Boiling Water From A Well In The Kaliningrad Region - Alternative View

Boiling Water From A Well In The Kaliningrad Region - Alternative View
Boiling Water From A Well In The Kaliningrad Region - Alternative View

Video: Boiling Water From A Well In The Kaliningrad Region - Alternative View

Video: Boiling Water From A Well In The Kaliningrad Region - Alternative View
Video: She made an extending table | Handmade 2024, September

It happened in 2003 in the village of Prudy, Gvardeisky District, Kaliningrad Region. The mistress of one of the country estates in the morning went to the well for water.

When I pulled out the bucket, I was dumbfounded: the liquid in the bucket bubbled and boiled like water in a teapot.

But before that, nothing like this had happened. And the well was the most ordinary: eight meters deep, concrete, with a wooden shed on top and it always gave tasty and cool water. However, there are wells in all courtyards. This area is rich in springs and reservoirs. There are several dozen lakes and ponds alone. But so that boiling water suddenly goes out of the ground - this has never happened.


Local residents reached out to gaze at the miraculous phenomenon: first the neighbors, then the bosses from the village administration, the district policeman, the veterinarian of the state farm. There were also Moscow search engines from the Kosmopoisk association. Everyone drew water from a mug, smelled it, the most daring tasted it. And no one found anything special in it: water is like water - only hot.

It is impossible to say what the initial temperature of the water was, because only on the third day were measurements taken when the water began to cool. The thermometer showed 45 degrees. According to eyewitnesses, who were the first to see the miracle, the water boiled, "like broth on a stove."

But when the regional SES came to Prudy, the water in the well was already slightly warm. Epidemiologists examined the water for the presence of bacteria, pathogens, and E. coli. But no contraindications to eating were found. The water from the well was even much cleaner than tap water.

Scientists also visited the abnormal place. And they gave their interpretation to what happened. It turns out that such phenomena, although rare, do occur in nature. The reason for this phenomenon could be either isothermics, or the so-called hydrovolcano.

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“This phenomenon is by no means a joke or a fantasy,” explained Vadim Pimenov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University. - It can, though not often, happen in nature.

Back in the 70s in Russia, on the basis of the "space" enterprise TsNIIMASH, technological experiments were carried out on high-altitude rockets to create so-called exopackages, when the temperature rose to 1800 degrees when various chemicals were combined. Similar processes are possible on earth. Indeed, water and soil contain exothermics - chemical elements that, when mixed, begin to behave very violently.

Of course, the version is interesting. But, firstly, never before has this been observed in the Ponds area; secondly, in the neighboring well, which was located a few meters from the anomalous, the water remained cold; thirdly, no non-standard compounds were found in warm water, although, in theory, they should appear there.

“This is an extremely interesting natural anomaly,” says Igor Yanitskiy, Doctor of Geological Sciences, head of the Center for Instrumental Observations of the Environment and Geophysical Forecasts. - Apparently, in this well there was an activation of deep geodynamics, a so-called hydrovolcano was formed.

Such "miracles" often occur in mountainous areas, but on the plains they are very rare. Complex and interesting processes are taking place under our feet - tectonic plates move, breaks in the earth's crust are formed, and at their intersection, a hot liquid under enormous pressure begins to rise to the surface …