Strange Places - Alternative View

Strange Places - Alternative View
Strange Places - Alternative View

Video: Strange Places - Alternative View

Video: Strange Places - Alternative View
Video: Strange Places | Lofi Alternative Mix | 2024, September

The well-known European researcher of anomalous phenomena R. Sharrou in his book "Lost Worlds" (London, 1973) describes, in particular, one "strange place" in France, where it was raining caused by man.

In the so-called Broselyard forest, a parasitic plant, mistletoe, which was considered sacred by the ancient French Celts, has long been growing on the branches of oak trees. During large ceremonies of worship of the gods on strictly defined days, the druids cut the sacred mistletoe with the sacred sickle … Today, oak trees with mistletoe growing on them have become extremely rare natural phenomena.

After a long search, R. Sharru discovered one such oak. Found it in the Broselyard Forest. Along the way, he found out that in a village located five kilometers from the forest, there lives a certain E. Clare-Calonden - a descendant of the local branch of druid sorcerers, a very old man. The locals amicably told the researcher that the old man possessed ancient druidic secrets. In particular, it has caused heavy rain more than once in its long life when drought began in the vicinity. And he did this by performing certain rituals next to the oak tree on which the mistletoe grows.

This is what the "old sorcerer" said to our researcher:

- I regret that the poor condition of my legs does not allow me to walk along the abandoned road, teeming with pits, puddles and overgrown dense grass. Otherwise, I would invite you to accompany me to the ceremony to make the rain … I would make a ritual libation of water, and in less than half an hour a uniform downpour would fall on us. I have already saved four times, by the way, the forest from fires during long droughts. I personally have done the procedure for causing rain many times, although, to be honest, I myself do not understand how all this happens - what physical laws govern it.

Another "strange place" is located, according to R. Charroux, in the northern rural areas of France. There, and only there, a certain "witchcraft technology" is successfully applied - it is used by hunters, horse traders, butchers, that is, those who deal with animals.

These people have a "charm" that arouses the love and trust of pets to them.

They speak:

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- Any dog, for example, will follow you and become “yours”, even if it adores its real owners. In order to take her away from them, you need to give the dog a piece of Swiss cheese, just before that, holding it for ten minutes under your arm.

Unscrupulous hunters in the north of France often use the described technique to lure a dog with a good instinct from another owner. Agile, vigorous bulls and cows become affectionate and obedient - but only in relation to you personally, if you can get them to eat a handful of salt from one of your hands, while placing the other hand on their nostrils.

You will become the master of the most restive horse if you let him eat the clump of hay that you just urinated on. The process must be repeated several times …

Another "strange place" is found on the island of Bougainville, one of the islands of Oceania. In his book An Island in Melanesia, published in Russian translation in Moscow in 1972, doctor F. Riedeland says:

“I worked in Bougainville at a local hospital … It was rumored that at night a great many spirits gathered near the hospital - both evil and good. Nobody knew what they needed here. These were ghosts and ghosts who, having lost their way, never found their way to their underground underground caches or had not yet managed to go to one of the craters on the top of the Balbi volcano, where, according to local legend, all evil spirits flock to the Sabbath.

The area where the hospital was located was infested with all kinds of ghosts, and it took a long time before I learned about the precautions required when dealing with them. Therefore, I was not surprised when my friends informed me that in the first weeks of my stay in the village the spirits raged more than ever …

One day at about two o'clock in the morning I left the house and went to the hospital - an accident happened to one of the residents of the village. It was quiet and windless. A light rain was falling. I had an umbrella in one hand and a pocket torch in the other.

The batteries of my pocket flashlight had long been exhausted, and in front of me in the pitch darkness only a small pale circle glowed faintly, which from time to time snatched out of the darkness a stump or a coconut lying on the ground. Dry banana leaves and bush branches rustled under my feet, and the toads croaked loudly, jumping in different directions. I was tired and could hardly drag my legs.

Suddenly and for no apparent reason, I stopped and froze in place. I was covered with goose bumps and felt such a chill that I felt sick. My knees trembled, I wanted to run, but I could not budge, I don’t know why: my legs were as if filled with lead. Then I came to a little and felt an inexplicable fear gripping me.

Suddenly I heard heavy breathing behind me, as if someone was running fast, but the sound of footsteps was not heard. I turned and raised the flashlight, thinking that maybe someone needed to go with me to the hospital.

The lantern first illuminated a few bananas, then a palm tree, and finally a bush. There was not a single living soul nearby, and heavy breathing was already heard very close.

And then I ran - I ran like crazy. At the same time, I dropped my umbrella, but did not even stop to pick it up. And my legs were getting heavier … Finally, the terrible sounds subsided, and there was only a fractional thud of rain drumming on the iron roof of the hospital. I recovered a little from my fear, and when I entered the office, I was already ashamed of my panic fright.

I never found out what kind of mysterious sounds horrified me then. Perhaps it was all imagined to me, and perhaps … However, I will not guess. Then I heard these sounds several times and realized that they had nothing to do with the sound of the wind in the foliage of trees and bushes … I walked past the enchanted place and again and again heard all the same mysterious sounds, feeling the same fear as the first time …

And then I began to notice that after dark the locals never walk past this enchanted place. At first I thought it was pure coincidence. And for checking several times he sent a courier late at night to the hospital. He always took a detour, past the warehouse or through the stadium.

One evening I shared my doubts with David Bretherton, a friend of mine who is a physician, and like me, a European, who worked in a local hospital on a temporary basis.

“Nonsense,” he said contemptuously, which offended me a little.

“Go there yourself, and then we'll see if it's nonsense or not,” I replied with restraint. “I must tell you that these sounds are very reminiscent of the wheezing of a dying man. In general, not everything is clear here. Perhaps there is nothing supernatural in this, but, in any case, the phenomenon is rather unusual.

A few days after my conversation with Bretherton, I thought that perhaps the strange sounds were somehow related to volcanic activity in the bowels of Bougainville. For example, I was told about boiling underground springs flowing under the very surface of the earth.

However, it hardly made sense to discuss these issues with poorly educated local residents. One policeman, however, told me that my "enchanted place" is the "place masalai", or dwelling of spirits, and therefore people do not go there after dark. And you shouldn't be wandering there either, he clearly thought …