These Magical Cats - Alternative View

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These Magical Cats - Alternative View
These Magical Cats - Alternative View

Video: These Magical Cats - Alternative View

Video: These Magical Cats - Alternative View

One often hears that cats are magical animals closely associated with mysticism and the other world … Is this just a myth or is there any concrete evidence for that? What can cats really do?

Cats share their energy with humans

Cats have a habit of rubbing against a person's legs, jumping on his knees or lying on his chest, stomach, legs … Not everyone likes this behavior of animals, some immediately drive away the purr.

And if you think about it? After all, you've probably noticed that cats are not fond of and come into tactile contact with everyone. If guests come to the house, the cat approaches some and tries in every possible way to make contact with them, while avoiding others. And among the owners, the cat most often chooses one of the family members with whom she contacts most often.

This can be someone who is sympathetic to her, or someone who needs recharge, who has a weakened energy. For example, a tired or sick person. A cat can lie for hours on a sore area of the body, and it really becomes easier for a person. This is why cats are often called healers. For example, I had a cat that lay down in the head area and actually did a massage, relieving headaches and other uncomfortable sensations.

Cats suck negative energy

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Unlike humans, cats are more suitable for so-called geopathogenic zones, since their own biofield has a negative charge. If the cat likes to lie in some place, then there is an accumulation of negative energy. But the cat is still capable of transforming this energy, turning it into positive one. So the cat also performs the function of a kind of energy "vacuum cleaner" that cleans the space.

Cats come into contact with otherworldly forces

Psychics and parapsychologists say that cats are able to live simultaneously in our and parallel dimensions. In fact, they are able to see various subtle entities. We don't really know who lives around us - it can be brownies, ghosts or some other evil spirits. People, as a rule, do not see them, but animals feel, and possibly observe visually. Especially cats.

It is not for nothing that there is a tradition to be the first to launch a cat into the house during housewarming. She knows how to "negotiate" with the former "inhabitants" of the dwelling. This is especially useful if you are moving into a house where someone has already lived.

The cat quickly discovers an "extraneous" entity. She watches her for a while, trying to figure out her intentions. If the cat sees in essence a threat, she tries to drive her out of the house. Sometimes she even "pulls in" evil spirits. It is from here that the belief that evil spirits ride on cats.

How can you tell if your pet has come into contact with a "subtle" entity? Very simple. If a cat often assumes a tense posture and looks, for example, at an empty corner, as if someone is there, or plays with someone invisible, runs after “him”, attacks, then there is no doubt that an astral being has settled in your house …

Unfortunately, contact with such an entity can be dangerous for the cat. There have been cases when animals as a result of such "communication" were injured or even died. Yes, and people can be in danger - in the form of diseases, troubles, aggressive poltergeist … Therefore, magicians advise, it is better to get ahead of events and conduct a cleansing ritual in the place where "something" is recorded. Sometimes it helps to read the prayer (usually "Our Father"), sprinkling with holy water. Sometimes a special magic ceremony is required. As a last resort, try at least fumigating this area of the house with wormwood - this is a traditional old remedy for evil spirits.

True, if you decide on the ritual of exorcism, be sure to remove the cat from the room. It can interfere with "communication" with the spirits. You should not allow the presence of a cat at spiritualistic sessions.

Cats protect from unkind people

In our environment, sometimes we come across people with whom communication is undesirable for us - negatively minded, energy vampires. There are also those who own magical techniques, can bring the evil eye or damage. If you are visited by a person who you feel is likely to harm you, try to keep the cat within your reach. It is best if, in the process of communicating with an unwanted visitor, you stroke her scruff with your left hand and her tail with your right. Thus, your auras will close into a single energetic circuit and this will help resist bad thoughts.

If a cat expresses aggression towards one of your guests, rushes at him, hisses, scratches, then it is possible that he is unfriendly to you (even if outwardly he makes a completely different impression). One of my cats perfectly felt those who disliked me, even if they hid it, and invariably pounced on them during visits.

So it's still useful to keep a cat in the house. Even if you don't believe in mysticism. Just in case.