The Biofield Of The Holy Image - Alternative View

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The Biofield Of The Holy Image - Alternative View
The Biofield Of The Holy Image - Alternative View

Video: The Biofield Of The Holy Image - Alternative View

Video: The Biofield Of The Holy Image - Alternative View
Video: The new frontier in health care: Biofield Science | Thornton Streeter | TEDxSREC 2024, September

Today scientists are trying to understand the healing gift of icons, to find a scientific basis for the miracles they perform. One of the hypotheses that can explain the healing properties of holy images is the idea of a bioenergetic field. According to some researchers, not only living beings have such a field.

Under certain conditions, it can accumulate in various objects. Let's stand in the church for a while and watch the parishioners. Temple patrons immediately stand out for their behavior. They make a difficult path along the walls of the temple: they stand for a long time with prayer at some icons, they simply sign the banner of the cross at others and indifferently walk past others. Each believer intuitively seeks among the holy images of his own, evoking a response or, in scientific terms, "resonance" in the soul. It is this resonance of the human biofield with the bioenergetics introduced into the icon by its creator that leads to the healing effect.

Creator trance

Let's remember how icons were created. Before writing them, the icon painter purified himself from fleshly passions for a long time: he fasted, prayed, trying to achieve such a state of mind when not he, but someone from above began to lead him with his hand. Using modern terminology, we can say that the icon painter entered a state of trance. In this state, modern psychics perform their healings. And it was the trance of the icon painter that allowed the icons to accumulate the charge of bioenergy that was descending in them.

Some works of artists, also written in a state of trance, have a similar property of accumulating bioenergy. For example, here is what Viktor Korolev told about the creation of his paintings:

“I have a strange feeling that someone is putting pressure on the psyche and demanding to take up the brush immediately. I just can't do other things. This condition is reflected in my biofield as well. It increases dramatically. When, for example, I walk around the room and approach the transistor, it immediately becomes silent. The wife shouts from the kitchen: "Get away from the radio immediately, I need to know the weather for tomorrow!" I move away from the transistor and wait until the weather forecast ends."

The pictures created by Korolyov in a trance state sometimes turn out to be healing for people. But for this, a person needs to experience resonance around them, or, as Korolev says, “the vibrations of the picture's biofield coincide with the vibrations of a person”.

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However, sometimes a kind of negative resonance arises, and then the picture strikes a bioenergetic blow to the unwary viewer. The artist tells how one overly emotional visitor to the gallery, where the painting was hanging, got a burn on her hand, swinging in the heat of an argument at an image she did not like.

Dangerous icons

Some icons have an even more intense bioenergetic effect. For example, what happened to a certain Russian tourist in (5gokholm. A group of Russian tourists entered the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. Church services were no longer held there, the temple was turned into a museum. Most of the tourists rushed to the royal tombstones, and one turned into a small door and found himself in a gloomy, semi-lighted room, its walls covered with paintings and icons.

One of the icons caught the tourist's eyes for a long time, as if someone had tied him to it with invisible threads. It became hard to breathe, there was not enough air, the heart began to beat more muffled, but there was no strength to move away from the strange image. The clerk of the museum saved the unlucky tourist. He literally carried him into an empty huge hall.

When the Russian came to his senses, he learned that he was not the first to be influenced by the ancient icon. Sightseers who came to the cathedral often complained about the ailments they experienced around this icon. Two years ago, one woman even fainted. After this incident, the icon was removed from the wall of the main hall and transferred to the storeroom.

Cases of the harmful effects of some icons on human health are recorded quite often. Chief Researcher of the State Hermitage, Professor Boris Sapunov drew attention to the fact that in one of the halls of the museum the caretakers very often fall ill. The icons, according to the women, caused them high blood pressure, headaches and general malaise, but no one took their complaints seriously.

“This is an inexplicable phenomenon that began to be observed a long time ago,” said Boris Sapunov. - Three or four employees, who were constantly in the hall with icons, quickly died from various diseases, and these coincidences began to excite me. As soon as the caretakers' chairs were moved to other places, all the troubles stopped."

To understand the causes of strange ailments, the professor invited Marina Moloskhulova, a famous Petersburg psychic and medium, to the museum. In the hall, her attention was attracted by two icons, which, according to the clairvoyant, had a real negative impact on the caretakers: "Apostles Peter and Paul" and "Savior not made by hands." Why did their presence in the hall cause illness in women?

