Kilometers Of Ancient Underground Tunnels - Who Created Them And Why? - Alternative View

Kilometers Of Ancient Underground Tunnels - Who Created Them And Why? - Alternative View
Kilometers Of Ancient Underground Tunnels - Who Created Them And Why? - Alternative View

Video: Kilometers Of Ancient Underground Tunnels - Who Created Them And Why? - Alternative View

Video: Kilometers Of Ancient Underground Tunnels - Who Created Them And Why? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Underground Tunnels 2020 Documentary Subterranean Worlds Span The Entire Earth 2024, September

In this article, I would like to talk about underground tunnels, of which there are a lot in the world, and there are tens of kilometers of them, but for what and how they were created, no one knows.

Some claim that it is difficult to verify the real length of the tunnels, if they exist. Of course, we cannot take a word for it that, for example, under Europe, absolutely everything is in the tunnels, but there are hundreds, and possibly thousands of pictures that speak volumes.

Many of these tunnels are estimated at 10,000 years old, but who then needed it? Let me remind you that the most ancient city found, called Chatal-Guyuk, is estimated at 9500 years.

But if on the surface a lot could disappear, then under the ground everything is preserved for tens and hundreds of thousands of years, since all that can affect the tunnels is earthquakes.


As far as is known, the entrances to such tunnels were found in the most unexpected places. They can be both in the house and in the city or forest, and often such entrances are inconspicuous and do not stand out in any way, but after entering, kilometers of unknown passages will go.

What is most surprising by the way, the moves were made for a reason, they were also processed, that is, some walls are lined with stones, which, in fact, should not be there at all.


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In addition, Ingrid and Heinrich Kush, who studied many of the tunnels, claim that they are equipped with cameras, crossings, in general, everything is artificial.

Let me remind you that in most of the tunnels they are so small that a person can only move by crawling. After that, the thought already arises that the tunnels were not built by people, since I do not think that in a closed room (tunnel), while in a lying position, you can handle something, make walls, etc.


But there are even more surprising facts, namely ventilation. According to the archaeologists, whose names I mentioned above, many of the tunnels and the "underworld" have fresh air, due to the perfectly thought out ventilation system. How was it designed and created so competently? - No answer.

An interesting fact is that, presumably in the 16th century, they tried to hide most of these entrances to the tunnels and the "underworld" as much as possible. They were filled up, filled up with anything possible, etc.


Some claim that right now, in our time, another civilization lives underground. There is no way to confirm this, but it is stupid to deny it, but personally I find it hard to believe. But I am almost sure that such a civilization existed in the past.


In general, it is very difficult to determine how many tunnels and how long they are across the Earth. But even based on the huge number of underground cities, one can understand that in the past they treated well underground life, not to mention the unexplored moves.

Everyone draws conclusions for themselves, but my opinion is that these tunnels were not made by people. Since it would be incredibly difficult for people, I would even say it is impossible to create moves, but also to process them.
