Inside The Light - Alternative View

Inside The Light - Alternative View
Inside The Light - Alternative View

Video: Inside The Light - Alternative View

Video: Inside The Light - Alternative View
Video: Switching Between Multiple Views in MVVM - EASY WPF (.NET CORE) 2024, July

You cross the threshold of the temple and find yourself in a completely different world. Inside a dream. Colored sleep. You are literally drowning in this warm, slightly languid, red-golden light. It seems to you that you are able to feel it physiologically. Tactile.

Another minute and you get used to this powerful luminous flux. And now the figures of angels, winged griffins and rhinoceroses, castles, cities, people become distinguishable … All this begins to intertwine in plots, comes to life. You become a witness of the creation of the world, the fall of Adam.

You are experiencing the Flood, you find yourself in the Babylonian pandemonium, you make an exodus with the Jews from Egypt. The lives of Elijah the Prophet and his disciple Elisha are flashing before your eyes …

Annunciation, and soon you are already following Christ: through Christmas, Baptism, Meeting, Golgotha … Then the apostles take you with them, where you become an eyewitness to their Acts.

Further - the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment, where you will prick for a moment about the gaze of the lord of hell, Beelzebub. But some unknown force will push you out of there, and you will drown in the bushes of the Garden of Eden …


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Who created this miracle ?! The names of Russian iconographers Gury Nikitin and Sila Savin hardly have a chance to survive in our memory, reliably built from bricks by Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Rembrandt. But still try to find a secluded corner, a skete in your mind for these artists.

And when you stand in the Louvre, vainly trying to determine the angle of the Mona Lisa's grin, remember that dense reddish-ocher light in which you were lucky enough to plunge into the Yaroslavl Temple of Elijah the Prophet.

About how the category of time ceased to exist for you. Like everything outside the boundaries of the temple, this radiation has lost its meaning. How you left the temple and realized that you were awake. We woke up from a wonderful dream. A prophetic dream called Russian Orthodoxy.