Alien Kings In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Alien Kings In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Alien Kings In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Alien Kings In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Alien Kings In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: King Tut's Shocking Origins + Other Amazing Secrets of Ancient Egypt 😱 Smithsonian Channel 2024, September

Egypt! A land of wonders, secrets and magic. For many centuries, the huge pyramids, the incomprehensible Sphinx and the mighty temples located in the lower course of the Nile have dominated the minds of people. Their silent majesty evokes memories of glorious, majestic antiquity, the presence of arrogant immortals, that golden age of the gods, when the Earth was young. Those colossal ruins from the distant past invade our present as symbols of some galactic race; their aura of power and spiritual strength radiate a message that people cannot read. These hermits stand in alien solitude, dominating the sands outside space and time, waiting for a person to rise to their understanding. Such awe-inspiring grandeur indicates the existence of a greater and more distinguished race of people, superior to mortal man, the celestials,who brought civilization to Earth, aliens from the stars.

At present, our sophisticated world has lost its ability to wonder, that divine hope that the soul will turn the cold relics of the past into a warm life full of passion. Our soulless age, accustomed by science and socialism to consider our time with all its shortcomings the highest peak of human aspirations, ridicules Antiquity as a period of deep ignorance, forgetting that true civilization develops in the soul not thanks to superbombs. We, who surrounded the moon with a ring of rockets and challenged the stars, despise the wise men of the past. What if the mysteries of Ancient Egypt entail some startling revelation that will change the future of humanity? What if conventional points of view are wrong? Our world cries out for compassion. Shouldn't we be looking for an inspiring idea among the stars?

Several millennia, which, in our opinion, constitute the history of man on Earth, are represented by various objects discovered by archaeologists. Their age was established using radiocarbon, potassium-argon or other methods, which is confirmed by contemporary written sources, if any. Nothing is known about the endless eras of human evolution that paleontologists talk about. Scientists nowadays recognize that civilizations on other planets did not develop at the same time as our own civilization. In some stellar systems, people can be thousands, even millions of years ahead of us in development. It is possible that in the past centuries, aliens, exploring our edge of the Galaxy, landed on Earth and, obedient to the cosmic law, taught primitive man the basics of culture, maybe ruled as kings, and then flew away,to sow the seeds of civilization elsewhere. Such a statement is hardly science fiction, since in the coming centuries it is the intention of future astronauts to shower with the dubious benefits of the Earth all the stars that fall into their field of view.

Egyptologists have devoted their lives to the study of the sands of the Nile, talented archaeologists, subjecting their finds to scientific study, discovered a vivid picture of the life of Ancient Egypt, the splendor of the pharaohs, the wisdom of the priests, the wonderful heritage bequeathed to Greece and Rome - all this has a profound impact on our modern civilization. Having deciphered the inscriptions on the Rosetta stone, Champollion illuminated the lost world with light. Sir Flinders Petrie with his shovel dug up the magnificent history; scientists from a dozen countries patiently resurrected a vivid picture of seven thousand years of civilization, rich in colors. Seven thousand years! Herodotus wrote that the Egyptians consider themselves to be the most ancient people on Earth. What happened in Egypt in prehistoric times?

Occult traditions preserve esoteric knowledge transmitted by countless initiates from far antiquity, who shed light on vast periods of human evolution, going far beyond the limited scope based on the facts of archeology. Such revelations are unacceptable to science, which follows its strict methodology based on facts, experience and evidence; and yet so far we do not dismiss most of the truly great thinkers of the past as empty dreamers simply because they held a mindset different from ours: we certainly should have at least a little trust in their teachings, especially when it is highly unlikely that written sources from distant times at all will be found.

