TOP-7 Most Mysterious Places In Ukraine, Which Are Worth Visiting - Alternative View

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TOP-7 Most Mysterious Places In Ukraine, Which Are Worth Visiting - Alternative View
TOP-7 Most Mysterious Places In Ukraine, Which Are Worth Visiting - Alternative View

Video: TOP-7 Most Mysterious Places In Ukraine, Which Are Worth Visiting - Alternative View

Video: TOP-7 Most Mysterious Places In Ukraine, Which Are Worth Visiting - Alternative View
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How much do you know about why lakes can be dead or have more than one bottom, but several? Below you can learn more about this, as well as about pink granites, where they are and why, about a rocky temple, the most "optimistic" cave in Ukraine and springs that do not lend themselves to artificial carbonation. Traveling in Ukraine is useful and informative.

Boguslavsky granites, Kiev region

On the slopes of the Ros River, unique pink granite blocks 10–12 meters high have frozen. Archaeologists claim that they are more than 2 billion years old. The anomalous nature of this natural phenomenon is that the area around Boguslav is famous for deposits of gray, not pink granite. Scientists suggest that these pink blocks appeared on the surface after an ancient glacier passed through the territory of Ukraine. Although the statements of archaeologists do not detract from the mystery of this miracle of nature. Nowadays, hundreds of people come here to heal and recuperate. After visiting the unique granite massif, many feel a surge of energy. The mystics are sure that here is the so-called place of power.


Bushansky rock temple, Vinnytsia region

At the entrance to the ancient rock temple, which is located on the territory of the Bush Nature Reserve, a mysterious drawing is carved. A rooster sits on a leafless tree, under the tree is depicted a man kneeling with folded hands in prayer, behind whom a deer froze. At the top of the figure is a rectangular frame. For about 200 years, historians have been puzzling over this rebus, trying to unravel the plot. According to one of the versions, the image symbolizes grief for the lost tribesmen, and the frame allegedly contained the inscription "Azm is Myrobog priest of Olga". However, there is no definitive clue yet. And there are no such plots in any rocky pagan sanctuary. Also, historians cannot establish the exact date of the creation of this bas-relief. It is dated back to the 16th century and even the 2nd century.

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Mavrinsky Maidan, Dnipropetrovsk region

Similar from a bird's-eye view to a giant spider, the complex of earthen ramparts is more overgrown with hypotheses than others. Archaeologists and historians still have no consensus on the origin and purpose of this mysterious earth formation. Some are sure that this is a watchtower and a defensive structure from the times of the Zaporozhye Sich. Others see him as a pagan temple. Ufologists claim that this is a UFO landing base. A mysterious earthen complex is located on the eastern outskirts of the village of Mezhirich. The name of the latter gives the mystics a reason to talk about the connection of the Ukrainian village with the cradle of civilization - the ancient Mesopotamia.


Okonsky springs, Volyn region

On the water surface of the lake spread out in the village of Okonsk, you can see two dome-shaped fountains - these are powerful sources of karst waters. Although the lake is shallow (only 3 m), the exact depth of the vents of the sources themselves has not yet been established. The springs are so strong that every second they push 200 liters of water out of the depth of the lake. In addition, the reservoir also has a temperature anomaly. Regardless of the season, the water temperature in the lake does not change and is about 8 ° C. Due to this unique property, even the most severe frosts are not able to freeze the lake with ice. Another mysterious property of water from the source is that it does not lend itself to artificial carbonation at all.


Blue lake, Transcarpathian region

Located 600 m above sea level, the lake is of volcanic origin. At the bottom of this reservoir there are two craters, which are most likely craters of a long-extinct volcano. The lake is fed by an abundant hydrogen sulfide source. Thanks to him, the water acquired not only a sharp hydrogen sulfide smell, but also a pleasant bluish-blue tint. Despite the scenic beauty, this lake is dead. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the reservoir is so high that there are no living organisms in it. Neither fish, nor amphibians, nor even insects can inhabit the waters of the Blue Lake. At the same time, water from it is used for medicinal baths. The reservoir is located in the Sinyak tract, which is 4 km from the Transcarpathian village of the same name. The lake area is about 2 hectares.


Optimistic cave, Ternopil region

Here, near the village of Korolevka, there is the longest cave in Eurasia - Optimisticheskaya. According to legend, the cave, discovered almost half a century ago by Lviv speleologists, received such a name because skeptics who did not believe in its gigantic dimensions jokingly called the discoverers “optimists”. Today the total length of the explored underground passages of the cave is about 240 km. Thanks to this fact, Optimistic is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest gypsum cave in the world. Cavers suggest that the underground labyrinths of this karst cave were formed on the territory of an ancient shallow sea that retreated more than 20 million years ago.


Black lake, Kirovograd region

Officially, this lake is called Berestovate, but the popular name (Black) fully reflects all its mysterious features. The lake is located in the middle of a swamp covered with mosses, lichens and ferns. The swamp covers an area of about 2 hectares. The lake and swamp are believed to have formed meltwaters during the Ice Age and beyond. The depth of this lake has not yet been precisely determined. According to legend, the mysterious reservoir has not one bottom, but several. There is an explanation for this legend: several layers of peat, fallen leaves and branches accumulated over the centuries have formed a multi-tiered bottom in the lake, which seriously complicates the measurement of the exact depth. Naturally, swimming in this reservoir is prohibited. It is located on the territory of the Chernolessky landscape reserve.


Kira Girzheva