the skull in order to give it an elongated shape. In recent years, one can often find mentions of burials of humanoid creatures, with just such a skull shape, and many of the remains actually belong to an unknown species. But quite a few skulls of "egg-headed people" have traces of artificial deformation. There is no doubt that this is an attempt to change the resonance parameters of the skull structure. Why this happened - because of an attempt to imitate, or because of an understanding of the surrounding processes, is not so important as the fact that changing the shape of the head really makes it possible to work thoughts in a different frequency range. And to dispose of images that are transcendent for a modern person, to predict future events inaccessible to understanding. This practice of changing the skull was common mainly among the aristocracy of the past, and from the ruling branches.

Do you really think that a biological carrier is responsible for a person's thought? What should be the rate of division of DNA strands so that we can instantly remember the huge watched film from beginning to end? I'm not even saying that in a regressive state, a person is able to reproduce, like in a slow motion film, a complete picture of the propagation of a ray of light in space. This is why animation artists often use this trick when depicting an explosion - the slow motion of a light wave. Indeed, they are visuals, and the looked at images are of paramount importance for them. Understanding this or not, they can sometimes reach out to their information base and convey figuratively what they have understood, seen, and accumulated. Observing a flash of light and the ability to reproduce it in a slow motion adaptation. And how many such events does a person observe during his life? And he can reproduce almost everything, highlighting some of the finest details.

So why do we know of the most often harmful examples that are considered mental deviations in the case of voices? If only because we are talking about life after life. Turn around. You don't often see rude people, pranksters, very exalted personalities and sometimes hardened criminals? But they exist in our society. And now we will talk about what happens to a person after biological life.

When a person's biological body completes its cycle, it does not need to store all the unused energy that is needed to sustain life. And it spreads in a kind of explosion into the common space. A friend of mine calls such emissions "vital", that is, living energy. And yes, in the case of direct relatives, or your DNA haplogroup, you are more likely to read this data packet.

What happens to a person after life? Does it fly in all directions like air from an exploded balloon? Not. Unnecessary energy is thrown into outer space. But it was part of the information environment, so a kind of cast spreads into the external field - a duplicate of your entire path traveled. Pay attention to the beginning of this note and the moment of conception. These are the conditions for the existence of all life as we know it. Constant information exchange and evolution of programs (now it is about the energy-informational field of the planet). A person, willing or not, prescribes his image in the information field and it is quite possible that a new personality on this planet will one day take your left trace. Therefore, the brightest flashes of the vital wave leave the strongest imprint.

What does the voice and mental disorder have to do with it? Given that the monad remains on this planet for some time, in our energy-informational field. And you will always be more likely to hear a typical "griefing" (a term from the game world - a person who deliberately spoils the game) than to receive as a voice a person who respects the inner space of others. This is our purely human feature. Therefore, you shouldn't expect griefing voices to be of any use. Yes, they do not have enough energy to create energy-intensive air vibrations, but to track a person who can recognize signals from the external information environment and transform them into understandable auditory vibrations is quite.

The problem is that the very personality of a person, his experience, do not disappear anywhere after the death of the body. And I am well aware of cases when the griefing player simply turns on the music loudly, or tries to insult other players in order to prevent the game from continuing if he knows that no one will stop him. And this is rather an indicative behavior of a grifter. What exactly happens in this case? A person receives a unique gift - to dispose of the frequency mental range of the general field, but if he shows opposite reactions, it is more than likely that he will attract just such griefers who will be traumatized by their own failures in the past life and will try to win back on other people.

And the gift instantly turns into a curse. When this happens, it is really necessary to involve representatives of psychiatry on the stage, since we all know well that there are people who drive others to suicide, push them to commit crimes and are, frankly, sadists. Do you really think that they stop working after life? Not at all. In a way, they are forced to remain in an intermediate form of existence until they come to the conclusion that they need to change their personal settings.

However, a non-sensitive person can experiment with his own resonance in order to understand which wave he is tuned to and predisposed to. It is enough to catch the moment when a person falls asleep. Inside it, various thoughts and fragments of dialogue slip through.

So religion is right when it talks about demons and demons? Yes and no at the same time. The meaning of life is to fill our field construct with normal archetypes. They form the inner personal world of the monad. Yes, indeed, in dreams, dreams, imagination - this is exactly what allows you to be in different places, to talk with different people, to replay different situations in your head. This is the very inner world that you carry in yourself, forming it from images and similarities in our reality. And in reality, we all have a lot of options after life - to stay for a while here on this planet, create our own little world, gradually expanding it and exchanging experience with other people, creatures, but already in other segments of reality, and maybe with more successful software development outcomes - to move through our Universe,choosing the place of the next stop. And not necessarily human.

