The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View

The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View
The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Flood And Flat Earth - Alternative View
Video: Inside a Flat Earth convention, where nearly everyone believes Earth isn't round 2024, September

Among the many inconsistencies and holes in the ball-earth theory, there are those that the supporters of sharobelief sometimes do not try to explain clearly, understanding the hopelessness of these attempts, and preferring not to notice or discuss them. Quite convincing separately, put together, these details do not leave from the spherical theory of stone unturned. We want to analyze one of these moments today. It's about the Flood.

As you know, the Flood is described in the Book of Genesis, in chapters 7 and 8. Let us consider in more detail some verses from these chapters:

eleven. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the great abyss were opened, and the windows of heaven were opened;

12. And it rained on the earth forty days and forty nights."

(Genesis 7: 11,12)

So, as we can see, the water that flooded the Earth was contained in the "great abyss" located high above the surface of the Earth, and spilled down through the "heavenly windows". The reasonable question is, how much water was poured onto the Earth? The answer to this is in the same chapter 7!

nineteen. And the water on the earth increased exceedingly, so that all the high mountains that are under the whole sky were covered;

20. The water rose fifteen cubits above them, and the mountains were covered."

(Genesis 7: 19,20)

The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest (8848 m above sea level). 15 cubits is 17.145 m. the water level at the peak of the Great Flood was ~ 8865 meters above the current sea level. Of course, here it should be clarified that the sea level is not a physical value, but rather a political one, because different countries at the legislative level establish from what point they measure this very level. For example, in Russia the sea level is measured from the tide gauge in Kronstadt, and the calculation is based on the average long-term level of the Baltic Sea. Western European countries measure it using the Amsterdam tide gauge or the Marseilles tide gauge, as appropriate. And even a country as small in size and importance as Turkey has its own frame of reference.

Despite these discrepancies, nothing prevents the supporters of the spherical theory from accurately calling the radius of the Earth - it is equal to 6371 km. Strictly speaking, according to the theory of sharovers, the Earth is an ellipsoid, and there should be two radii - polar and equatorial, but in the calculations it is more convenient to use averaged values, therefore, the average radius is usually taken - 6371 km.

It turns out that the radius of the Earth, if we count from the top point of the water level during the Great Flood, is 6371000 + 8865 = 6379865 m. In

order to estimate the volume of water that the Lord needed to flood the Earth's surface, it is necessary to calculate the volumes of spheres with these radii and find the difference. So:

Vraz = 4/3 * Pi * R1 ^ 3 -

4/3 * Pi * R2 ^ 3 Vraz = 4/3 * 3.14 * 6379.865 ^ 3-4/3 * 3.14 * 6371 ^ 3 = 4525720751.05 cubic meters. km.

The volume of water is 4525720751.05 cubic meters. km. Considering that one cubic kilometer of H₂O (uncorrected for salt content) weighs 1,000,000,000 tons, the weight of all this water is 45,257,207,510 50,000,000 tons.

Promotional video:

Just think about it. Estimate the scale. And ask any sharover a question - where, in fact, did all this water go? Where have all these trillions of tons of water gone? And in response, you will usually hear indistinct muttering, and the interlocutor will try to turn the conversation to another topic. Some, however, are trying to come up with theories according to which water evaporated or frozen and formed glaciers, but such theories cannot cover with their fantasies all this colossal volume.

But if you evaluate the volume of water in the flat-earth theory, then you get a pretty impressive amount too, - an observant person says. Of course, the volume is huge. But to get rid of excess water on the Earth, surrounded by a wall of ice, it is enough to simply make a hole in this wall at the current sea level. All the water will easily flow down and disappear beyond the Event Horizon. The hole need not even be plugged, the outflow will stop after the water reaches the level of this hole. It is clear that with the Earth in the form of an ellipsoid, and even having its own force of gravity, such a development of events is physically impossible.

Thus, it becomes clear that the spherical theory of the structure of the Earth contradicts easily verifiable facts, and cannot be seriously considered by the scientific community.
