3 Unusual Buildings, The Purpose Of Which Remains In Question - Alternative View

3 Unusual Buildings, The Purpose Of Which Remains In Question - Alternative View
3 Unusual Buildings, The Purpose Of Which Remains In Question - Alternative View

Video: 3 Unusual Buildings, The Purpose Of Which Remains In Question - Alternative View

Video: 3 Unusual Buildings, The Purpose Of Which Remains In Question - Alternative View
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I'll start with a very recent find, information about which appeared somewhere in 2017-2018. Ancient tombs were excavated on the territory of China, and one of these "tombs" stood out from all the others.


The object caused many questions and controversy, what could it be? The main problem is that the archaeologists who investigated the structure did not even publish the coordinates or even the approximate location of the object.

The structure has an unusual shape, as if it were an entrance to somewhere or something else, but definitely not a tomb. On the site itself, you can see small stairs and a powerful structure that forms the letter X.


The structure was estimated at about 2500 years old, but this is understandable, far from accurate. Since then, no information has appeared about the object, and where it is located is also unknown to the public. It remains only to guess what kind of structure it is and why it was built.

The next interesting building is in Afghanistan. This is the Tahe-e Rustam Stupa, which, according to the official version, speaks of early Buddhism in Afghanistan.

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It is likely that the object really has no secret, but now there is still a lot of controversy about the possibilities of people in the past.

The fact is that the stupa is completely hollowed out in the stone, and the depth of the trench around this very stupa is incredible - 8 meters. The stupa itself was given a rounded shape, and the surface of the stupa is quite smooth, as if it had been processed, which is even more difficult to explain.


Also, many are interested in the absence of any religious symbols in the inner part of the stupa itself. No bas-reliefs, symbols, signs, nothing at all.

As you might guess, many believe that the Takht-e Rustam stupa was simply occupied by the ancient people for their own purposes, and the object was originally created for something completely different.


In addition, the processing in this object also does not look completely rough. The surface in many places seemed to be polished and given the correct shape. In general, it is difficult to answer how old the structure is and why it was created.

And the last is the town of Lalibela in Ethiopia with underground temples, supposedly again carved by hand.

These temples were created according to the official history 1000-800 years ago, working with supposedly primitive tools for 23 years.


But only in this case, the question of rough manual work is even more questionable, compared with the above-described Takht-E stupa. In the case of the underground temples of Ethiopia, you can see how they were also carved right in the stone, but all this was done with almost perfect precision.

For example, from above you can see how an even square was carved in the stone, and the walls in it are also more or less even, without any special traces of rough work. The "temple" itself is of the same regular shape with perfect symmetry.


The walls of the temple itself have also been processed with sufficient quality, beautiful windows and other elements have been created. In general, a lot can be done with primitive tools, but accuracy and correct geometric shapes are another matter.

Not only was it necessary to create an accurate design of each structure, but also to carry out everything with utmost precision so as not to damage anything, not chipping, etc.


The most interesting thing is that absolutely all elements in the temple have perfect symmetry from the smallest window to the shape of the temple itself.

In general, the official version of the creation of these objects is in great doubt. And why the "temples" were actually created, and most importantly, with the help of what technologies, one can only guess.

In the world there is a huge number of such structures (not only underground), the purpose of which is a great mystery to everyone. If the article in this format gets a lot of likes, then I will think about a few more parts with a continuation on other amazing ancient structures.