Enchanted Forest - Alternative View

Enchanted Forest - Alternative View
Enchanted Forest - Alternative View

Video: Enchanted Forest - Alternative View

Video: Enchanted Forest - Alternative View
Video: Magical Forest STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (CBF Presents) 2024, September

Not far from our town Donskoy there is a forest called Stone (although there is not a single stone there). Once my wife and I went there to pick mushrooms, and there an incredible story happened to me.

The day was clear and warm. We came across a mushroom spot, we collected two buckets in a couple of hours. My wife and I were so carried away that we went our separate ways. At first they went around for a long time, then my wife stopped answering me. I thought that I had gone too far and should have returned to the place where we parted. He walked, walked, but never met his wife. She did not answer my cries.

The weather suddenly began to deteriorate. The clouds came up. It got dark. I didn't know what to think. Where to find a wife? Not only was I worried, but I was also very tired. A bucket full of mushrooms was pulling off a hand. Probably two or three hours passed in search of a wife. I didn't have a watch with me, I could not determine the exact time. All I saw was that evening had already come and we had to get out of the forest as soon as possible.

Finally, I decided that my wife, not finding me, must have returned home. Although it was not like her, because we used to always be together. In general, one thing became clear: we were lost (or, most likely, only me). Although it is difficult to get lost in our forest - from end to end it is no more than five kilometers. And yet, surprising as it was, I could not get out of the forest.

While wandering, I sat down to rest and left a bucket of mushrooms somewhere …

It started pouring rain. I was already desperate when I suddenly saw the familiar house of the forester and hurried to it. Our forestry was closed, so the house was in desolation. "Well, now, at least, I know in which part of the forest I am," the thought flashed. I went into the house to wait out the rain there. He sat down on the bent-legged sofa and fell asleep.

I don't know how much I slept, but I woke up not in the evening, as might be expected, but on a clear day. It's already raining

ended. And, oddly enough, the grass and trees were dry! I knew where to go. Without mushrooms, which I had lost somewhere, light, I walked quickly. I was walking and suddenly I heard:

Promotional video:

- Ouch!

“This is the voice of my wife! - I was delighted. “Well done, she came the next day and is looking for me!”

I go out into the clearing - here it is!

- Where have you been? - exclaimed the wife. “I can't find it for an hour. She screamed, screamed …

My eyes widened in surprise.

- What time is it? I slept all night at the forester's house. Hiding from the rain.

“There was no rain,” she replied.

I had to admit that the forest that day was somehow enchanted. However, we have heard all sorts of incredible stories about him before. This time he made fun of us: he mixed up the time, took me away from his wife, took me to the forester's house, allegedly put me to sleep for the whole night, and then again brought me to his wife on the same day and almost at the same hour.

Here's a story. I will tell anyone - no one believes.

Gennady ALEXANDROVSKY, Donskoy, Tula region