&Ldquo; Bermuda Triangles &Rdquo; Russia - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Bermuda Triangles &Rdquo; Russia - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Bermuda Triangles &Rdquo; Russia - Alternative View

Local areas of the earth's surface, where people die or disappear for unknown reasons, have been known for a long time. In ancient times, such places were called bad, damned or devilish. Until now, the Bermuda Triangle is considered the most extensive anomalous zone. Are there such dangerous anomalous zones in Russia? It would be simply amazing if, given our vast territory, at least a few dead places were not found.


The most famous and least mysterious black place in Russia is the famous Death Valley in Kamchatka, which became known back in the early 30s of the 20th century, when hunters who lost their dogs stumbled upon their corpses in the upper reaches of the Geysernaya River at the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano. In addition to the dead dogs, numerous half-decayed carcasses of other animals and birds were seen on an area about 2 km long and 100 to 300 m wide. Although the hunters very quickly left such an ominous place, they nevertheless paid for a sharp deterioration in their health. Attracted by rumors about such an unusual place, amateur expeditions set off to Kamchatka. Many of them, alas, ended tragically: dozens of enthusiastic researchers died trying to unravel the mystery of Death Valley.


Although scientists quickly assumed that animals and birds died due to poisoning with carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, which were released as a result of volcanic activity, there was still some ambiguity. The fact is that these gases act rather slowly, and such large animals as bears and wolverines would have to have time to leave the danger zone. The fact that, having tasted the meat of an animal that died in the valley, a completely healthy bear died almost immediately was striking. Only in 1982, scientists were able to establish that highly toxic cyanide compounds are present in the volcanic gases in Death Valley, which in some cases caused almost instant death of animals and birds.


If the secret of the Kamchatka Valley of Death can be considered solved, then another lost place - the Devil's Cemetery - in the area where the Kova River flows into the Angara still continues to confuse the minds of researchers. According to the recollections of old residents, the Devil's cemetery appeared in 1908 immediately after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Local residents then even had to relocate a section of the road to protect their livestock. It was said that at first, in this anomalous place, they observed just a hole in the ground, which over time was heaped up with deadwood and animal corpses, thus a lifeless clearing, covered with bones, appeared. After the publication in 1983 of an article in the journal "Technics for Youth" about this mysterious place, numerous amateur expeditions went in search of the Devil's Cemetery. As in the case of the Kamchatka Death Valley,many enthusiasts paid with their lives for trying to uncover the secret: according to researchers of anomalous phenomena, about 70 people died in the search for the Devil's Cemetery …


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In 1991, the expedition of Vladivostok ufologists, after a long preliminary preparation, still managed to find a mysterious clearing. Researchers have even found an image of a devil with an arrow-pointer, which was cut out at one time when the local residents moved the road. When approaching the cemetery, according to the story of Alexander Rempel, a member of the expedition, the compass behaved strangely, and the device that registers electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value.


The researchers, just in case, were divided into two groups: one went to the mysterious meadow, the other insured it. When approaching the Devil's Cemetery, people began to experience a strange tingling sensation throughout their bodies, and the connection with the insurance group was cut off. The clearing was surrounded by black lifeless trees, white bones were visible everywhere. It was already dusk, and they decided to postpone the study the next day, setting up camp a kilometer from the clearing. Alas, in the morning a number of members of the expedition started having such strange health problems (numbness of the body, swelling of the joints, loss of vision) that it was decided not to risk it and conduct a study next year.


However, the economic cataclysms that broke out in the country, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?), Did not financially allow organizing a new expedition.

A no less mysterious lost place is located in Yakutia, mentions of it date back to the 19th century. At one of the tributaries of the Vilyui River, strange huge "copper cauldrons" are concentrated, reaching several meters in diameter. Old Yakuts say that apart from boilers, there is also a large underground structure with many rooms. The one who slept in them soon died. One of the "cauldrons" was discovered by an amateur expedition of Yakut students. All their attempts to take a sample of the mysterious metal from which the "cauldron" was made were unsuccessful, it turned out to be super strong. Abnormally tall grass grew near the "cauldron". Forgetting about the warning of the old Yakuts, the guys pitched a tent right next to the "cauldron". When they returned from the expedition, one of them lost his hair on his head, and the other developed skin problems. What are these "cauldrons" - the structures of the ancient extinct civilization of the Earth or the long-abandoned base of aliens from space? This remains to be determined.