Marina Moloskhulova claims that the icon depicting the apostles was painted by an "ill-tempered" person with many vices, with a sick soul. "It was dreary in his soul when he created the faces of holy men." The psychic even managed to establish an information connection with the late icon painter, who said: “I am Mitroshka, Selevanov's son, I got along with this icon with a drunken hangover. It was given to me by my father to paint the faces of Saints Peter and Paul to the delight of those praying … I involuntarily painted this icon, for there was nothing to pay for the poll tax …"

Of course, what kind of positive bioenergy can be put into an icon if it was written involuntarily, and even with a hangover? Moloskhulova also gave a description of the icon's impact. According to her, she gave two beams of exposure to the minus plan, which negatively affect the liver and gallbladder - after all, Mitroshka created her in a state of binge.

The reason why the icon "Savior not made by hands" had a negative impact was different. Here is what the psychic said: “The icon painter who created the upper composition was vouchsafed by the Lord to paint the son of God Jesus. Which he did with great diligence and worked according to the will of the Lord. But the icon painter was in a hurry and entrusted the lower plan to his disciples - people far from religious piety. As a result of the combination of his energy and the energy of two less experienced students, an energy triangle arose and a gap in the energy-informational field of the entire icon, which sucks the energy, throws it to the Earth."

The museum's art critic also noted different stylistic features of the lower and upper parts of the icon. And that's what's more interesting. The icon was brought to the Hermitage from the Church of the Ascension. The psychic did not know about this fact, however, she also indicated that the image was written for the Church of the Ascension.

After Marina Moloskhulova's analysis of the impact of these icons, they were removed from the Hermitage exhibition and transferred to the storerooms.

Unbearable frequency

In the Hermitage, scientists conducted an examination and found that although, most likely, the icons did not bear direct “responsibility” for the poor health of people, they spread around them energy that makes the human brain vibrate at a high frequency.

The biofield of any living or inanimate object, including icons, is formed from ultra-high-frequency signals. A person approached her - she, with her radiation, sets the direction and frequency of his brain radiation, tunes in to search for a way out of an illness or other misfortune. Believers call this effect a miracle.

To achieve it, the icon painters received the blessing of the church, kept fasting and prayed to the saint whose image they were going to paint. Thus, they brought their brain into accord with the energy-informational structures left after his death. After all, all the saints were once people, but special, with the ability to radiate energy at high frequencies. The icon painter, who captured the image of the saint of God, entered a special state, turning into a receiver of "healing" radiation. And when an image appeared on the icon board, it began to work as a generator of such energy. And then the believer, through the image of a saint, includes a subconscious attunement to healing, consolation, etc.

Miracle from the suitcase

However, the harmful effects of some icons are still rare. Usually they contribute to the mental and physical health of a person with their biofield.

For example, what happened to Natalia Rekunova. After the death of her grandmother, Natalya's family moved more than once from one apartment to another. Together with them, my grandmother's favorite icon - "The Face of the Savior" in a simple copper setting, moved. Once they forgot to get the image out of an old suitcase, which they put out of sight along with other trash.

But somehow Natalya Vasilievna started a general cleaning and suddenly felt that from the corner of the pantry it was as if a hot wind was blowing on her. Hot vibrations came from a shabby suitcase, where Natalya found an old grandmother's icon. Her frame was as hot as if it had been held on a stove.

According to the woman, at first she was scared: what if something smolders in the closet? But then I realized: it's all about the image of the Savior. He reminded of himself, "asked from oblivion." And, as it turned out, it was no coincidence - trouble soon knocked at Rekunova's house.

The doctors told Natalya Vasilievna that she had leukemia. By the tone of the doctors, the woman understood: they do not really hope for a cure. Her despair knew no bounds. “Lord, help” - bursting into tears, the woman fell to her knees before the face of the Savior …

Two weeks later, she came to the next appointment with the doctor to send her to the operation. The doctor was amazed: a blood test showed that Natalya Vasilievna's indicators were like those of a healthy person!

The miracle that happened to Natalia Rekunova and other patients, to whom health returned mysteriously after communicating with icons, comments Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pavel Goskov:

- One of the many experiments that we conducted at the Department of Information Technology was as follows. In front of the ancient icon for only ten minutes (this is quite enough!), A glass of water was placed to recharge. Then the wheat grains were poured with both charged and ordinary water. The result was always the same: the wheat sprinkled with water, which was charged by the icon, germinated much better. And the seedlings themselves then developed more actively. This absolutely confirms the healing effect of the "prayed icons", which the believers have known from time immemorial.

My colleagues and I took for comparison two copies of one icon, but one "list" was old, and the other completely new. So, if the effect was observed in the new copy, it was much weaker.

M. Taranov