Dmitry Danilov - A Real Prototype Of The "Voroshilov Shooter" - Alternative View

Dmitry Danilov - A Real Prototype Of The "Voroshilov Shooter" - Alternative View
Dmitry Danilov - A Real Prototype Of The "Voroshilov Shooter" - Alternative View

Video: Dmitry Danilov - A Real Prototype Of The "Voroshilov Shooter" - Alternative View

Video: Dmitry Danilov - A Real Prototype Of The
Video: Ворошиловский стрелок. 1999 год. 2024, September

Everyone, of course, watched the film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Voroshilovsky Shooter", in which the war veteran, pensioner Afonin, perfectly played by Mikhail Ulyanov, disenchanted with the law enforcement agencies, himself takes revenge on the three scum who raped his granddaughter.

The film ends with a kind of "happy ending" - evil is punished, the girl is safely relieved of stress, and the old veteran, thanks to the local precinct, safely avoids the sword of the uncompromising and eyeless fool Themis.

In reality, everything was much more terrible and tragic. The film was based on the novel "Woman on Wednesdays" by Victor Pronin. A talented journalist and publicist Pronin worked in the magazine "Man and Law" and by the nature of his activity he has repeatedly faced amazing cases of criminal offenses, both stupid, brutal and senseless, and morally controversial. When a criminal and a murderer actually turned out to be a worthy and decent person who committed his crimes in the name of justice and the good of people.

Such was the simple guy Dmitry Danilov. He was born in Moscow into the family of a famous sportsman-boxer. From childhood, my father instilled a love of sports and real male concepts of honor and dignity. Dima grew up as a strong guy with a strong inner core. He could not stand injustice, could not calmly see how they hurt and mock a weak and defenseless person, he was always ready to help a friend. In addition to boxing, he was engaged in karate and martial arts. And not just fights, he seriously studied the philosophy of honor of the samurai (Bushido).

Once in his youth on the street, he defended a schoolgirl from boorish hooligans who molest her. Acquaintance with Olya grew into romantic love, and when it was time for Dima to go to the army, the girl promised to wait for him. Dmitry, unlike many modern youths, did not "mow" from military service, he himself literally demanded that he be sent to serve in Afghanistan (this was in the late 80s). Danilov honestly served in the Airborne Forces, did not hide behind the backs of his comrades, was a loyal friend and soldier. His hard service was facilitated by weekly letters from his beloved Olya. But a month before it ended, the letters stopped coming. The guy could not find a place for himself, did the girl really forget him, stopped waiting, found herself another? The truth turned out to be worse.


End of the 80s. The union has not collapsed, but it is already falling apart. The country was swept by a wave of uncontrolled crime. Gangs of thugs divided the streets and districts among themselves, the first organized criminal groups formed. Life was slowly but surely slipping into chernukha, where the corrupt law enforcement bodies could no longer protect ordinary citizens. One late evening Olga was returning home from classes. Then she was surrounded by a group of gopnik hooligans. They dragged the girl into a filthy basement, raped, beat and robbed, pulling out the gold earrings from her ears by the roots. The police did not accept the statement, mockingly advising "not to hang out at night." Unable to withstand humiliation and shame, the young girl wrote the last letter to Dmitry and took a lethal dose of sleeping pills. Her parents did not dare to send a dying letter to the guy in the army, they gave it when he came to their house.

Dmitry was not himself for several weeks, did not react to anything, lay in his room. Life without his beloved has lost its meaning for him. His friend did not leave him and, in order to somehow distract the guy, brought a VCR and a bunch of cassettes. Dmitry stared blankly at the screen until he came to the American action movie Death Wish, where the main character played by Charles Bronson takes revenge on street bandits and hooligans for the death of his wife and daughter.

Promotional video:


Dmitry Danilov woke up. He found himself, understood what to do. He did not know the specific rapists of his girlfriend. But was that important !? He was going to take revenge on all hooligans, bandits and rapists. Not only for Olga's death, but for the tears and shame of other dishonored girls, for bullying and beating defenseless old people, women, children. Danilov didn’t have money for weapons, but that didn’t matter either - he made a club with spikes on his own. This is the most ancient edged weapon, called a six-hand in Russia, in Europe - a morgenstern or pernach, and in Asia - buzdykhan.

