The Human Body Is One Of The Most Advanced Bio-suits In The Galaxy - Alternative View

The Human Body Is One Of The Most Advanced Bio-suits In The Galaxy - Alternative View
The Human Body Is One Of The Most Advanced Bio-suits In The Galaxy - Alternative View

Video: The Human Body Is One Of The Most Advanced Bio-suits In The Galaxy - Alternative View

Video: The Human Body Is One Of The Most Advanced Bio-suits In The Galaxy - Alternative View
Video: What If Humans Achieved Final Form? | Unveiled 2024, September

The human body is a complex structure and as part of the Trinity of your being, it should not be underestimated. It contains much more than is known to modern sciences (writes Sergey Rostovsky). We will not touch upon esoteric teachings, but immediately try to understand why the body of a modern person is so unique. And the answer, as always, is not so deep. In the womb - in embryonic development.

The similarity in the development of animal embryos is quite obvious. I will move on to the conclusions from this similarity. And they will not in any way be connected with the academic nonsense called the Theory of Evolution (rather a hypothesis and very weak).

On the intrauterine development of man, like other animals, one thing is clear, with which it is impossible to argue - this is the striking similarity of different species. The second common thing is the staging of development through similar stages. The third important point is the time of individualization. And all this does not speak about the Evolution of humans from invertebrates, then reptiles and finally to mammals. All this says something else. Namely about the General Biological Broth of Creation.


Let's imagine such a fantastic kitchen laboratory. The laboratory assistants-cooks kneaded the biomaterial into the vat and by adding one or another genetically modified additive-seasoning get a new biological species-dish in each new plate-test tube. Fish, poultry, meat … Oh, that is, animals. Well, as a delicacy - the human body.

I see that these gastronomic analogies are already causing unpleasant associations. This is bad. This means that you have never learned to associate yourself with the One who is Within. After all, everything should be clear. The body is Food. The human body is an excellent dish. But not for some cannibals from the newfangled five-brother nonsense. And not for those Shepherds who are now grazing the flock and everyone eats it based on their own gastronomic inclinations. The latter is just negative and is a consequence of the enslavement of the Earth's surface. And this is for the time being.

The real purpose of the human body is to be food for the immortal Spirit reincarnating in it. Hence one more conclusion: the stronger, older and more experienced the Spirit, the more intensely its body is eaten. As the people say there: “Great people leave early”? And this also has its own truth …

But we have not covered the main points. What is hidden in the body that makes a person different from animals? And here we will not follow the lead of scientists who assert the presence of higher mental activity. Because to call it "highest" is the stupidest bravado, and the mental language does not turn, if we compare it with the structure of the brain of the same dolphins and get acquainted with some test results for their "intelligence that surpasses human".

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Let's better talk about superpowers right away. If they were not potentially invested in the body of a modern person, the Essences of a higher order would not have been able to enter these bodies. And even if we take only mythology on faith - there were a lot of such cases in ancient times. The same "ancient Greek" demigods-heroes, or even more so the great prophets and miracle workers of various religious legends. The stories about Nicholas the Wonderworker (who was not a Christian of course) alone are enough to understand what the ancient Spirit is capable of in the human body. Find and study, not forgetting to perceive with a sober mind, formed in the modern information space. You will be delighted with many things.

And we will summarize the topic clearly. Look at yourself in the mirror. Consider carefully and remember that you were once unable to walk, run, swim or ride a bicycle. And think now - and where did you get the idea that the entire set of skills and abilities potentially present in your body should be limited only by these simplest mechanical methods of primitive translational movement in space. But what about the more advanced techniques - flying or even teleportation? But what about time - after all, it is so closely connected with space? Understand - you are very lucky to own one of the most advanced bio-suits in the galaxy, keeping many more secrets from your mind and waiting for your inquisitive study …