It is difficult for the modern historian to understand our own turbulent age. He is justly skeptical of the knowledge of the mystics outside of his rational field of knowledge. Yet he should consider the fact that in the centuries to come, our modern world may be as little known as we do of Atlantis - and this is a terrifying reality. If now a nuclear war or a cosmic catastrophe devastated our Earth, fires, floods and earthquakes would destroy all written documents, turn all our magnificent buildings into dust, deafening the human mind so much that all memory of the catastrophe would be erased, then the few who survived in it people would have reached a barbaric state in a fierce struggle to survive in a shattered world, too shaken to reflect on the horrors of the past. When finallygenerations later, scientists will turn to the study of our century, nothing may remain of our outstanding culture. Troy has disappeared from history; the researchers of Antiquity swore that the city of Priam was an invention of Homer, until the inexperienced Schliemann dug up Helen's crown, adorned with precious stones. Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and Admiral Pliny was suffocated in 79, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.there may be nothing left of our outstanding culture. Troy has disappeared from history; the researchers of Antiquity swore that the city of Priam was an invention of Homer, until the inexperienced Schliemann dug up Helen's crown, adorned with precious stones. Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and Admiral Pliny was suffocated in 79, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.there may be nothing left of our outstanding culture. Troy has disappeared from history; the researchers of Antiquity swore that the city of Priam was an invention of Homer, until the inexperienced Schliemann dug up Helen's crown, adorned with precious stones. Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and Admiral Pliny was suffocated in 79, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.the researchers of Antiquity swore that the city of Priam was an invention of Homer, until the inexperienced Schliemann dug up Helen's crown, adorned with precious stones. Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and Admiral Pliny was suffocated in 79, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.the researchers of Antiquity swore that the city of Priam was an invention of Homer, until the inexperienced Schliemann dug up Helen's crown, adorned with precious stones. Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and Admiral Pliny was suffocated in 79, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and admiral Pliny in 79, choked to death, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, from which the scientist and admiral Pliny in 79, choked to death, remained legends for eighteen centuries. Who knows, maybe in the future our modern huge capitals will turn out to be myths? Ten thousand years later, archaeologists, due to the lack of artifacts, can deny our existence. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account. The only memory of our turbulent times may be the knowledge of the initiates. You can't laugh at ancient traditions; surely science must take them into account.

Secret knowledge says that tens of thousands of years ago, the Lemurians, the third race of mankind, migrated from their sunken continent located in the Indian Ocean to the upper Nile. The timeline is getting confused. Berossus claimed that the king ruled Babylon 432,000 years before the flood. If so, then the monarch of his day should have ruled Egypt - a statement that we can accept or reject.

The next huge cycle of human development took place on Atlantis, an island continent in the Atlantic Ocean, more than 200,000 years ago. Few topics are as hot as Atlantis - unless it's a UFO! About two thousand books have been written that prove its existence, and almost as many reject it. The latest data from geology and climatology suggest that sooner or later science will accept the idea of a lost Atlantis in the same way as the idea of UFOs coming to us now.

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Under the beneficent guidance of those initiated into solar wisdom from Venus, the inhabitants of Atlantis reached an amazing, extrasensory-based, controlling the heavenly forces, a civilization that flourished about 90,000 years ago. Experts have developed abnormal mental abilities, receiving help from the elements in other dimensions. From their cosmic mentors, the Atlanteans received the cult of the Sun, reverence for the Solar Logos, for whom the Sun they saw was only a symbol. They believed in life after death, the reincarnation of the soul into flesh through the chain of worlds to achieve perfection in harmony with God, dreaming of a living universe. Scientists have mastered a force they called Vril, which caused levitation. They possessed tremendous stellar power that could produce powerful explosions, so vividly described thousands of years later in the Mahabharata. The first rulerskings-gods from space, kept in touch between the planets. Perhaps there was a message with amazing creatures on Sirius, who had a mystical attraction for the peoples of Antiquity. Earth was likely an outpost of the Galactic Federation, as suggested by the incomprehensible knowledge that some initiates possessed.

Astronomers are often surprised when their recent discoveries are predicted by ancient primitive peoples who did not have our modern telescopes. They cannot attribute such knowledge to direct observation and therefore tend to dismiss this fact as unscientific, especially if there is no obvious explanation for it. Montpellier ethnology professor Jean Servier draws attention to the Dogon people living in Bondiagar in Mali, south of Egypt, who have long known that Sirius has two satellites, and they also know the periods of their revolution. They say that the closest companion of this star is made of a metal called sogolu, and it is brighter than iron; one grain of this substance "weighs as much as four hundred and eighty donkey packs." One can at first laugh at such a belief as at superstition. Then astronomers rememberthat in 1862 Alvan G. Clarke, using an eighteen-inch refractor telescope, discovered the twin star Sirius, with a density fifty thousand times that of water. A matchbox of such a substance would weigh a ton. Nuclear physicists explain this miracle as follows: its atoms are devoid of electrons, and the nuclei are very close to each other - this plausible explanation has not been proven. Our astronomers now agree that Sirius has a second satellite, but unlike the Dogons, they have not determined its orbit. Initiates in Sudan worship Sirius as the creator of our solar system, thus confirming ancient occult knowledge. The Shilluk tribe in South Africa has always referred to Uranus as the "Three Stars", a planet with two moons. Yet, until it was rediscovered by Herschel on March 13, 1871, Uranus remained unknown to modern astronomy. Tuaregs in the Sahara Desert also tell legends that exist throughout the world about Orion and the Pleiades. Such deep knowledge about the stars, passed down from generation to generation by primitive peoples for thousands of years, could certainly only be obtained from astronomers of some long-extinct civilization, such as Atlanteans or aliens.