In fact, death does not exist as emptiness and oblivion. Sometimes it seems that you closed your eyes and opened them again, having been born again. In fact, this is just a conclusion of a person about an unsuccessful formed life experience or a lack of it. You are truly reborn if needed, but without field memory. It is purged in order to gain a different experience. Yes, the same flash drive: - "This film is not interesting, I want to erase it and record a new one." The problem is that while we write and erase everything, we don't have time for everything else. We do not evaluate or compare. Rather, a person devoid of understanding what a common energy-informational space is, does not pay attention to all these moments.

It is wrong to say that in the case of the memories of "non-existent events" all our images are taken from our past life. We receive a lot of information from the general energy space. Well, or the information field, the universal mind, the cosmos, the one God, who is more accustomed to call it. You can get equally as someone's fragment of the cast, if it was strongly highlighted by a vital emission, then its fragments of memory and archetypes, as well as form a new life in a new body. With the person's ability to grasp the mental range, you can get something like false memories.

And along with this, the corresponding diagnosis, but I will repeat - DNA itself cannot do this. We studied the genome along and across and made sure over and over again that it corresponds to a clearly defined program. He doesn't take liberties with replication. And here understanding itself is important. If in everyday life everything goes on as usual, but there was a moment when you, not knowing the source, received false memories - most likely a highly illuminated vital outburst got into your information field, or you were still able to access the external information field and reorganize your filled experience patterns.

The person himself does not part after life with the experience that he considers valuable. One of my friends had a case when he was taught a carpentry craft by a long-dead relative. But I am not aware of any cases where genetic memory worked in this way - with illustrative examples and explanations of unknown terms. That is, life continues after life. The only question is how much it will be expedient for you to transfer or adopt a specific experience. I had more than one out-of-body experience (I call them extrafilms), and I learned well how to distinguish ordinary dreams from extrafilms, and which dreams are dictated by the energy-informational field, and which are the internal processes of the person himself and the reassessment of information.

But let's return to the processes in the energy field. As it is clear from the fact that our planet supports our life, setting quite specific programs for the development of the fetus, it is also clear that pregnancy and the development of the embryo in orbit will not go the way we are used to. In reality, we do not know how conditions other than those we are accustomed to on the surface of the Earth affect these processes. And there is a possibility that high above the surface of the planet, or at the bottom of the ocean, due to the absence of the energy-information field we are used to, we may get a not quite human appearance.

It is quite possible that some of the processes will be compensated by the mother's energy field, but in general - even if experiments were carried out in orbit and far from the earth, we are not aware of the results. It is foolish on our part to assume that such experiments were not carried out. Most likely, the experimenters were amazed by the result, and people do not need to know about it. If conception in space would have been impossible, and there would have been a high error in the fetus due to radiation bombardment, the issue would have been covered long ago.

But back to the moment of conception and the crystal coffin. Take a look at the stars. To the planets. They are mostly empty. Who and when created here an energy-informational field suitable for replication and reproduction of our species? And why are these programs still supported by the planet?

Answering these questions is both easy and difficult at the same time. Our planet is indeed a smart and complex administrative system. Take, for example, the migration of birds, which are guided by magnetic fields. This is a very, very subtle software calculation. And we know very well what will happen in the end if they go wrong. We risk waking up one day and seeing, for example, that all the swallows are gone. But other cases are also known when swans felt the warm winter and stayed for the winter in certain areas. Most likely, they are better integrated into the information field of the planet and are able to read and, most importantly, predict possible changes in the climate.

Is the climate controlled by the Earth? Yes, the existing climate is a reasonable program and it was created to support biological life. It includes absolutely all processes of the energy-informational field, including the distribution of thermal processes. However, recently we have really added trouble to the earth, as in the case of the use of reagents to neutralize the effects of the spilled oil, which for some time made changes in the Gulf Stream.

Until the moment when humanity understands the interconnection of all these processes, we frankly may not survive. Why did the pressure change? Where have the previous bearers of knowledge, civilizations gone? Where have our psychic capabilities gone? And were they so extrasensory, if there are legends that have come down to us, which unequivocally tell us that our forerunners could use the resonance of the thought box to communicate with animals.

Fortunately, there is no reason for disappointment. Human life has meaning, and to doubt this is an absolutely unacceptable and dangerous misunderstanding. Just to discover this meaning for oneself, everyone has to anew and many times during his life. And if we find ourselves in such a strange situation, when we feel like strangers on this earth - even cats and dogs feel the places of future earthquakes in a few days, unlike us - then it is our direct duty to get to the bottom of the answer what exactly happened.

After all, it turns out that we instantly lost communication with the energy-information space of the planet. Although we perceive some moments of the paranormal with caution, you must agree that somewhere in the subcortex, we all understand that man was created for something more.

P. S. These reflections are not the fruit of my fantasy, but they are the result of interaction with the mind of my friend, moreover, not only through the energy-information field, but also through joint reasoning.

Author kadykchanskiy