Isaac's Cathedral - The Desecrated Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

Isaac's Cathedral - The Desecrated Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View
Isaac's Cathedral - The Desecrated Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Isaac's Cathedral - The Desecrated Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Isaac's Cathedral - The Desecrated Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View
Video: Saint Isaac's Cathedral Saint Petersburg, Russia || Trip to St. Petersburg Russia 2024, September

The Christian Church, which currently owns all churches and temples, has long and persistently disseminated the version that all this was built by Christians themselves for Christians. As for the modern ones, this is certainly true. What about ancient temples? Is it really?

Does Christianity have anything to do with them in general, or did it simply "grab" and adapt them to its own needs, appropriating the "building" itself? Let's figure it out.

So, the questions you should consider carefully when viewing:

  • Why are temples and churches built the way they are?
  • How were some buildings built if their technology is still unreproducible?
  • Where did the principle and architecture itself come from, of which there are several? Who invented this?
  • Why are there completely non-Christian symbols in supposedly Christian churches?
  • I will only take one temple. There are dozens of them all over the world. It is necessary to shoot a film about this, not write articles.

St. Isaac's Cathedral (where does St. Isaac of Dalmatia?)


Promotional video:


Official history assures us that this is a Christian cathedral built by Montferrand. And where is Christianity in it? No Christ, no Christian crosses, no biblical stories. But non-biblical - even if the wagons load.

The technology is the same: we take a fresco and try to combine it with the biblical storyline.

And here? What does this have to do with biblical stories?

Who will embody plots from the Torah in the cathedrals of St. Petersburg, if the Old Testament was introduced into Christianity only at the end of the 19th century?

What is it then? There are no such plots in the New Testament! And they tell us about the prophet Elijah, then about some Old Testament characters.

Well, open your eyes!

Or what, should I believe some interpreters, and not my eyes? A giant temple built by Christians, but at the same time in the Roman style and with swastika patterns on the floor? With the complete absence of Christian crosses? With the angels in Roman armor? With such an architecture?

What is this - the biblical people, the biblical people? Biblical robes, biblical features?

What a "Montferrand built" there!

Montferrand did this: he shoved a crooked and oblique cross into the hand of a statue with perfect proportions and quality.


In fact, Montferrand was engaged in minor repairs and adaptation of the cathedral to Christianity. By replacing individual details, "losing" and redrawing uncomfortable frescoes. This is the only place with such a cross: return to the angels and see what the crosses were then. In order not to redo, they shoved what they could and where they could. Because they could not have made it that way.

This is how the “construction” of almost all of St. Petersburg was carried out: instead of construction, there was a reworking and substitution of history. And Vѣry - including.

They made signatures - and voila, proof.

This is supposedly St. Anastasia, who was destroyed by the "evil Romans" … Do you want to know why?


“According to her life (?), Anastasia was a resident of Rome and converted to Christianity during the preaching of the apostles Peter and Paul. During the persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero, Anastasia, together with her friend Vasilissa, buried the bodies of Christians killed for their faith in Christ, for which both were imprisoned. Having endured beatings and torture by fire, Anastasia and Vasilissa were beheaded with a sword around 68.

The relics of Saints Anastasia and Basilissa are kept in Rome in the Church of the Mother of God of the Pacifier."

What is "Life"? Who wrote it? Who took those relics right after the beheading? And how did they end up in the Temple of the Mother of God of the Pacifier - a church built, according to Wikipedia, in 1480, 1400 years (!!!) after the events …

Here is the floor in St. Isaac's Cathedral.


Well? Before you, ladies and gentlemen, the temple of sun worshipers.

The sun is the very God to whom this temple is dedicated. And all the other temples - every single one - too.

"This is my Father's house," said Jesus, driving the merchants out of the temple. AND? Now the merchants, represented by the ROC, are asking to transfer this temple to them.

H-RA-M - Harmony of the Light of Divine Thought (Wisdom). It's not even a Christian word.

It is difficult to comprehend, because the lie on the theme "The sun is a giant gas ball with thermonuclear reactions inside" sits too tightly (even from school).

Just one substitution of concepts - and your whole understanding of the world flies into the pipe, because whoever can worship a gas balloon - only illiterate, wild people. Well, as a result, illiterate, wild people are you, not them.

The whole science of astronomy exists in order to hide reality from you, considering celestial bodies as "dead balls of matter."

You blindly believed it. They just believed. But how old is astronomy and how many ancient temples, about which you still do not know anything - they were built by no one, or how, or why they are jam-packed with solar symbols.

He who has eyes - let him see, who has glasses - let him dress, who has blinkers like a horse - let him cry out: "Vysevreti !!!"

It is clear as daylight that the city was not being built, but restored.

If you are able to believe in a Christian temple built in the 19th century with swastikas and Roman architecture, moreover, built by Christians for Christians using unconventional technologies and using non-Christian symbols (and even taking into account that Christians all their life did nothing but persecute them by the Romans), then medicine is useless here.