Let's Expose! Are There Prano-eaters And Sun-eaters? - Alternative View

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Let's Expose! Are There Prano-eaters And Sun-eaters? - Alternative View
Let's Expose! Are There Prano-eaters And Sun-eaters? - Alternative View

Video: Let's Expose! Are There Prano-eaters And Sun-eaters? - Alternative View

Video: Let's Expose! Are There Prano-eaters And Sun-eaters? - Alternative View
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Prano-eating or sun-eating is the ability of a person to do without food and water for a long time, eating at the expense of the all-pervading energy of prana (life force). It is believed that sunlight is the main source of prana.

Synonyms for Prano-eating are Bretarianism - from the English "breath" (breath) and Bigu - in Chinese "without food".

Apart from various semi-mythical references to hermits, saints, enlightened ones, yogis, etc., who have reached a state where their life could be sustained without the consumption of physical food, the phenomenon of prano-eating was practically not encountered until recently.

But over the past decades, sun-eating has spread enough across the planet, despite the fact that it is completely denied by official science. Some of the sun-eaters (and there are about 8 thousand of such people on Earth, according to various estimates), associate the development of Pranoology with the transition of the Earth to a new energy state - along with the planet, the spiritual and physical capabilities of people change dramatically.

What is it?

Prana is the energy of life. This is something without which life cannot exist. Everything around moves because it is permeated with prana. The body moves as long as there is prana in it, and this movement stops when the prana leaves the body. Prana is everywhere: in the air, in water, in space, in the earth, in all living beings.

A person is able to accumulate the energy of prana in himself. The more life energy you have, the healthier, stronger, happier you are. Do not waste prana on trifles. Prana is especially well wasted when a person indulges in sexual excesses. If you can control your sexual energy, then you are able to control your consciousness and prana.

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It is argued that there are several ways in which one can gain the ability to live without physical nourishment. One of them is associated with obtaining solar energy by gazing at the setting or dawn sun. When using this practice, it is recommended to combine it with walking barefoot on the ground. Such feeding by the sun has become widespread in India, where it is associated with yogic practices. It is believed that sun-eating endows a person with physical and mental health, relieves of diseases. Gradually, within six months of training, there is a noticeable decrease in appetite: in the future, the body can completely switch to eating prana instead of physical nutrition. The most famous representative of this path is the Indian Hira Ratan Manek, who gives detailed instructions on how to gradually move to sun-eating. Another famous Indian pranoedist is the Sun Yogi Umasankar.

Among other ways of giving up physical food is the so-called alchemical method. It is described as the use of special chemicals that increase a person's energy and gradually allow him to go without food. This method is the most dangerous of all and is available only to masters. At the same time, there is no reliable information about the effectiveness of the alchemical method.

The closest and most understandable for a modern person are two, in many respects overlapping, ways of transition to prano-eating: through conscious eating and fruitorianism.


Conscious eating is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to individually regulate the physical nutrition of the body, in accordance with its actual needs, and not social habits, stereotypes and fears. The practitioner should focus as much as possible on his feelings, fix them, notice all the nuances. This begins with the realization that a person is hungry, what kind of food he really wants, how the taste and feeling of fullness change in the process of smelling food, chewing it for a long time. This is a kind of journey inside yourself, as a result of which you can find harmony in nutrition, give up unnecessary and harmful. It is important that along this path each person will go as far as intended: someone will just give up meat and fast food, and someone will achieve prano-eating. You should not force the process, it is important to understand that everyone has their own purpose and their own path.

In this regard, the experience of Jericho Sunfire is very interesting, who, starting with fruitarianism, after 10 years switched to prano-eating. This is an ordinary person living in Great Britain, who at one point realized that low-quality dead food was killing and torturing him. Overcoming the habits of his body, repeatedly returning to his usual way of eating, he still managed to switch to fruitorianism (eating only fruits). Without stopping in his development, after a while he was able to practice Pranoology. The entire path of transformation took over 10 years. Sunfire notes the following key points:

The first step was the hardest for him, he conquered the next steps without experiencing torment and serious discomfort. It is important to trust your intuition, your feelings. Prano-eating is not for everyone. Jericho himself considers himself a messenger from other worlds who lives on Earth.


Everywhere they write that pranoology is still only at the very beginning of its development: few people believe in such capabilities of the human body, even fewer people try to practice it. But gradually the energy state of our planet is changing, opening up hitherto unseen prospects for the development of human potential. At the same time, more and more experience of Prano-eating appears, the methods of transition to a life without food are being improved and worked out. Probably, in the future, humanity will step into a new stage of development, having learned to feed on sunlight.

