K-Ra-Day Sun - Alternative View

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K-Ra-Day Sun - Alternative View
K-Ra-Day Sun - Alternative View

Video: K-Ra-Day Sun - Alternative View

Video: K-Ra-Day Sun - Alternative View
Video: Африканский МОЛОТОБОЕЦ - Буйвол в Деле! Буйвол против львов, носорогов, слонов и даже туристов! 2024, September

I have two news for you: bad and terrible: Not only is there no Moon, but also the Sun was stolen. And don't say you haven't heard.

K. I. Even in the last century, Chukovsky shouted about this from every bookstore, but you decided that the man just wrote a poem. No, not easy! He was forced to hide this in a nursery rhyme - so he escaped the madhouse.

You were clearly told:

The crocodile swallowed our Sun!

And you sat and clapped your ears. Here is the Sun and patted!

- Nobody stole anything, the sun rises every morning! - you will object, but you will be bitterly mistaken.

Has it ever occurred to you, what for is this superfluous, unnecessary and not pronounced letter with "L" in the middle of the word?

We clearly say - Sonce!

Promotional video:


This is a dream!?




What other dream? And who inserted this letter "L" in order to show the image? Apparently the one who stole the sun, that is, a crocodile, or a reptile in other words. You will say that I am paranoid, but that’s bad luck - Belarusians and Ukrainians write this way: Sonce!


Now let's translate the nursery rhyme into the language of adults:

The reptiles closed our luminary, and instead turned on some kind of surrogate lantern of such a strange action that people fell into a specific state, which they began to call "This Sleep." which the true source of light and heat was closed, a substitute lamp was put on, and people fell into hibernation. If the Sun is not the name of a lantern, then what did the ancestors call it?


We remember fairy tales - there is no Sun there!

But Yarilo is! This is what the ancestors called their new lantern.

In Dahl's dictionary, Yarilo means heat, burning fire. Apparently, the ancestors alternated pronunciation: now Yarilo, then ZharIlo. Thus, Yarilo is a new, unusually hot, blinding and scorching lantern, and Sonce is an illusory world into which people have been immersed. Over time, the creatures merged these two concepts together: Yarilo-Sun - this is how this dish was prepared!


And now a logical question arises: what was the name of our true luminary, which was swallowed by the crocodile? We find the answer in the cave paintings of the ancients, where a scrawled circle with rays is strangely signed: "Solar" - this is it, the name of our star! Funny coincidence: "Sol" from English. - soul (soul). Thus, Sol-Ar is the Soul of the Aryans, and not just a luminous core in the center of the Earth. Solar is the central processor of the planet, Guardian Angel, egregor, collective intelligence, protector and patron of the Aryans in one person.

As long as Solar was shining - the Arians were invincible!


To summarize: Yarilo, Solnechny, Solarium are like synonyms from the same test, but now we know that these are completely different words. Let's pay tribute to the creatures: they merged together not two concepts, but three!

Solar is a true living luminary-core, a central processing unit, the brain of our planet, which is now covered with a multilayer opaque shell, decorated with stars and planets.


Yarilo is not a living luminary, which is a burning and blinding laser emitter, the disk of which we see in the sky.


The sun is not an object, it is a trance state into which Yarilo drives. That is why our sensitivity to the subtle world is sharpened at night.

We (and especially children) always see something in the dark - and we are afraid. We are afraid because we are not familiar and are not ready for the subtle worlds, because we sleep in a narcotic sleep from birth to death, which we are also afraid of more than anything else.

Why was it necessary to remake the world on such a mind-boggling scale?

But why:

The spirit is eternal (although this is fortunately not disputed), and in order for it to evolve, the eternal spirit also needs an eternal body - human-eternal. Otherwise, it is aimless walking in a circle with stepping on the same rake. If the bodies do not age, it means they do not die, therefore they should live in a non-cyclical world. This is a world where there is no change of day and night, summer and winter, death and birth.

No carousel, just forward movement!

Our Earth was just like that. To make it easier to understand, imagine a slice of a chicken egg.

The tough shell is the planet's shell for protection from "space".

The next layer under the shell is a white film - land and oceans.

In the very center - the yolk - is the Solar-core, a giant Luminary, warm and tender, not burning and blinding.

The main% of the egg volume is protein - between the white film and the yolk - this is the biosphere of the planet.

A cord runs through the white from the shell to the yolk - this is the Tree of Life - the connection between the periphery and the center. This is a giant oak that A. S. Pushkin, and the film "Avatar" told how the creatures got rid of him.


There used to be a different world. The entire space from land / ocean to Solara was simply teeming with life. This is proved by the giant stumps that are scattered throughout the planet.

It was a perfect world. And let the language wither away from the one who tells us about wild ancestors and about the fucking level of development of modern civilization.

In that ideal world, insects, birds, animals, fish and, of course, humans do not die or are born. Incarnation occurs through the densification of energy before the manifestation of the physical body, and such proportions as the spirit wants.

Modern forests 30 meters high are just pathetic bushes compared to the fabulous forests of the Aryans. There were practically no fields on Earth, everything was covered with vegetation tens and hundreds of kilometers in height!


There was another atm. pressure, a different gravity, a different composition of the air, there was a different world, which modern man is not even able to imagine.

There is no subconsciousness, only pure consciousness and full access to 100% of the brain, which is not divided into hemispheres.

At any moment you create with the power of thought everything you want and there is no pleasure higher than contemplating the fruits of your labor. Pleasure of this order is not comparable in strength to the orgasm of a modern biorobot. The latter simply have a fuss against the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

It was a completely different form of life, perfect as the Universe itself. This is how the Aryans lived - the true creators, until the essences with the mirrored insides - parasites - arrived.






Author: As Gard