Secrets Of The Khalzan Tract - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Khalzan Tract - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Khalzan Tract - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Khalzan Tract - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Khalzan Tract - Alternative View
Video: Secret Files: Intelligence Gathering 2024, July

Inform Polis journalists found an ancient fortress

… The rays of the setting sun brightly illuminated the dark slope of the hill. And a wall appeared before us. The most real, built of huge, neatly hewn, like bricks, stones. It was evident that the strengthening had been done well. The height of the wall is about two meters. But it's hard to say about the length - the masonry, in some places already covered with crumbling earth, stretched for tens, if not hundreds of meters …

Halzan's Secret Fortress

From Kamennaya we go to the Khalzan area, where our guide's winter quarters are located. It is about 20-30 km from the regional center (Bichura village), there is already a completely wild taiga. Before us every now and then the hazel grouses flew up, a roe deer appeared on one of the slopes.


- There are red deer, wild boars walk, - says Alexander Andreev, going round every now and then the boulders and huge puddles.

Let's say right away: despite the fact that the Gulyaevsky tract is periodically cleaned, the track there is not the best. You can't go by an ordinary car, only by off-road vehicles. And the best option is the unpretentious UAZ. However, as subsequent events showed, in some sections the road was beyond the strength of the passable "tablet".

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Near Andreev's winter quarters there is a very strange structure, for which we have not found an explanation. This is the wall mentioned at the beginning of the article. It is clearly visible directly from the forest house. And when you come closer, you are amazed at how much work has been invested in it.


All stones are neatly hewn, stacked and tightly fitted to each other. The height of the wall at its highest section is about two meters. However, it is clear that earlier it was much higher. On the slope there are heaps of stones from which the wall was once built. So in ancient times it was really an impregnable fortification.

The wall surrounds the hill along the entire perimeter. In some places the stones are almost invisible, but as soon as you go further, the foundation peeps out from under the moss and withered foliage again.

Who and when laid this gigantic wall remains a mystery. It is only clear that this is a very ancient building, most likely pre-Hunnic times. Perhaps there was a certain guard post here, since from the top of the hill there is a view of the Khalzan tract. Neither horse nor foot was able to hide from the wall watchers. It is possible that this is only a part of some powerful structure, which is now hidden in the thickness of the forest hill. Perhaps there is an ancient fortress there. So archaeologists have a lot of work to do. And it is possible that Halzan can bring a lot of historical surprises.


There is another historical structure of a later period not far from the wall. This is a huge old stove, in which birch tar was once distilled. Although the kiln is almost destroyed, the remaining masonry clearly shows dark streaks and soot.

Author: Leonid Aktinov. Photo: Evgeny Konoplev. Source:


In the same area as the ancient wall is the Kokutsel tract. Translated from Buryat - blue flower. Perhaps these are fragments of one colossal megalithic complex.

Kokutsel wall

This unique natural object is located a kilometer from our winter hut (Leskhozovskoe). On the trail lost in chipura we go to the south, towards the Dondukovo tract.

Finding a wall can be difficult, the taiga surrounding it reliably hides this miracle of nature, it is easy to pass by. And here she is: located along the slope, facing south.

Since its southern part is located lower along the slope, it looks much higher in this place. Once the wall was a monolithic slab, which, due to geological changes, was “on the edge”.


It was undoubtedly even higher. This is evidenced by the extensive talus of boulders on the eastern side of the wall. Moreover, there are no such plates on the western side. The reason for this was probably an earthquake.


A seismic wave from the west threw a mass of stones that "lay badly" in the east. We jump on the slabs, look into the crevices between them. The mass of the boulders is amazing: probably tens of tons each.

We go around the wall from the western side. The monolith has cracked over time, mainly in a horizontal direction, and it seems that the wall is made up of huge stone slabs, precisely fitted to each other.

However, there are also vertical cracks passing through several layers. Such a crack is especially characteristic in the upper southern part of the wall. As if someone cut the stones along with a sword.


It is impossible to climb the wall without special equipment, we limit ourselves to viewing from below. In some places the wall is covered with lichens of different colors: white, green, beige, orange and black. At the very top, a small cedar grows: it is not known how it manages to stay on the stone plane.


The wall is surrounded by cedars, fir, spruce, birch, aspen. From the bushes grow wild rosemary, Siberian barberry and the ubiquitous wild rose. The ecological situation here is favorable, except that the drought here has dried up mosses and lichens.


In those places where measurements were taken, and this is practically along the entire route, the level of gamma and beta radiation did not exceed the level of the natural radioactive background, taken no more than 0.3 μSv / h (microsievert per hour) and was in different places from 0.11 to 0.24 μSv / hour, having a large value on small stone slabs on the earth's surface. On the wall itself, the background level is within 0.13 μSv / hour.

Andronov Dmitry

A unique landscape natural monument is located thirty kilometers from the village of Bichura in the Kokutsel tract (the upper reaches of the Bichura river, the Kokutsel tract, 900 meters from the Leskhozovskoye winter hut). It looks like a huge fortress, impressive with its monumentality. It emerged from the earth millions of years ago. Perhaps in shape it was a parallelepiped, which eventually succumbed to destruction. As evidenced by the thousands of tons of stones lying in the area. Cedars, larch and black birch grow on the wall.


The picturesque scree, covered with lichen and moss, gives the building a magical look, which is inhabited by trees sticking to the stones with branches. The wall is 150 meters long, and its southern part rises above the trees (height 18 meters) and is visible from the Kokutsel mow. The structure of stones at the top of the wall resembles the superstructure of a cruiser. The territory on the southwest side does not have fallen stones around the wall and is overgrown with various types of trees. Closer to the southern edge, there is a strange grotto in the wall, enclosed by a stone. To climb the wall, you need special equipment.