Let's continue and talk about a real “phenomenon”, a person who hasn't eaten or drunk at all for over 70 years. He calls himself Prahlad Jani. As it turned out, many people still believe in this grandfather, a reference sun-eater who managed to prove his unique skills of living without food and water to the entire scientific world.

Here is what Yuri Stepanenko writes, trying to understand this issue:

A man from India who lives in sunlight

An old man in a crimson robe and with a ring in his nose is trying to tell all of us that he has not eaten or drunk since the moment the goddess Ambaji touched his tongue with her finger. And it happened around the time of the beginning of the Second World War.

There are several reliably established scientific laws, among which there is a biological one, which states that no person (and no animal) can survive without regular consumption of food and water, which obliges to treat such claims of non-eating with a certain degree of skepticism. Actually, it is extremely easy to bring such characters to the surface, and this has been done more than once.

But Prahlada Jani, as it turned out, has quite influential advocates, which complicates things somewhat.


Dr. Sudir Shah, a neurophysiologist and head of Ahmedabad's Sterling Hospital, took Jani's rather silly story and aggressively made it public. In his sensational "scientific" research, he and his team put Cool Jani under strict surveillance from April 22 to May 6. This project was wholly funded and supervised by the Indian Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (Dipas). The research from the institute was headed by Govindasami Ilawazagan, who apparently fully shared the enthusiasm of the head of the hospital. Together, the two gentlemen concluded that Prahlad Jani had not eaten a crumb during those days and, far more incredible, had not drunk a drop in all 15 days of watching him. Could scientists be so gullible as to accept this study without a second thought,which turns the basic laws of biology upside down? There is no doubt that the "total surveillance" of the old man had loopholes and the "grandiose scientific research" was just a farce.

When the study started, I unveiled some of these loopholes in a live broadcast on India TV: (the video seems to be in Hindi, but no translation is needed. The second part shows several loopholes) even the officially presented videos contained episodes when Jani was leaving field of view of cameras; it turns out that he was allowed to receive transmissions from acquaintances and leave the room with cameras for sunbathing, his regular bathing and gargling procedures were not sufficiently controlled, etc. (!) I demanded to give me the opportunity to check the research site with an independent team of rationalists, but there was no response. Although a little later, there was a sudden call from the hospital, on which I was invited on live television to attend the study the next day.(A good PR move, you must agree. Do not be afraid to invite an expert on this kind of fraud on the air throughout India. The public appreciates that).

In the early morning we were already ready to fly to the research site, but then we were told that we must hold our horses and wait for permission from the "main boss". Of course, we never got it.


Likewise, we could not attend the first study led by Shah in November 2003 (and this project, by the way, was also funded by Dipas). Shah has a rich history of conducting this kind of research, which was never allowed to be discussed in scientific periodicals. He is just fanatically trying to push through his hypothesis that a person can stop eating and drinking and "switch to other energy resources, one of which is the sun."

Prahlad Jani was far from the Shah's first successor. In 2001-2002, he researched Hira Manek for a year and confirmed his claim that Manek can only be eaten by sunlight. (You can write about this person separately, he was observed by the same “researchers” for 411 years. He was noticed more than once in a restaurant.) The idea that Shah was pushing was investigated by NASA and Pinselwan University, as a result was not recognized by both. (NASA, obviously, would never have been interested in this if in 2003 Shah had not asked her for sponsorship for further research. Allegedly, this business would greatly help the astronauts.).

Shah is a deeply religious Jain. As president of the Federation of Indian Jain Physicians (the oldest Indian religion that preaches non-harm to all living things. This is where the love of sun-eating "grows" from) he assumed that with the help of his research, nowadays imperfect medicine would reach a new level of development - "super-medicine »Jainism, as was once predicted by the all-seeing Lord Mahavir (God is such, the main and all-knowing in the Jain religion). And we can only wonder how his research gaze could be so clouded by religious zeal. It is also interesting that his entire team of "researchers" of the clinic are also religious Jains, and his partner in testing Manek was … the president of the Jain federation himself.


Shah also suggested that this phenomenon had great potential for the military. And, oh shame, the Indian Ministry of Defense took the bait! Are they so naive there that they are seriously considering creating an army of sun-eating soldiers? Now we're trying to figure it out …

Here, both the motives for the fraud (religious fanaticism + money bear fruit) and the loopholes with which it is not difficult to turn it all around are clearly clear. And given the fact that none of the outside experts was allowed to the study, and that it was tested completely ignoring all existing standards, as well as common sense, then we can safely say that the whole story with Prahlad Jani is complete nonsense. To believe in which is simply stupid.

