Mysterious Mass Disappearances Of Domestic Cats And Dogs - Alternative View

Mysterious Mass Disappearances Of Domestic Cats And Dogs - Alternative View
Mysterious Mass Disappearances Of Domestic Cats And Dogs - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Mass Disappearances Of Domestic Cats And Dogs - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Mass Disappearances Of Domestic Cats And Dogs - Alternative View
Video: Kim Jong-Un brutally shoots a orchestra conductor 90 times in front of every artist in Pyongyang 2024, September

We have previously published articles on strange disappearances of people many times. However, mysteriously it is not clear where animals can disappear, and sometimes they disappear en masse.

Unfortunately, such cases are covered in the press much less often than missing people, and the police will not look for missing dogs and cats. However, some cases did leaked to the media.

One of the most frightening cases of mass disappearance of domestic dogs occurred in 2013 in the US state of Idaho. It was in the countryside called the Magic Valley and includes large rural communities such as Twin Falls.


Over the course of several months, dozens of dogs began to disappear into nowhere. One of the first versions was that the dogs were being dragged away by some predators, maybe coyotes. However, no remains of dogs were found in the vicinity, no scraps of skins, no skeletons, nothing.

And later, some of the corpses of dogs were still found. But they were in such a state that it was clear that there were no coyotes or other predators nearby. Several canine corpses were found on the side of a highway running through the valley, and all of the animals had either blunt head injuries or gunshots to the head.

Someone suspected that the dogs were possibly stolen for dog fights, but the bodies of the animals did not have any characteristic injuries for such a version. They were not tortured or pitted against each other.

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After this finding, the dogs still continued to disappear almost every day. The guard dogs, living in open-air cages on the street, and completely domestic ones, who rarely left the house, also disappeared. It got to the point that local farmers began to suspect cultists who kill animals for some occult purposes. Moreover, only a few corpses of dogs were found near the highway, the rest disappeared into nowhere.

In 2015, something similar happened in St. Lawrence County, New York. For several months, 15 dogs mysteriously disappeared from local residents. All dogs lived in one specific area within a radius of only 26 miles, and many disappeared directly from locked backyards. And the disappearance of a dog sitting in the yard on a chain without a trace became a mystery even for the police, since the thieves left no footprints or fingerprints.


There were reports from eyewitnesses of unidentified strangers in dark clothing who drove a black car through the streets where the dogs had disappeared. However, these people were not found.

In the same 2015, the same thing happened in Reading, Pennsylvania, and about 60 dogs disappeared there. Moreover, all the dogs were small, indoor breeds, whose owners only left their pets in the backyard for a short time.

According to one version, dogs were stolen in order to later engage in illegal breeding and sale of puppies. But this was never proven, since the Pennsylvania dogs were never found. None.

And in 2014, in the province of Ontario, Canada, in the city of Guelph, cats suddenly began to disappear en masse. The exact number of the disappeared is unknown, but the statements from the owners were numbered in the tens.

Only three of the missing cats were found and then only partially, as their bodies were dismembered. Only the head was found from one cat. Whether this was done by a man or some kind of predator remained unclear. Coyotes were suspected, but this remains only a version.

At some point, there were so many missing cats in Guelph that in one of the areas where the most animals disappeared, a sign “This is not a safe area for unattended cats” was installed.


The disappearances of cats in Guelph stopped once and as suddenly as they began, leaving behind many questions. Why would anyone want to steal cats here? And so many and so many at a time. Are serial killers who practice on animals before attacking humans guilty? Or sectarians?


Animal advocates carefully examined garbage dumps and streets in search of the remains of missing animals, but apart from the three cats mentioned above, they did not find anyone. What happened to them?
