Brainwashing - Alternative View

Brainwashing - Alternative View
Brainwashing - Alternative View

Video: Brainwashing - Alternative View

Video: Brainwashing - Alternative View
Video: How To Control Your Mind In 10 Minutes (USE This To BrainWash Yourself) 2024, July

Zombification is the manipulation of a person's behavior without his knowledge, which is carried out according to a certain program from the outside, and depriving a person with its help of freedom of choice and thinking. As a rule, a wide variety of technologies and techniques are used, both separately and in various combinations. This can be suggestion, deep hypnosis, intimidation and unfulfillable promises (the so-called "carrot and stick" method), black magic techniques (love spells, conspiracies), telepathy, as well as the impact on the human subconscious with the help of modern technologies (sound, image, infrasound, ultrasound, electromagnetic waves).

Zobification can be both massive, there and individual, and in time it can last from a few minutes to a lifetime. There is also the concept of zombie depth, which determines how deeply a particular zombie program has been embedded. If the zombification is 100 percent successful, the person becomes outwardly a fanatic, but in fact - a weak-willed slave who devotes his whole life to the dissemination of this program and its propaganda. If the zombification is superficial, a person may not even feel certain thoughts embedded in him, but this does not mean at all that they do not play any negative role in his life.

For the most part, zombie programs spread quickly enough in society, like an epidemic. And the more ignorant this society is, the faster the zombie occurs and the more destructive its consequences. In addition, zombie programs can change and mutate, moving from one species to another, adapting to conditions.

Zombie programs are spread through multiple channels. These are traditional books, movies, music and various computer programs. Some experts argue that zombie programs can spread, like viruses, literally through the air. Psychics say that this is the transfer of dark thought forms from the aura of one person to another. Some scientists suggest that a person can be zombified not only through information transmitted to him, but also through food and smells. In particular, this point of view is held by psychics and fortune-tellers who commit "love conspiracies" for products, which are then given to the chosen one. This is one of the forms of zombie, because it deprives a person of freedom of choice and manipulates his behavior.

Some elements of zombification are also contained in modern advertising, although in most cases the advertising itself is a zombie program, because there is not only outright deception, but also the use of conditioned reflexes and visual images. Of course, all of the above does not mean at all that all advertising has become the basis for influencing a person. There are a lot of commercials that calmly acquaint the consumer with certain goods and services without forcible suggestion.

Scientists claim that various zombie programs can overlap one another. Simply put, if a person is sick with one disease, this does not mean at all that he cannot be subject to the second and third. So in this case - the presence of one suggested thought does not exclude the possibility that there may be several more. If these thoughts are opposing, then the stronger supplants the weak. If these thoughts are related, then they reinforce each other. In the event that a certain zombie program dominates in a person, it is very noticeable to those around him, because a person is fixated on one idea, completely ignoring reality.

Some of the most effective zombie programs are television and the Internet. The opposition between the Internet and television has long been apparent. Every student knows that only spiritually beggars watch TV. Zomboyaschik is the enemy of free thought, which acts on its victims, poisoning the brain with propaganda and spreading an atmosphere of hatred.

In contrast, the Internet is a kind of haven of free-thinking, where everyone can get acquainted with a large variety of points of view and choose from them the one that most corresponds to their own worldview, boldly express their opinion, enter into an argument and come to a common truth. …

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In fact, the situation is completely different. The reality of this statement is too contradictory, since for a long time information wars have moved to the vastness of the Internet, and the number of bots and fakes has crossed all reasonable limits. But it is not so scary, much more scary when quite real people turn into such fakes and bots.

And it is quite usual, when some intelligent person on social networks completely transforms, posts mountains of delusional demotivators and texts, violently attacking those who think differently.

One and the same person in real life and on the Internet behaves so differently that it simply cannot scare and certainly suggests some kind of obsession.

Undoubtedly, the Internet provides a lot of useful information, is of great importance for self-organization and self-expression, helps to stay in touch, but only if you stay in such an environment for a short time. Otherwise - depression, anger, irritation …

Those who have joined the Internet are sure that the TV is quite safe compared to it. Of course, propaganda is broadcast there, but in a milder form. Numerous participants in political shows scream heart-rendingly at each other, pouring mountains of dirt and filth, but they say absolutely nothing that each of us would not read on the Internet. But these attacks and grimaces practically do not offend anyone, because at any time they can simply be turned off.

The TV viewer is assigned the role of a passive observer, a consumer of a certain picture, and nobody cares about his own opinion. But no matter how strange it may sound, television appeals to the human mind, presenting a certain picture of the world, distorted by propaganda. However, it does not require any emotion. The viewer can agree with what was shown to him, or disagree and go about his business, forgetting about what he saw and heard. And even if a person's mind is outraged by another story, this person can only pour out his anger to a neighbor in the stairwell, who nods sympathetically, and then the conversation will smoothly turn to everyday problems.

Nothing of the kind can be said about the Internet. Throughout its existence, it has been striving for ever greater interactivity. Here a person is not a passive spectator or reader - he is an active participant. The ideal user is one who likes, clicks, repost automatically, constantly writes statuses and comments. The Internet encourages constant active actions, albeit as insignificant as likes and clicks, but all together this creates the illusion of an active life. The Internet destroys the distance between a person and his “virtual adversary”. But television cannot do this, because it is extremely problematic to meet on the street an enemy seen on TV.

And if it is possible to meet - to go up to him and express everything is scary, because he can give back. It is very easy to spread the atmosphere of hatred on the Internet, because here you can lay out everything sore, and no one can do anything, except to ban.

Moreover, the illusion of a close-knit circle of like-minded people is created on the Internet, which appears from mutual comments, re-posts, likes, awakening the herd instinct in the most rude form. It is very scary to fight off the herd, it is even more scary to be different from everyone else, to arouse alienation and rejection among “our own”.

Thus, personal space is completely destroyed, freedom of speech disappears. The worst thing is that there is no freedom of feelings and thoughts either.

Thus, the Internet and television are not different, like propaganda and its absence, but are two types of propaganda - mobilization and reactionary. Television is lying, but it does not at all pretend to be the souls and hearts of viewers. It is not at all important for him to be loved, but he needs to be believed. For the rest, contempt and polite indifference will do.

The Internet seeks to wean one from rational thinking and independence, to accustom one to herding, to turn it into an easily manipulated crowd that is ready to think and act on command and, at the necessary moment, turn into cannon fodder. But if it is possible to live without a TV, then today you cannot do without the Internet.

Thus, the question of which "brainwashing" is more effective - via television or via the Internet - is at least incorrect, because this is not even a choice between two evils, it is a complete lack of choice. It's like boasting that you don't drink alcohol because you do drugs …