In Russia, sun-eaters have become more active - people advocating the refusal of food and water and claiming that it is possible to eat only solar energy and the mysterious "life force".

In Runet, there are many communities of prano-eaters, whose members leave killer comments like “I don’t eat or drink for 4 days without an enema”, “I’m afraid to confess to my beloved that I’m a sun-eater”, “I feel vibrations on myself before awakening and accept the energy of love into the body … am I ready to switch to prano? "," THE SUN IS UNDEFINITELY TASTY "," If you are a prano-eater and want to get better, go to the Sun more often "," I am a prano-eater bodybuilder "," After work I came home and drank some pickle from a pickled cucumbers. I didn't eat them, because I am a prano-eater."


And in a post of one of the thematic Internet communities, the following was written: “The more Pranoids become, the more clearly their division is expressed. Today, from the total gigantic mass of Pranoedians, two global groups can be distinguished, as they themselves say, two sectors:

1) rainbow pranoids (live mainly in warm places, often indulge in eating a rainbow together with solar energy);

2) shining prano-eaters (they live in the colder parts of our planet, feed on moonlight and the northern lights at night)”.

Interestingly, the only comment on the post is “Are you completely crazy? Lol.

But sun-eaters not only surf the Internet, but also go offline - for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, meetings of prano-eaters are regularly held, and the most popular advocates of refusing food and water travel with paid lectures to cities in Russia. “Not so long ago I was at the presentation of one prano-eater,” says the skeptic Mikhail Lidin. - There were about 150 people eager to join the "wisdom" of the guru. The stuffiness in the room was unbearable - just scorching heat. One woman even fainted half an hour after starting.


The questions after the guru's presentation were about amrita, the upper dan-tian and the flow of energy through the central chakra channel. All this was passed off as the wisdom of the ancestors. Although it was more like the speech of a patient with schizophasia.

There was also a demonstration with bending a skewer by the throat (the simplest trick). She somehow cheered up the audience. The guru refused my offer to bend the skewer with an emphasis on the eye, although he argued that this was possible.

The pranoed responded evasively to the offer to undergo a check on the subject of "non-eating". He said that most likely he would not be able to pass such a test. By the way, earlier he admitted that he has periodic breakdowns to vegetarianism.


I was also “pleased” that when they began to ask questions about science, someone shouted out like: “Oh, well, this is just science. Science doesn't know a lot!"

However, according to the statement of some pranoedists, it is better not to hold lectures and seminars on sun-eating and not to tell anyone about your nutrition with "vital energy". “Each of us realizes who we are and what will happen to us, pranoed, if everyone knows that we exist,” says a post from one of the Internet communities. - Many have watched TV series / films about people with supernormal abilities, and everyone understands why they have to hide. Scientists, the military - everyone is trying to use them for their own purposes, conducting endless experiments and trying to understand what the peculiarities of unusual individuals are.

Interestingly, to date, not a single case of refusal to eat and water for a long time has been recorded. Although Pranoedians from all over the world tirelessly declare that for several months (or even years) they have been feeding on sunlight alone. There were also incidents: for example, Hira Ratan Manek, an adherent of the theory from India, said that he had given up food and water back in the 90s. However, not so long ago, he was seen (and also filmed and photographed) in one of the restaurants with a full tray of food.


But there are known cases of deaths of adherents of sun-eating: not so long ago, as a result of the transition to starvation, two women died - from Switzerland and Australia. In addition, the pranoedist from Germany fell into a coma after a long starvation - and when he was pumped out, he fell from powerlessness, hit his head and died due to the injury.

Another woman from Australia lost her ability to speak due to refusal to eat and drink, and then her right arm was paralyzed.

The adepts are convinced that they will be able to completely abandon food and even water, assimilating only "energy from space" and air."

According to the scientist, if we assume the existence of some kind of cosmic energy that could provide the human body without eating food, then such people should stop consuming oxygen. The questions of science would be reasonable: how much energy per unit of time passes and is absorbed, how much is dissipated, is this energy homogeneous or there are different ranges, what sources it has, is there a possibility of producing artificial energy.

But as observation shows, in reality, the followers of Pranoology are engaged in self-deception, at the same time losing significant amounts of money, since the industry of pseudo-philosophical trends exploits people's interest well. To the services of adepts and lectures with classes (in which often in one meaningless sentence a huge number of scientific words are used: "singularity", "brain", "mind", incense to very specific outfits and decor items).

Today pranoology is considered a myth and an unreal ability.
