The Laws Of Energy Space Formation: We Are Responsible For Everything That Happens To Us - Alternative View

The Laws Of Energy Space Formation: We Are Responsible For Everything That Happens To Us - Alternative View
The Laws Of Energy Space Formation: We Are Responsible For Everything That Happens To Us - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of Energy Space Formation: We Are Responsible For Everything That Happens To Us - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of Energy Space Formation: We Are Responsible For Everything That Happens To Us - Alternative View
Video: Zero-Point Energy Demystified | Space Time 2024, September

Says the head of the Department of Energy Information Technologies of the Academy of NAST of Russia, the author of the books "Chronicles of the Real World", Major General of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in reserve Ratnikov Boris Konstantinovich.

A person lives in an energetic space and is influenced by various field structures that fill the surrounding world. A person's thought has an energetic expression and its appearance brings objective disturbances into the surrounding space, absorbed by various field structures or energy-informational formations.

Ordinary human feelings generate certain energetic vibrations of the subtle plane of different frequencies. These vibrations are low-frequency if they carry aggression, envy, anger, violence, etc. High-frequency vibrations, on the contrary, carry good, love, compassion, respect and encourage a person to positive behavior.

And now these vibrations come into resonance with similar energy formations of the surrounding space. The resonance effect is achieved through the intensity of desire and the confidence to achieve what you want. This interaction at the energy level allows creating favorable conditions around this person for the implementation of the plan.


The strongest influence on the general psychoenergetic space is exerted by: a person's worldview, his attitude towards himself and others, his actions and deeds. The energy itself does not have a sign, the functionality of the generated energy is given by a person with his thought forms and mental images. Uniting into one whole, penetrating each other at a subtle level, merging, individual souls give rise to a kind of psychic being, representing a new type of psychic individuality, which begins to control people.

This “psychic being” or energy-informational formation created by people and uniting them according to the frequency characteristic is called “Egregor”. In other words, it is an energy-informational object in the subtle world, associated with certain states of people, ideas, desires, aspirations.

Egregor arises with the obligatory presence of a person. Any such energy structure bears in itself dependence on the energy of the people and people feeding it on the idea, worldview and direction of the egregor's energies. Egregors always consciously or unconsciously use the energy of thought, word, action.

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Traditions, customs, rituals, holidays, phenomena, miracles and other similar things are all magical actions. The more carefully they are designed and observed, the more magical power they have, the more they influence people. Parades, demonstrations, religious processions, fires of sectarians, torchlight processions, salutes, fireworks - all these are massive magical actions of various strengths of certain egregors. Now it has become fashionable to observe fasting, but this is a direct binding of oneself to the corresponding egregor and its certain nourishment and support.

From the point of view of physics, this field formation is a soliton - a wave packet or resonator. If in some team up to 4% of employees intensively support the same idea, then their collective consciousness begins to work as a resonator and to influence other people in terms of supporting this idea.

The energy-informational field can be created not only by an idea, a common goal, but also by desires, certain qualities and vices of people.

When a person falls ill, he connects to the egregor of this disease and an exchange begins between the person and this field formation. A person feeds this wave parasite with the energies of his emotions, thoughts, suffering, and the egregor feeds the disease itself in a person.

Negative moments appear in the actions of an egregor when he begins to level, suppress the individualities of people, adjust them to certain ideas, to a single worldview. In this case, a person loses his individuality, becomes a part of this field monster, the executor of his will.

Any collective of people has its own psychoenergetic space: family, various organizations, nation, people, state, all mankind as a whole. And everywhere - from family to humanity - the same principles operate.

Relationships in the family create an appropriate energy-informational field in which children are born, their upbringing takes place, and certain events take place. This field is also called the space of love, if it is built precisely on love. The common field is created by all family members and they are all responsible for the events taking place in it. Therefore, it is very important to know the laws of the formation of this space, which will allow you to create it correctly.

Hence, the words become clear: "Every nation is worthy of its ruler." The general mood of all members of society creates a space of the appropriate quality, in which a certain leader appears according to another saying: "An apple does not fall far from an apple tree." Therefore, when assessing the situation in the family, team, state, it is necessary, first of all, to assess the human material.

Elements, natural formations and phenomena also have egregorial properties. Mountains, rivers, seas, oceans, plants and trees create their energy-informational space, exerting a powerful influence on the behavior and health of people. In the formation of "human" field structures, the main factor is the qualitative composition of the participants in the process. Every person possesses consciousness, and some individuals have a highly developed consciousness and they can single-handedly come into contact with various energy formations, for example, with the consciousness of the planet, the Universe, etc.


This is the source of the significant human influence on the events taking place in the world and a huge responsibility for the fact that this world is created by our thoughts and actions.

An individual person can also be an egregor. Especially now you can see many different so-called spiritual schools, the leaders and initiators of the idea of which themselves create their own egregor. Where consciously, and where unconsciously, by various methods, they collect the energy of their students, followers, interested persons, concentrate these energies, and then use them to solve their personal problems.

Through contactees-operators, various field formations or energy-informational entities enter the connection, posing as “teachers”, “saints”, “angels”, etc. It all depends on the consciousness of the person himself - what kind of understanding he gets, this answer is given to him. The path to harmony can only be shown by the one who is harmonious himself !!!

