The Disappearance Trick - Alternative View

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The Disappearance Trick - Alternative View
The Disappearance Trick - Alternative View

Video: The Disappearance Trick - Alternative View

Video: The Disappearance Trick - Alternative View

On March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777 belonging to Malaysian Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Regular flight, experienced crew, everything is as usual. However, after 40 minutes, communication with the aircraft was lost, the board abruptly changed course and … disappeared from the radar. Almost a year later, in January 2015, the Malaysian authorities admitted that the plane had crashed, and therefore 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board should be considered dead. However, they could neither establish the cause of the accident, nor locate the Boeing crash site, which gave life to the most incredible versions and interpretations of what happened.

One hundred little bears

Experts call this disaster the greatest mystery in the entire history of world aviation. But even in the head of a person, from planes distant, it does not fit: how, using modern search engines, combining the efforts of several countries, combing 170 thousand square kilometers and spending 160 million dollars on search activities, could not find a 63-meter airliner? No, of course, wreckage was found - in the amount of 27 pieces, but with what spread: from the east coast of Tanzania to the south coast of South Africa, as well as in Thailand and on two islands of the Indian Ocean - Mauritius and Reunion. However, later it turned out that only three of them "with the highest degree of probability" belong to the disappeared flight MH370.

Let's pretend that we are satisfied with the wording "highest degree of probability", and suppose that the plane fell to pieces. But why did this happen? Among the first versions of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing was an explosion on board. What else can destroy a modern airliner in an instant? So, there are terrorists involved. But none of these organizations ever claimed responsibility for the plane's death.

However, this does not mean that the version with terrorists should be abandoned. According to Marc Dugen, the former head of a French airline, armed militants still boarded the MH370 and hijacked it. Proof of this is the abrupt change in the course of the liner. And then the US military, fearing a repeat of September 11, 2001, deliberately shot down the plane in order to minimize human losses and destruction. And, of course, they could not admit what they had done. Therefore, we tried to hide the traces of the crime as much as possible. Nevertheless, according to Dugen, the wreckage of the plane should be looked for in the Indian Ocean - in the vicinity of the island of Diego Garcia, where a large US military base has been located since 1973.


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Around the same military base, another conspiracy theory of the disappearance of the plane is being built. The MH370 commander, 53-year-old Zahari Ahmad Shah, was one of the finest pilots on Malaysia Airlines, with a flight experience of 18,423 hours. But, despite his colossal experience, Shah installed an airplane simulator in his home, on which, in his free time, he continued to practice the skills of airplane control. It is noteworthy that a month before the ill-fated flight, Shah erased all training data in the simulator's memory. And at the same time, I thoroughly cleaned my electronic diary, removing both work and personal entries from there. The experts had to work hard to restore the destroyed information.

An interesting detail came to light: it turns out that Zachary Shah was training to plant MH370 at different airfields scattered across five islands in the Indian Ocean. Including on the airfield of the Diego Garcia military base …

But in this case, it is no longer necessary to talk about the disappearance, but about the abduction of the plane. It turns out that there was some valuable cargo on board? Yes, indeed, the cargo is priceless: among the passengers of the MH370 were 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor. This large American company is engaged in the production of chips, semiconductors and electronic equipment for civilian use. However, according to unofficial data, the holding is also willingly taken for military orders. And those 20 employees - 12 Malaysians and 8 Chinese - that flew to Beijing on March 8, 2014, specialized in camouflage technologies that turn ordinary aircraft into invisible ones. Very valuable staff, and besides, holders of several patents in the military sphere. But - foreigners who are able to terminate the contract, leave the United States at any time and, with all their developments, go to competitors. Agree, in this situation, the version with the abduction of the plane does not look so incredible. The hijacking of the airliner allowed the Americans to kill three birds with one stone: take possession of scientists, their patents and maintain a monopoly on stealth technology. As for the rest of the passengers and crew members, they were most likely killed.


The above scenario, of course, did not receive official recognition. On the other hand, the investigators have been using the version for quite a long time, according to which Zahari Ahmad Shah … committed suicide and took 238 people with him to the next world. There have already been such precedents.

On March 24, 2015, Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed an A320 passenger airbus, which was carrying 150 people. Everyone died, including Andreas, who, as it turned out, was seen by a psychiatrist and suffered from severe depression.

Zachary Shah also had reasons to be upset. He was overcome by intra-family problems. A week before the flight, his wife left home, taking three children with her. The case was inevitably approaching a divorce. Zachary stopped talking with his wife, but tried to maintain friendly relations with the children. In particular, his daughter Aisha told the detectives about one of her last conversations with her father: “He asked how I would feel if they separated. My father was not at all like the cheerful person whom I knew him. He seemed depressed and confused. " Shah's close friend added fuel to the fire, telling the police: "He was in such a depressed state of mind that I thought," It would be better for him not to sit at the controls of the plane."

The version with suicide was also supported by the strange actions of Shah already during the flight. So, he made an unnecessary detour around the Malaysian state of Penang, where he was born. One got the impression that he was saying goodbye to the house …

It should be noted that colleagues immediately rejected the accusations against Zakhary Shah with indignation: he was highly respected, he was appreciated as a professional, as a pilot of the highest class and as an extremely balanced person - he did not have any depression or mental disorders. Whatever inner demons were raging in the soul of Shah, this did not affect his work in any way.

Later, the detectives agreed with the Malaysian Airlines employees: they did not find evidence that Zachary deliberately committed the crash. By and large, they didn't find anything at all. 4.5 years after the incident, the head of the investigation team still admits his powerlessness: "The experts failed to establish the reasons for the disappearance of the liner …".

The mystery remains

26 countries were involved in the search for flight MH370. Satellites, ships, planes, special equipment were attracted, ocean drifts were investigated and 160 million dollars were spent. This was the largest search in history! However, all is in vain: today, like March 8, 2014, no one knows what happened to the Malaysian Boeing.

last try

The last attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH370 was made in January 2018. The Malaysian government has promised to pay the American company Ocean Infinity $ 70 million if it finds the missing plane within 90 days. But this attempt was not crowned with success.

Savage trophy

It is possible that the remains of the MH370 liner hide the dense jungle of North Sentinel Island, located in the Indian Ocean. Perhaps the plane was trying to make an emergency landing there. However, whether it is true or not, humanity will never know: the Sentinelese are killing anyone who dares to set foot on their land. So, if the Malaysian Boeing landed there, the fate of the surviving passengers was unenviable …