Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Paradise On Earth - Alternative View
Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Paradise On Earth - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

According to the Bible, the first people on the earth created by God were the man Adam and the woman Eve. Is it worth it to be skeptical about this biblical fact, and what if the truth of the origin of all mankind is really laid in the depths of the fabulous legend with the Garden of Eden?

More recently, American geneticists, relying on new revealed patterns in genetic variation, made a discovery. They scientifically proved that people on our planet are indeed descendants, descended from the same genetic code of the ancestors of Adam and Eve, and lived in the only definite place in southern Africa, and not from its eastern part, as was previously believed. It is in South Africa that African hunter-gatherers have the greatest variability and genetic diversity compared to other northern indigenous African populations.

Studying ancient texts, Alexander Filippov, deacon of the Holy Trinity Chapel-Chapel in St. Petersburg, noticed a strange pattern. Almost all religious writings of antiquity mention the real existence of paradise on Earth, and even in the most ancient books clues about it are left. Calculations over 15 years brought the abbot Alexander to one geographical location in the Middle East. In his opinion, the earthly paradise stretched from Ancient Babylon in the territory of modern Iraq and capturing the large state of Madhya Pradesh to the city of Mandla in central India.

Based on the spiritual sources of various religions, Father Alexander deduced a general pattern. In almost all religious scriptures there is a record that a large river came out of Eden, irrigating the earthly paradise. It was divided into 4 sleeves: Gihon, Tigris, Fison, Euphrates. However, on the modern map of the world there are only two neighboring rivers - the Tigris with the Euphrates. The other two ancient biblical rivers, today known as the Nile and the Ganges, were separated millions of years ago during the split of the existing single earthly foremother Pangea as a result of a powerful catastrophe. With the division of a single primordial land into separate continents, the biblical rivers were also torn apart.

In confirmation of the deacon's research, not so long ago historians discovered a unique ancient map of the world, compiled by the cartographer from Venice Andrea Bianco in the distant 1436, indicating the place of earthly paradise. It depicts a single ancestor, and the possible location of each country on it is accompanied by a miniature illustration. But the most amazing thing is that a specific place of paradise is indicated on the Bianco map with the image of Adam and Eve next to the famous apple tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There are four rivers drawn and signed by Paradis in India.

More than 5 thousand years ago, people began to pave new trade routes, along with this, the science of cartography began to develop. The first maps of the earth were associated by cartographers with a map of the starry sky, because a landmark always available to travelers at very distant distances is a set of constellations in different hemispheres of the Earth. Therefore, astronomical knowledge about the constellations is, as it were, imprinted on the geographical maps of the planet's surface.

In this regard, according to the hypothesis of Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Andrei Tyunyaev, the celestial constellations correspond to specific geographic regions on Earth. And then the celestial constellation Orion enters the territory of modern India. But according to ancient legends, it is on Orion that the gods live. This is where the concept of "earthly paradise" arose, associated with a cosmic paradise in the heavens of the promised. Academician Tyunyaev is convinced that the new terrestrial names that have appeared on geographical maps are borrowed from the cosmic names of the constellations.

Then a new hypothesis arises, if there was no earthly paradise on our planet, it means that it existed in heaven, and the progenitors of earthlings - Adam and Eve came to Earth from Space. A new version of the space footprint appears in the genetics of humanity. Reading the Bible, a modern technically savvy person will immediately understand from the description that we are really talking about some kind of protected biological laboratory. In the view of ancient man, aliens could well have played the role of gods who necessarily lived in the heavens and occasionally descended from there to people. Perhaps there, in space, the "elder brothers of humanity" and experimented with the creation of homo sapiens through genetic engineering.

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The cosmic version of the origin of humanity is not the only one. There is a hypothesis that people came out of the water. And at the very beginning of the birth of the world, our ancestors lived in heavenly bushes for hundreds of years in an almost oxygen-free environment. In medicine, there is even such a concept as the phenomenon of nostalgic atmospheric memory, which means that the process of changing the composition of the atmosphere during the transition from one historical era of the planet to another led to the loss of the ability to rejuvenate living beings that inhabited the Earth in the initial period of the planet's birth.

Not understanding the true depth of the content of the sacred ancient scriptures, dark ignorant illiterate people for centuries believed that heaven was somewhere on Earth in some remote, hard-to-reach corner of the planet. However, for hundreds of centuries, scientists: biologists, archaeologists, historians, have been looking for a lost paradise on Earth, and are still looking for something that never happened.