Many people are happy to come under any egregor, accept its worldview, because it relieves them of the need to think for themselves, to choose for themselves, to set goals and objectives themselves, to solve them and take responsibility for these decisions. an independent step is creativity, this is freedom, this is a person!

The energy of love opens access to any egregor. Love is the strongest unifying principle!

Quite often, a self-destruction program can be put under the authority of an egregor, in case of getting out of its influence. So do the egregors of alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, prostitutes, sectarians, and others with their "clients".

It is in the conflict, quarrels, collisions that egregor finds "food" for itself in the form of outbursts of negative human energy. An inharmonious person looking for freedom outside himself is the material from which these field monster entities are built. People define their lives by their inner state. Slave psychology makes you look for an egregor or create one.

Uniting on the basis of a set of certain personal qualities, according to the proverb: “Your brother-in-law - sees from afar,” people create a psychoenergetic formation called egregor.

The difference between a progressive egregor and a conservative one is the attitude towards the future. Any egregor carries dissatisfaction with the present day.

Dissatisfaction with oneself and the present arises with the inner disharmony of a person. Knowledge, faith and love save a person from submission to field education. The more a person is dissatisfied with himself, the more he wants to imitate others. Imitation also grows with increasing self-doubt. By imitating, a person strives to be like someone, disguises himself, hides. In this case, he does not want to take responsibility, and this leads to the loss of individuality.


Being under the influence of egregor, a person imitates even more than when he was outside of it. This once again confirms the fact that egregor levels personality and drowns out individuality. The growth of spirituality allows one to get away from the action of this or that field formation.

Even the simplest good deeds and deeds contribute to the transformation of space, and various manifestations of love dramatically increase the effectiveness of transformations. The interaction of egregors with a person occurs in accordance with his internal state, with the disclosure of love in him, with the presence of knowledge, in accordance with his worldview.

When a certain number of difficulties and problems are accumulated in the family in the relationship between a man and a woman, love leaves the first position and a psychoenergetic mediator appears in the couple - the egregor of the couple, which begins to acquire negative traits. They gave birth to it themselves and feed it with their conflicts and quarrels, splashing out negativity outside. The worse the relationship in a couple, the more powerful the mediator, and now he is already on the offensive, provoking the spouses to the appropriate actions, thoughts, words.

People, being in a low state of consciousness, at one time created the image of the devil, threw off all the negativity on him, fed him with energies, and then began to be afraid. Everything is in the mind of a person. Wisdom is a mind filled with love, and in such a mind there is no place for the devil. There is only one obstacle on the way to a happy life - our laziness! Today, a person's spiritual literacy is needed at the modern level.

One must first of all understand that all situations of life do not roll over a person, but he himself gets into them. In life, you never need to force a situation, it will always resolve itself. Love is protection from evil! When faced with evil, we usually get upset, that is, we dissolve this vibration of evil in ourselves. But after all, this was what an evil person was trying to achieve, and we, having poisoned ourselves, come home and poison our home and loved ones. If we loved our enemy, then the vibration of evil would be reflected from us and with terrible force would hit the one who sent the evil impulse.

All our deeds go into the energy-informational field, because they are forms of energy. It remains there and, at a certain moment, when it is needed, it comes back to us. As far as you have many thought-forms or forms-actions of negative orientation, so often they will begin to pour on you. This is so called bad luck! Most people do not want to understand that it is not age that brings disease, but the organization of life.

Happiness and unhappiness is a state of mind. The need exists only in the human mind. It is the mind that is the main illusionist in life. For most people, the mind is constantly living in the "want" state! And therefore is in an excited state because of the many "want". And this "want" already takes possession of the person and begins to command and control him.

In pursuit of this or that need, people lose themselves. The best remedy for needs is giving! Always give as much as you want to receive! And what can a person give infinitely much in order to receive also a lot? Of course - Love !!! It is in the love of man that there is infinitely much and this resource must be used.

Everyone must learn well that when a critical mass is reached, money gains Consciousness (a conscious image) and the person who has a lot of money interacts with the consciousness of the egregor of money and from this his own consciousness becomes different - he begins to behave arrogantly, does not notice old friends and relatives, disrespectful to the people around him, etc.

The energy of human suffering is pumped up by the common egregor of evil. Particularly valuable is the force flow caused by the suffering of people during hunger, disease, and panic. Or when a person begins to be jealous, envious, he finds himself under the influence of a feeling of greed, lust, and hatred.

The most important thing is that the process of suffering takes place. This low-frequency egregor requires not just some horrible energy, but creative, creative psi-energy. This wave specialized energy center is filled with strength through human suffering. The latter, no matter whether they are physical or mental, when they become excessive, they squeeze all the strength out of a person and, first of all, his creative potential.

A trouble-free technology for creating human suffering has always been and remains disorientation of the consciousness of society, in other words, a total lie. The essence of the lie is the same - the withdrawal of human consciousness from the truth. Excitation of false energy fields is carried out using the information "key". It is necessary that this "key" exactly fit the gigantic flywheel of power - egregor. This applies equally to mental appeals, confirming the popular saying: "What you sow, so you reap!"

Author: Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov