The Main Propagandists Of Power Are Costing Us More And More - - Alternative View

The Main Propagandists Of Power Are Costing Us More And More - - Alternative View
The Main Propagandists Of Power Are Costing Us More And More - - Alternative View

When a journalist friend of mine, a columnist for a major pro-Kremlin newspaper, contracted the coronavirus, a one-bed ward in a special federal medical center was quickly found for him. Courteous nursing staff, first class equipment, treatment and feeding. Everything is free (for a journalist), although a couple of weeks of such treatment could result in a loss of 200 thousand rubles or more for ordinary citizens. One could be happy for my colleague, if not one "but".

Another friend of mine, a doctor with many years of experience, being infected, ended up in a six-bed ward of an ordinary Moscow hospital, where doctors did not have time to run around all their patients for a shift. The service of a journalist "of the highest rank" is provided by his official position, belonging to a special caste of propagandists, journalists pleasing to the authorities. Let's put it mildly, he is engaged in embellishing reality, writes not what he should, but what he is told, misleads the public.

Unfortunately, this is how our system is built, where there are people of different kinds, including a special caste of confidants, which in the old days was called the nomenclature. It seems that a private newspaper that composes stories about our life has the right to budget infusions, to the "special attitude" of the authorities at all levels. But in fact it turns out: the journalist is treated for our money, and when he leaves the hospital, he will continue to earn on distorting real life. You cannot save up capital on this in a newspaper, but on television it is very possible. It is no coincidence that after it became known that Mishustin had fallen ill, the people began to joke that Malysheva and Myasnikov would treat him. Let the authorities test their hyped propagandists-doctors in practice.

This shows the example of leading propagandists who serve not society, not the country, but people from the vertical of power and their loved ones. Now, at this difficult moment, this circumstance can be seen especially clearly, as well as the harm they inflict on all of us, embellishing the real state of affairs. But, apparently, the worse, the more they are paid for "love of the motherland."

Sergei Brilev, who glorifies the powers that be and how they arranged our life in Russia wonderfully, is a British citizen. Note that this pseudo-patriot does not even hide his belonging to a foreign, hostile second homeland to Russia. British citizenship did not prevent Brilev from taking a high post - deputy director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Brilev is close to the country's top officials, and has led Direct Lines with the Russian president many times. The TV presenter himself does not even see any anomalies or contradictions in this and somehow innocently stated that “an employee of a state enterprise is not a civil servant,” he, de, did not violate the law, and he has no access to state secrets.

An ordinary person, of course, has the right to citizenship of another country. This only means that he does not really like his homeland, and he changes it, although this is about the same as changing his mother. But if a Kremlin propagandist, who also holds a key position on a state television channel, does this, he not only ignores the country's leader's calls for the nationalization of the elites, but is also a hypocrite. For money, he praises the Motherland, which, apparently, is not sweet to him. It turns out that Brilev himself does not believe in what he says in his programs, especially when he scolds the West and glorifies Russia. But then how can the viewer believe him? In addition, he betrayed Putin and his associates, as he swore allegiance to the Queen of Great Britain.

The fact is that when entering English citizenship, the applicant swears three oaths at once: "Oath of allegiance to the United Kingdom and the Queen", "Confirmation of loyalty to the United Kingdom and the Queen" and "Pledge of devotion to the United Kingdom and Queen". It would be logical to do this: he swore allegiance to a foreign country, put his party card on the table and left to mow the lawns at his house in London. Otherwise, all this is falsity and idle talk.

The head of another federal TV - Channel One - Konstantin Ernst is also a subject of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain. As the media wrote, Boris Berezovsky helped Konstantin to obtain a residence permit, whom the First and other TV channels tried to present as Russia's worst enemy. These contradictions are blatant, but it seems that they are accustomed to them, they prefer not to notice, including the propagandists themselves and the authorities.

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Another prominent patriot and "defender of the foundations" Vladimir Soloviev recently admitted that he does not like Crimea and Sochi, so he has several houses in Italy. According to the journalist, he was able to buy real estate due to the fact that he “works hard”. He is unaware that in Russia millions of people “plow all their lives, paying taxes in good faith,” but at the same time they fail to save not only for a house in Italy, but also for a trip to this country. Is it because millions of citizens of Russia (and not Italy) have nothing to do with television budgets, with abundant financial flows flowing into the pockets of the government's information service? However, all these paradoxes do not bother such people at all. In their circle, it has long become the norm to say one thing from the screen, but in life to do differently, to glorify one homeland, and strive for another. Their services are paid according to foreign standards,but whether they benefit the Russian people and the country is a big question.

However, this question is not for the propagandists themselves. For them, it seems to be just business and nothing personal. This is probably why Solovyov publicly supported his colleague Elena Malysheva in the scandal with her American real estate. The TV presenter was criticized after an investigation into her US real estate appeared on the Web. It turned out that Malysheva owns a luxury mansion worth $ 6.5 million in the suburbs of New York on the banks of the Hudson River. In addition, she owns two apartments, acquired for $ 4.2 million in Manhattan, an upmarket New York area.

Malysheva is another vivid example of how one can “live well”, glorifying the authorities that have provided “the highest level of medicine”, misleading the public. Recently, she literally filled numerous broadcasts, and her delights on the topic of coronavirus, which she calls a "miracle miracle", puzzled many experts. Not so long ago, Malysheva closed her channel on the social network - she could not digest the streams of "love" that fell on her. Even the scandalous actor Sadalsky called Malysheva "a bourgeois from medicine."

But all this does not bother Vladimir Solovyov. According to him, Malyshev "has been working on television for a long time, a wonderful doctor, is engaged in business and never hid it." "If we compare Malysheva's income with the income of TV stars of a similar level in other countries, it turns out that Elena does not live richly," Solovyov said. Let's better compare the real standard of living in our country and in Europe and America, where our "TV stars" are so striving! Let's ask them why they want to change their Motherland so much by making money here and taking everything there? Is it because life is much better arranged beyond the hillock, including thanks to their efforts?

You can delve into the dirty linen of domestic TV stars for a long time, continuing the list of their foreign real estate, types of residence abroad. Former TV presenter of the Vremya program on Channel One, Yekaterina Andreeva, many years ago became an honorary citizen of Montenegro and received a passport of this country. I think she has a place to stay in this country. Vladimir Pozner lives in three homelands. Etc.

Their lifestyle and standards have been formed: to receive here - to invest there, to think of oneself in the interiors of another homeland. Isn't that why our television has become a model of vulgarity, hypocrisy, and fooling?

At the same time, the circle of television gurus is constantly narrowing. The same persons, the same "experts", allowed to glorify power in the face of the people. No new interesting characters appear. Others, having worked on their television screen, went to serve the interests of the elite in parliament. Messengers from federal channels are strengthening the propaganda front on other TVs. Former lover of someone else's "dirty laundry" Boris Korchevnikov teaches Orthodox humility and love on the "Spas", a fighter for legal truth on the First Pimanov, at the same time runs the media holding "Krasnaya Zvezda".

Once the late academician Kapitsa, also a TV presenter, in an interview with the author of these lines, called the figures of Russian television criminals. It seems that he somewhat exaggerated their role. After all, there are those who call the tune … Not so long ago, the leader of the Moscow communists, Valery Rashkin, demanded that the prosecutor's office check the statements of TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev and the head of the federal media for extremism. For the whole country, Kiselev, and we wrote about this, proposed erecting monuments to historical characters who were officially condemned in our country for their bloody crimes. In particular, Kiselev spoke to General Krasnov, who was sentenced to death in the USSR for "many years of service to the Nazis." It's good that our youth have not watched such TV shows for a long time,and for a more prepared audience, this hypocrisy is becoming increasingly disgusting.

Author: Mikhail Morozov