Anomaly Of The Bermuda Triangle. What Do Scientists Say? - Alternative View

Anomaly Of The Bermuda Triangle. What Do Scientists Say? - Alternative View
Anomaly Of The Bermuda Triangle. What Do Scientists Say? - Alternative View

Video: Anomaly Of The Bermuda Triangle. What Do Scientists Say? - Alternative View

Video: Anomaly Of The Bermuda Triangle. What Do Scientists Say? - Alternative View
Video: Survivor Says Something New About the Bermuda Triangle Mystery 2024, September

For unexplained reasons, planes and ships along with passengers disappear in the Atlantic Ocean. Even debris disappears. The name "Bermuda Triangle" was coined by the American science fiction writer Vincent Gaddis.

Bruce Gernon is the only pilot who survived after strange events in this anomalous zone.

The pilot's story is amazing. In December 1970, he and his father flew out of the Bahamas and headed for Florida. Gaining altitude, Bruce Gernon noticed a strange semicircular cloud. The plane was inside him. Suddenly it became dark and small lights sparkled around. Bruce Gernon saw a tunnel in the darkness and sent the plane there, and then something incredible began.

“Once in the tunnel, strange lines began to form around my plane that spun counterclockwise. However, all my attention I concentrated on the exit from the tunnel, I was very afraid to confuse the sides of the entrance and exit from the tunnel.

At the same time, strange things happened and over time, according to my feelings, it took about half an hour to get out of the tunnel, but in fact everything happened in 20 seconds,”the pilot recalls.

There was a blue sky at the end of the tunnel, but it was too early to rejoice. All devices are out of order. The compass needle was spinning like crazy. However, Gernon was able to contact the ground, but the dispatcher said he could not see him on radar.

After a while, the plane appeared on the radar screen. It turned out that the plane was already over Florida. But according to all calculations, the plane should have been here only in an hour and a half.

Scientists say that vortex formation could be the reason for the abnormally fast movement of the plane. In the Atlantic Ocean, such eddies are produced by the Gulf Stream. Satellites often take pictures that capture super-powerful currents in the form of whirlpools. In turn, the vortices create streams of rarefied air that spread from the middle of the vortex vertically upward. It is believed that such vortex formations are capable of influencing the course of time.

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Even Christopher Columbus wrote about this zone in his time. Sailing through the Sargasso Sea, the navigator observed incomprehensible phenomena, due to which from time to time the entire crew fell into a panic. He also wrote about frequent compass failures and flashes of bright light over the sea.

On March 4, 1918, from the pier of the island of Barbados, a coal carrier "Cyclops" departed towards the port of Norfolk with 308 people on board. Entering the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, one of the largest ships in the United States disappeared, leaving no trace or giving an SOS signal.


However, the Bermuda Triangle gained world fame after the disappearance of 19 Avenger torpedo bombers on December 5, 1945. At 14 o'clock the planes took off, and after two hours communication with them was lost. Before that, the pilot of one of the aircraft reported that the plane had lost its course, and inexplicable things were happening around.

Scientists are of the opinion that frequent breakdowns in technology in the Bermuda Triangle are caused by bursts of geomagnetic activity, which, in turn, causes the curvature of space and time.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Boris Ostrovsky devoted his entire life to this anomaly. According to the scientist, all the mysteries in this zone can be explained by tectonic processes. An infrasonic wave occurs before an underwater earthquake. Animals hear infrasound and quickly leave dangerous territory. But for our ear, these sound vibrations are inaccessible. However, infrasound affects the human psyche - it creates a feeling of fear and panic.

During underwater earthquakes and vibrations of a gigantic mass of water, vibrations are transmitted into the atmosphere, then reach the ionosphere and are reflected between the ionosphere and the ocean surface. Aircraft in such difficult conditions lose their orientation.

There is also an opinion that the structure of the metal changes as a result of electromagnetic influences. Perhaps in this, too, one should look for the causes of disasters.

On December 5, 1872, the ship "Maria Celeste" was discovered 600 kilometers from Gibraltar. Not a single person, dead or alive, was found on board. The ship itself gave a strange impression. There was water between the bulkheads and decks. All hatch covers were carefully removed, the ship appeared to be intact, there was no sign of being caught in a violent storm. The lifeboat was in place. The further fate of the crew is shrouded in mystery.

Throughout the history of the study of the Bermuda Triangle, hundreds of hypotheses have been put forward, hundreds of books have been written and many experiments have been carried out. Nevertheless, the mystery of this anomalous zone remains unsolved. And ships and planes are still missing.
