What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View

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What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View
What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View
Video: С какими целями запущен тренд «Британские учёные»? 2024, September

There are practically no programs on Russian TV channels dedicated to the achievements of science, new discoveries or research. They have been supplanted by numerous TV shows and series, which chew on the same themes from the series: who slept with whom, who was killed and where, what needs to be eaten to lose weight. Reports of new breakthroughs in technology or industry can be found periodically in the news, but more and more often they begin like this: "British scientists said."

This introduction is usually followed by information about a new stupid discovery, either useless or completely contrary to common sense. And if the presenters on TV, talking about such discoveries, cannot always hide a smile on their face, then news agencies and news publications publish this information in all seriousness, presenting it as the result of objective research. Here are a number of examples at once, styling them in the style of the popular film "Aliens Among Us" and revealing the semantic message behind each of these headlines.

The technology for obtaining such absurd conclusions is simple. For example, let's take a look at one of the typical studies, as a result of which American scientists found out that "teetotalers live less than people who drink in moderation and even drink a lot."

Despite the obvious absurdity and falsehood of such a statement, which should be obvious to every sane person, many drinkers took this "sweet lie" as an excuse to justify their vices and even regularly refer to this study in discussions. Meanwhile, even a careful reading of the article itself is enough to understand what the trick is.

In the description of the technique, the phrase "the highest mortality rate is observed among non-drinkers, regardless of whether they were previously alcoholics" is found. Explaining on the fingers: this means that in the control group of "non-drinkers" the scientists recruited not those people who did not drink alcohol since childhood or consciously gave up alcohol in their youth, but those who, for example, were an alcoholic and now have to lead a sober lifestyle, since he has completely ruined his health, or those who, for example, were encoded after another bad experience. As a result of such a study, it is quite natural that the so-called "teetotalers" from the control group died earlier than moderate and even heavy drinkers. It's easy to guess which product manufacturers sponsored this study and paid for its publication in the media.

Let's remind that ethyl alcohol is a part of any alcohol, the amount of which determines the degree of the product. To understand what enormous efforts are being made to solder the population of our country, it is enough to study the history of GOST for this very ethyl alcohol, which in a couple of decades, according to documents, turned from a "potent drug" into a "colorless liquid with a smell."

And now the media regularly publishes the results of yet another commissioned study that reveals the benefits of drinking certain alcoholic beverages. And the harm to health caused by ethyl alcohol itself, which is always many times higher than any positive aspects, simply remains in the default. Here are many examples with just wine.

And after a series of such studies takes its firm place in the minds of citizens, the results of these pseudoscientific discoveries begin to be consolidated at the legislative level, of course, out of the best intentions, taking care of filling the budget.

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Nevertheless, the scientists themselves, working off the money of various TNCs, and even officials who, through ignorance or malice, make management decisions harmful to the population, are only a small part of this system. The main role is played by the same media. It is they who make this or that research public and bring its results to the consciousness of millions of people.

After all, thousands of discoveries are made every day, the publicity of which can really improve life and help real scientists to further develop an important direction. But instead, we learn that drinking alcohol, playing computer games and swearing is good, but cooking at home is bad.

Summarize. Promotion of the British Scientists trend by Western and Russian media is aimed at:

1. Discrediting science;

2. Degradation of the population;

3. Solving such particular tasks as:

- alcohol promotion;

- propaganda of harmful lifestyles;

- destruction of the institution of the family;

- propaganda of the ideology of "childfree".

The primary sources of this news are most often such world publications as the Times, Telegraph, BBC and others. Our media simply obediently broadcast this information to the Russian audience. For example, the RBC and Dozhd channels even have an official agreement under which they are obliged to publish the content of foreign media corporations. It is quite possible that other Russian TV channels and news agencies have the same agreements, but this information has not yet become public.