Pokaina Forest. Latvia - Alternative View

Pokaina Forest. Latvia - Alternative View
Pokaina Forest. Latvia - Alternative View

Video: Pokaina Forest. Latvia - Alternative View

Video: Pokaina Forest. Latvia - Alternative View
Video: Living deep in the Latvian forest 2024, September

Pokaine Forest is located in the territory of the Latvian forest park, 14 km south-west of Dobele. Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, the forest has been an object of pilgrimage for modern pagans and a subject of heated debate among scientists.


Warm stones, which are often found in a hilly forest, even in cool weather, are the culprit. This anomalous phenomenon has not yet been explained in any way even by wide-profile specialists. Presumably, the answer lies deep underground and is not easy to reach.

Some say that a meteorite lies in the bowels. According to the second version, a mysterious tomb is hidden in the hill called "Ziggurat". In addition, in the old days this hill seemed to have served as a primitive compass, so the stones on it are oriented strictly to the parts of the world.


In the lowlands between the hills, stonework is often found. Ancient moss-covered boulders and boulders have been here for centuries. According to legend, long ago, the Pokain Forest was a sacred land for pilgrims from all over Europe.

People brought stones to the forest and stacked them in a special way. It was believed that along with a heavy burden, a believer could leave his sins there. Legend also says that this is why some stones have a bizarre shape and a unique ability to heat up.


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Nobody knows whether human sins live in strange stones, but the guides strongly advise against taking the stones out of the bizarre forest. Cases were recorded when people who decided to grab the cobblestones as a souvenir had a sharp deterioration in their health or unexpected troubles happened. By the way, the radioactive background of stones is within normal limits.


Some believe that this forest has a healing effect, while others curse it for aggravating all their diseases. Fortune is unpredictable, the truth is unknown, but one thing is clear: the Pokain forest is indeed a powerful hepatogenic zone, but what it is connected with is still a mystery.