Now he is a hunter. He takes to the streets, wanders through criminal areas, primarily in the Strogino microdistrict. It was there that the punks raped Olga. Already on the first evening, he notices a gang of thugs trying to drag a young girl into the driveway with a whoop and obscenities. Dmitry intercepts, gopniks leave the girl and a pack of jackals surround the guy - now they have a new profit and new entertainment. But Dmitry is not a defenseless victim - one kick in the face of the leader with a six-man, a kick in the gut to his comrade, and the whole gang of six gopnik runs away in horror, forgetting about their leader.

Whether Yuri Kapitonov was Olga's rapist is unknown. But what he got what he deserved is unambiguous. An eighteen-year-old dumbass, "otmazanny" from the army by his parents, he has already been repeatedly involved for various crimes. Every time, thanks to the efforts of the dad, the prosecutor and mom, the trade worker, he escaped punishment with impunity. In the rape case, despite the fact that everyone called him the main instigator, he appeared as a witness. For other cases it is the same. The only thing - for the obvious robbery of an old pensioner from whom he pulled out earrings with meat, was sentenced to two years. And then dad tried - conditionally. Insolent with impunity, he put together a gang of the same bastards and terrorized the entire neighborhood. But now his "exploits" have come to an end - the blow of the club has deprived him of one eye and half of his teeth.


Soon strange messages began to arrive at the police. The gang tried to take away the old man's pension, but a guy appeared and beat the thugs with a club - three mutilated. Gopniks tried to rape the girl, again an unknown avenger with a club - one killed, four wounded. The robbers tried to rob a woman - two crippled. Moreover, all the victims in one voice assured, did not touch anyone, stood in the gateway at night, asked a passing guy to light a cigarette, and in response, he attacked them with a baton. Most of these bastards considered it a normal crowd to rape, beat and rob people, but if someone single-handedly protected their victims, then for them it was not normal. They ran away from Dmitry, wetting their pants, yelling: “Crazy! You must be afraid of us!"

The venal and lazy militia, which was engaged in dispersal of the selling grannies and the pressure of the pensioners who were drinking in public gardens, was forced to take up these matters. The parents of the victims of street rapists and bandits were too rich and influential. The daddy-prosecutor of the disabled Yuri Kapitonov was especially furious.

Those militiamen who had not yet completely sold their conscience understood that the unknown avenger, in fact, was doing their job. Surprisingly, the fact is obvious - in a few months in some districts of Moscow, street crime began to decline. Pins were simply afraid to go outside.

Unfortunately, Dmitry Danilov soon fell into the hands of the cops. Late in the evening, an elderly man was returning home with two shopping bags. In the gateway, three bulwarks ran into him, took away the bags, and he was knocked down and kicked. But then Danilov appeared, scattered the punks in a whirlwind, piercing the heads of two robbers with a six-man. And here a patrol car appeared, called by vigilant citizens. The former soldier tried to escape, ran through the entrance entrance into the neighboring yard and dropped into the parked Zhigulenok. But he did not know how to drive a car yet, he just started going to driver courses, he got into a pole.

During the investigation and trial, Danilov did not hide anything, admitted to all the episodes presented. He only expressed regret that he had not completely cleared the city of bandits and rapists. Despite the pressure from the relatives of the injured punks, including the pope of Kapitonov, even the corrupt judges could not give Dmitry a death sentence. The court's decision was postponed 8 times! Ultimately, Dmitry Danilov was sentenced to 15 years in prison.


The writer Viktor Pronin was fully aware of this story. He himself wrote about her in the magazine "Man and Law". Moreover, he clearly sympathized with Danilov. The real story of the guy formed the foundational core of the book "Woman on Wednesdays". Of course, the writer has changed a lot: instead of a young Afghan warrior, an elderly veteran of the Great War, instead of a six-operative, a sniper rifle. But the essence has remained unchanged: good must be with fists, divine punishment and human retribution exist.

Dmitry Danilov has served his term in full. But his further fate is unknown. He either left for a remote Altai village, or left as a monk in an Old Believer skete. Maybe there his rushing soul found peace.

Despite the fact that Dmitry Danilov has at least two murders and a dozen mutilated people on his account, he does not dare to condemn the guy. He is a real man, a worthy person and a citizen. It was thanks to people like him that Russia and other Soviet republics were able to go through the terrible timelessness of the 90s.

Author: REX
