Anger Management Or How To Let Off Steam - Alternative View

Anger Management Or How To Let Off Steam - Alternative View
Anger Management Or How To Let Off Steam - Alternative View

Video: Anger Management Or How To Let Off Steam - Alternative View

Video: Anger Management Or How To Let Off Steam - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Best Games To Help You Let Off Some Steam (2018) 2024, September

Many of us, in a fit of anger and anger, cannot contain ourselves, and this leads to unpredictable consequences. If we are irritable, we can offend the person or worse. If you cannot control your anger, then this article is for you.

Medically speaking, anger is a healthy response to irritability. But if anger gets out of control and interferes with your normal existence, then it is not normal. After all, the fits of rage that haunt you all the time can adversely affect your health. To start treating such a "disease", you need to understand the reasons for this expression of emotions. Anger cannot apply to both bad emotions and good ones. After all, if people harm you and misbehave with you, then anger is a very normal reaction to what is happening. But if anger drives you out of control, and you cannot control yourself, then you need the help of specialists.

Different people can deal with their emotions in different ways. Some can manage their anger and this helps them in life. But uncontrolled anger is much more likely to lead to damaged relationships, distort your judgments, which affects your success, and also makes people look at you negatively. Let's take a look at the functions that uncontrolled anger violates:

A person who has gone out of his own control is harmful to his health. Such people are constantly stressed and tired and put their health at risk. Chronic anger often leads to heart disease and a weakened immune system.

In addition to physical health, a person who does not control his anger worsens his psychological and spiritual health. After all, constant nervous outbursts require a large amount of psychological energy, which by itself suppresses your mind and health. Such behavior interferes with a person, concentrates, and completely interferes with enjoying life.

The two previous points taken together affect your career growth. The workflow uses controversy, discussion and creative discord, but uncontrolled anger is not appropriate here. It is worth noting that anger can become your permanent face and it will scare your colleagues at work and you will have to work hard to restore your reputation.

The people around you cannot trust you and begin to fear you. The biggest blow is your anger, it can ask your loved ones. Explosive anger can damage the psyche of children.

Let's take a look at the situations in which people are most often prone to outbursts of anger. People find a fit of anger in stressful situations when the psychological state of a person is in a depressed state. Oftentimes, an irritated person cannot find the true reason for their anger. A person feeling early disappointments and old traumas are prone to anger than others, because situations from the past that made a person angry earlier may repeat themselves with him in the future.

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A person has different ideas and feelings about anger. Feelings of anger pass differently for each person. Some have headaches and breathing becomes more rapid, others have cheekbones and a red face.

If you still have fits of anger despite your best efforts, then you need more help. Managing anger can be learned through hypnosis. Human anger arises in situations that are somewhat similar to each other and with the help of hypnosis you can find and neutralize the primary traumatic situation that actually led you to nervous breakdowns. Some people think that the treatment is useless in this case, but it is not. After all, a person learns very quickly. A trained psychologist can help you find the psychological leverage that turns on your anger and helps you release it.

Some excuses about anger:

1. You need to "let off your steam", otherwise it will not lead to anything good. Yes, it is sometimes necessary, but if this leads to physical and moral violence, then what kind of couple can we talk about.

2. Anger enables me to gain the respect of others. I don’t think that it’s anger that betrays you confidence, because a screaming and thrashing person will not be able to make the desired impression.

3. I cannot control my anger. A person can always find the strength in himself to find a way out of this situation.

You will be able to gain more control over your emotions than you think. For this you can apply the method of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. With this method, you will be able to express emotions under your clear, precise control. You should attend a couple of sessions with a hypnotherapist or find a special program on the Internet that will help you with the problem. Hypnosis is very effective in this matter, because it acts on your subconscious mind, which predicts excellent results.