The Fact Of The Existence Of The Soul And Material Consciousness Has Been Proven, But - Rejected By The Majority - Alternative View

The Fact Of The Existence Of The Soul And Material Consciousness Has Been Proven, But - Rejected By The Majority - Alternative View
The Fact Of The Existence Of The Soul And Material Consciousness Has Been Proven, But - Rejected By The Majority - Alternative View

Video: The Fact Of The Existence Of The Soul And Material Consciousness Has Been Proven, But - Rejected By The Majority - Alternative View

Video: The Fact Of The Existence Of The Soul And Material Consciousness Has Been Proven, But - Rejected By The Majority - Alternative View
Video: Science Of The Soul - Full Documentary 2024, September

As soon as humanity accepts the theory of the existence of the Soul, the world will begin to move into a new era - the era of justice, development and prosperity. For this you need to have an expanded consciousness.


Consciousness does not belong to the brain and it is material. This has been proven experimentally by many scientists and more than once.

A. F. Okhatrin
A. F. Okhatrin

A. F. Okhatrin.

Experiments academician A. F. Okhatrin accomplished the incredible, he made THOUGHTS VISIBLE.


Okhatrin invented a special photoelectronic apparatus for this.


Promotional video:

“We asked a psychic woman to radiate a kind of field, giving him information. When she did this, with the help of a photoelectric apparatus, we recorded what was happening.


The photo showed how a SOMETHING CLOUD separates from the surrounding aura and begins to move on its own. Such thought-forms, saturated with certain moods and emotions, can take root in people and even INFLUENCE THEM."


Professor A. Chernetsky in the 1980s also repeatedly recorded mental images created by the human brain using an electrostatic sensor.


But the entire medical world, represented by leading academicians, began to refute the Ural colleagues, who were discussing according to the principle - this cannot be, because it can never be.

Well, we have no choice but to wait until common sense wins and the scientific world expresses a desire to understand what consciousness is, where it is, how it looks and how to contact it.


Hopefully this will happen in the near future.
