Secrets Of The Pokain Forest - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Pokain Forest - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Pokain Forest - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Pokain Forest - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Pokain Forest - Alternative View
Video: Pokainu forest: a meeting place for otherworldly forces or a tourist trap? (+subtitles) 2024, September

Pokaina forest is located in the Dobele region of Latvia, about 90 kilometers from Riga. It covers an area of 400 hectares. Until the 20th century, there was a hilly field covered with rare bushes.

Semigallian sanctuary?

They started talking about the uniqueness of this place in 1996, after the Riga researcher, former engineer Ivar Vicks told reporters about the strange meteorological phenomena and the mysterious properties of stones from the Pokaina forest. Shortly thereafter, Weeks passed away from rapidly developing cancer.

The research was continued by another Latvian scientist - Evgeniy Sidorov, a radio-electronics physicist by profession. He found out that the Pokain Forest is a place of pilgrimage for numerous tourists attracted by rumors that this land has healing powers. By that time, trails were being laid between the stones by the efforts of enthusiasts, and some boulders got their names.

The place is truly mysterious. There are exactly thirty hills in the forest. For some reason, the foliage of oak trees grows only on one side. But most of all tourists are amazed by local stones. No one can really answer the question of where these weighty boulders came from.

Someone, as an explanation, offers the hypothesis that in ancient times pilgrims from all over Europe came here and left stones in the forest as a symbol of liberation from sins. Someone is closer to the assumption that some mysterious object rests under one of the hills: either a radioactive meteorite, or an ancient burial.


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Someone thinks that it was a pre-Christian pagan sanctuary of the Semigallians (one of the Baltic peoples). Sometimes they say that 30 druid priests gathered here, each of whom controlled the weather from "his" hill.

Old-timers especially talk a lot about the hill called Ziggurat. It is not excluded that this hill is man-made and was once hollow. The ziggurat can be something like a dolmen - a sanctuary of the megalithic era, intended for the transition to another world of priests and hermits.

The ancient Semigallians were able not only to foresee the future, but also to partially change it. And with the help of special rituals, they allegedly became invisible for a while and took women and children from the besieged settlements to shelters.

The miraculous Grail?

Ivar Vicks was completely sure that all 30 hills were man-made, and the masonry scattered throughout the forest were parts of a complex system that created the effect of energy resonance. In favor of this version, he also cited the fact that mushrooms in the Pokain forest grow of fantastic sizes, and the crowns of the local oaks seem to be twisted into a spiral by some unknown force.

He even hypothesized that the legendary Grail is by no means a man-made treasure, but a stream of cosmic energy pouring into the bowl of the Pokain forest.


Temperature anomalies are a particular mystery. Many of the boulders remain warm to the touch in any weather. They have healing properties: some can heal from diseases of the joints, others from osteochondrosis, and still others from female ailments. But there are also dangerous stones, touching which is fraught with negative consequences.

Sometimes tourists, succumbing to temptation, took the stone they liked as a souvenir, and then bitterly regretted it: soon they became victims of ailments or accidents. But in any case, even the most implacable skeptics, having visited the Pokain forest, leave there believing in the miraculous power of stone and forest.

Sentient glowing balls

A special place in the forest, which is called the Valley of the Spirits, is also remarkable. Not because people meet ghosts there - we are talking about strange glowing balls, invisible to the naked eye, but clearly visible in photographs.

Specialists of the Latvian Center for Research of Anomalous Phenomena UFOIats gave this phenomenon the code name SHONGi - "spherical objects of unknown genesis".


Evgeny Sidorov believes that luminous UFOs may be of a psychoactive nature. That is, they can be endowed with intelligence! Psychics, contactees and yogis who visited the zone sometimes managed to "summon" UFOs with the help of meditative exercises, which were recorded by photographic equipment. This confirms the version about the intelligent nature of objects.

It is also curious that, according to the information of the American professor Jim Hurtok, back in the mid 70s of the last century, NASA satellites, tracking the military activity of the USSR, recorded a powerful source of unknown underground radiation in Latvia.

The center of this anomaly with a diameter of about 340 kilometers was in the vicinity of the Latvian city of Dobele. The Yankees mistakenly believed that the source of radiation was a securely classified military facility hidden in the bowels of the Pokain hills. However, this version has not been confirmed.

Valdis PEYPINSH, magazine "Secrets of the XX century", 2016