Voices Of The Invisible World - Alternative View

Voices Of The Invisible World - Alternative View
Voices Of The Invisible World - Alternative View

Video: Voices Of The Invisible World - Alternative View

Video: Voices Of The Invisible World - Alternative View
Video: Most UNEXPECTED VOICES in The Blind Auditions of The Voice 2024, September

With the development of computers and electronics, the life of mankind has changed radically. Computer chips and electronic control systems are found in virtually everything from small appliances to professional equipment.

Currently, some researchers, who have no reason to mistrust, are convinced that some of these devices may be useful in a completely unexpected industry: they can help to establish a connection with the dead. It is quite obvious that such a belief is very controversial, so it makes sense to understand this issue in more detail.

People who study electronic voice phenomena say that sometimes they were able to receive messages from the other world through video recorders, tape recorders, telephones, televisions and computers. Even Thomas Edison is rumored to have experimented with some devices for spiritual communication.

Scientists around the world are conducting numerous studies in order to understand how strange voices are encoded on audio recordings, how unexplained pictures appear on videotape and TV screens, where phantoms of phone calls originate and how computers are able to transmit messages from the other world.

In parapsychology, there is the concept of "psychophony", which means voices and other abnormal sounds that are recorded on audio tape, although some scientists are sure that this concept includes a wider range of forms and methods of transmitting information (digital recording, videotape, telephone) …

Ever since this phenomenon was discovered, most of the researchers who studied it, assured that the psychophony, which is recorded on a tape, is the voices of the victims. However, this version is not the only one. In addition to her, there are others, put forward by adherents of the transcendental origin of voices, as well as those who argued that this phenomenon is caused directly by the experimenter and his reason.

After the phenomenon of psychophony was accidentally discovered by Friedrich Jurgenson in 1959, thousands of voices that belonged to the deceased were recorded on various carriers, and so far no rational, logical explanation has been found for them.

As for the history of the discovery of this phenomenon, then, according to official information, in June 1959, the famous Estonian cinema figure and painter Jurgenson entered the forest in order to record several trills of birds, about which he was filming documentaries at that time. In the stillness of the night, he made quite a few good notes. But what was his surprise and amazement, after rewinding the tape, Jurgenson heard, in addition to bird trills, and the voices of people who were discussing the singing of birds.

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The man was a little annoyed, so the next night he went to the forest again to make a new recording. Before starting work, he looked around and made sure that there was no one around, and no one would disturb him, he turned on the recording. After returning home, Jurgenson turned on the tape and heard that in addition to bird trills, a large number of voices were recorded on it (as it turned out later, dead people), among which he was able to recognize the voice of his mother, who had died long ago. The man repeated his experience for a long time, but each time the result was the same: the voices of the deceased were recorded on the tape.

Despite the fact that Jurgenson is considered the discoverer of psychophony, there is evidence that the first recordings with strange voices appeared in mid-September 1952 in Milan, in the physics laboratory of the Catholic Institute of the Sacred Heart. The recording was made by priests Ernetti and Gemelli. They were recording Gregorian songs on an old machine. The apparatus used wire instead of film. During the recording, a strange voice appeared. Then new entries followed. The priests spent 10 years studying this phenomenon, trying to get the voice in different ways in the laboratory.

In 1956, North American researcher Raymond Bayless was also able to record paranormal voices. The scientist conducted his research with the psychic Attila von Slaseim. Together they recorded voices that were not heard during the session. Bayless decided to acquaint parapsychologists with his discoveries, but they reacted rather indifferently, not attaching any importance to this phenomenon.

In addition to psychophony, there is one more, no less mysterious phenomenon associated with the appearance of strange voices. It is also about underground voices. They are well known to cavers and miners. For unknown reasons, incomprehensible sounds occur in certain places underground. Sometimes they look like human voices. Hearing something like this, knowing full well that there is no one nearby and cannot be, is very creepy. Female voices, childish crying in an abandoned mine … It is quite obvious that the legends about underground ghosts or the Mistress of the Copper Mountain were not born out of nowhere. But if we analyze these phenomena from the point of view of physics, it becomes clear that human life cannot exist in mountain voids. Thus, the underground voices can be explained by "imagining". When the usual channels of information flow are absent,the human brain replaces the resulting emptiness with something familiar, familiar, with something that is in the subconscious.

Thus, the problem of the existence of underground voices has turned from a physical problem into a psychological one. But in reality everything is not so simple, because there is no smoke without fire.

During certain processes, fire appears inside the earth, creating voices of ghosts. This happens due to mechanical stress in rocks. Microcracks and cracks appear there under high pressure. This is the so-called creep. Each crack is necessarily a sound, and it is not just a click, but damped vibrations. And since there are many cracks and, therefore, vibrations, they form a voice. And the human subconscious decides what this voice looks like: a cry of a child or a woman's cry.

In addition, sounds from the surface can also penetrate underground. There is even a concept of underground sound channels. Oddly enough, but their study was mostly carried out by naval specialists, since there was a need to establish communication with submarines. And aquatic sound channels are not always reliable.

Until recently, underground sound signals on land were little studied, since there was no practical need for them. But in 1998, the results of an experiment carried out by Belarusian scientists in different regions of the country appeared. During the experiment, all sound signals were recorded at different frequencies. It was found that with distance from the earth's surface, at a depth of approximately 250-600 meters, the intensity of low-frequency sounds drops sharply. At the same time, deeper than 600 meters, the intensity of the same low-frequency sounds increases again. Sounds with a frequency exceeding 600 Hz are very insignificant near the surface, but after 500 meters inland they are not amplified again.

Thus, we can conclude that most of the sounds are formed somewhere inside the earth, in the depths. Until now, science has not been able to determine exactly where the places of formation of these sounds are located, and how they are distributed over the earth's space.

Sound intensity in a non-fertile environment can become concentrated. When sound travels from underground rocks to cavernous voids, various strange physical phenomena occur. However, much more horror is caused not by the sounds that can be heard there, but what cannot be heard. This is what causes real horror. It is impossible not to mention the Kashkulak cave, which is located in Khakassia. Strange things happen in it, at a certain moment the people who are there are seized by unreasonable fear turning into panic. This ancient cave was a place of worship for the ancient inhabitants of the region. Here sacrifices were made to the gods, including human ones. The name of the cave in translation into Russian means "cave of the black devil".

Some scientists are trying to explain panic fear by the influence of magnetic field anomalies. They tend to have a very powerful effect on people with cardiovascular disease. But they cannot cause a country and horror. But from sounds of a certain frequency, horror can arise. We are talking about infrasound, which the human ear cannot pick up. This effect has been proven experimentally. Thus, the first experiment of this kind was conducted by the physicist Robert Wood. During the performance, it was necessary to show the “pace of times”. To generate infrasound, Wood used a huge organ pipe. As a result, the audience fled from the hall in horror. Another experiment was performed by the physicist Tavro. He built an emitter near the factory. After turning on the device, the workers left their places in horror, but later could not explain their behavior.

The peculiarity of infra-low sounds is that the human body perceives them, but the auditory receptors do not record it. The result is overwhelming fear. It is generally accepted that one can protect oneself from the action of infrasound. If you superimpose any audible sound, for example, music, on the infrasound, the so-called sound masking effect will appear. A description of this effect is available in the scientific literature, however, as applied to infrasound, apparently, no one has tested it. Therefore, it is best to get out of such situations as quickly as possible, because high-power infrasound can not only cause a feeling of horror, but also kill.