Olivia Farnsworth: A Girl Who Does Not Feel Pain, Hunger And Fatigue - Alternative View

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Olivia Farnsworth: A Girl Who Does Not Feel Pain, Hunger And Fatigue - Alternative View
Olivia Farnsworth: A Girl Who Does Not Feel Pain, Hunger And Fatigue - Alternative View

Video: Olivia Farnsworth: A Girl Who Does Not Feel Pain, Hunger And Fatigue - Alternative View

Video: Olivia Farnsworth: A Girl Who Does Not Feel Pain, Hunger And Fatigue - Alternative View
Video: 'Bionic Kid': 7yo girl feels no pain, hunger & fatigue due to rare genetic disorder 2024, September

Englishwoman Olivia Farnsworth looks like an ordinary child. If you do not know about its peculiarity, which confused scientists and doctors.

It all started with the fact that the girl had an accident.

In 2016, 7-year-old Olivia went for a walk with her mother Niki and four siblings. Suddenly she ran out onto the road where she was hit by a truck. The car dragged the girl's body over 120 meters.

The shocked mother and children screamed in horror. However, Olivia stood up calmly, approached them and asked: "What happened?"

A medical examination revealed that the girl's most serious injury was abrasions to her arms and thigh. Probably, the fact that the girl did not shrink at the moment of impact, because she absolutely did not feel fear, also played a role.

After a full examination of Olivia, it turned out that there is an abnormality in Olivia's DNA - the sixth chromosome is missing. The absence of the sixth chromosome entails many different conditions, but this is the first time doctors have encountered such a “bouquet”.

Scientists call her "bionic girl", and her mother - "girl of steel" who has absolutely no sense of fear.

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First signs

The fact that her daughter is different from the rest of the children, Nicky realized in the very first months. The girl never cried like other babies, and from six months she stopped sleeping during the day.

Until the age of four, Olivia practically did not grow hair, which is why she was constantly confused with a boy.

Olivia with her family
Olivia with her family

Olivia with her family.

Once she tore her lip and did not say anything to her parents, although the injury was so serious that several plastic surgeries had to be done.

Plus, Olivia always ate poorly. She could eat the same food for months - for example, chicken noodles or a milkshake. Once she ate only sandwiches with butter for a year and a half!

Nicky laughs that the punishment in the form of deprivation of sweets will not frighten Olivia.

The girl can easily do without food and sleep for five days. So that she could fully rest, she was prescribed special drugs.

Periodically, Olivia has outbursts of uncontrolled aggression, during which she screams and fights. The mother believes that this may be due to a chromosomal abnormality, so she tries to find out as much as possible about this condition.

The opinion of doctors

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, Olivia is a unique medical phenomenon of its kind, which today does not even have a name.


The worldwide database contains about 15 thousand chromosomal abnormalities. Of these, only one hundred cases are in the missing chromosome # 6. Of these 100 cases, there is not a single one that resembles Olivia's.

From time to time, doctors record disturbances in sleep, appetite or pain, but all three symptoms collected in one person are encountered for the first time.

At this stage, science cannot cure chromosomal disorders. All we have available today is symptom relief.