The Atlanteans rebelled against the cosmic rulers who returned to the stars. Perhaps in the legends of Ancient Greece and the Ramayana, this very war between the gods and the titans is shown! For thousands of years, volcanic activity tore the continent apart into islands that plunged into the sea. Anticipating final destruction, many Atlanteans emigrated eastward to the Nile Valley, or westward to America, establishing colonies similar to their homeland. The cultural similarities, especially in architecture, metallurgy, and religious beliefs, between the Egyptians and the Aztecs suggest their common ancestry from Atlantis. Later, in vain attempts to prevent fate, the priests turned their knowledge into black magic, and the kings launched a naval invasion of the Mediterranean countries and North Africa and were finally defeated by the heroic Athens. Around 11000 BC e.the last large island of Poseidon was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Magnificent Atlantis plunged into the ocean and soon became an obscure memory cherished by the few who believe in it, but ridiculed by mainstream science, unable to find evidence of its existence. There are occult legends that spaceships from Venus flew to Earth to save the chosen initiates from death. Apparently, it is this salvation that perpetuates the Christian teachings about the "angels of the Lord" who will descend from heaven to save the righteous on the Day of Judgment, which is vividly described in the Bible as a fire and floods devouring sinful Atlantis.but ridiculed by official science, unable to find evidence of its existence. There are occult legends that spaceships from Venus flew to Earth to save the chosen initiates from death. Apparently, it is this salvation that perpetuates the Christian teachings about the "angels of the Lord" who will descend from heaven to save the righteous on the Day of Judgment, which is vividly described in the Bible as a fire and floods devouring sinful Atlantis.but ridiculed by official science, unable to find evidence of its existence. There are occult legends that spaceships from Venus flew to Earth to save the chosen initiates from death. Apparently, it is this salvation that is perpetuated by the Christian teachings about the "angels of the Lord" who will descend from heaven to save the righteous on the Day of Judgment, which is vividly described in the Bible as a fire and floods devouring sinful Atlantis.devouring sinful Atlantis.devouring sinful Atlantis.

Little information about this disappeared continent is left for posterity. Atlantis was mentioned in the Zen book, originally written in the Senzar language (the mystical, secret language of the priests. - Trans.), And then translated into Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit. The most valuable records of Atlantis preserved by Plato in the Timaeus state that his famous ancestor Solon visited Egypt around 590 BC. e. and when discussing ancient times, a priest of the city of Sais, located in the Nile Delta, told him about the great times, when a long time ago:

… The Atlantic was navigable from the island west of the strait you call the Pillars of Hercules; this island was larger than Libya and Asia together … And so, this island was called Atlantis and was the center of a great and wonderful empire that ruled over parts of the continent; in addition, they subjugated part of Libya to Egypt and part of Europe to the Etruscan country.

The priest described how the Atlanteans tried to subjugate Egypt and Greece to their immense power, but the Athenians and their allies defeated the aggressors and liberated the enslaved peoples.

But then there were strong earthquakes and floods, and in one day and one night, during which it rained, all the soldiers as one fell into the ground, and the island of Atlantis disappeared in the same way in the waves of the sea.

Solon wrote the unfinished poem Atlantikos, which was probably based on Egyptian writings about Atlantis; unfortunately, both have been lost. However, who knows what documents can be found during excavations in the sands of the Nile? Initiates believe that the Atlanteans laid "time capsules" with a detailed description of their history. When our world is ready, these secrets will be revealed. This idea seems like science fiction, but in this century many truths about the cosmos have been revealed to man. Evidence for the existence of Atlantis can be found in Egypt.

Egyptologists reject the existence of civilization in fabulous antiquity. They establish chronology according to the dynastic lists of kings found in the inscriptions, calculating it by some known date recorded in the history of Babylon in modern Egypt, or by the cycle of Sirius' revolution (a period equal to 1460 years) - the coincidence of the rise of Sirius with the first day of the civil calendar. Establishing the age of organic objects made of wood or bone is achieved by measuring the content of radiocarbon-14, the age of ceramics using the thermoluminescent method by determining the output of light emitted by clay when heated, which is related to its age. Even big experts disagree. Petri dated the beginning of the 1st Dynasty, Mina, to 4777 BC. e., Brestid - by 3400 BC. e., some authorities have suggested 2850 BC. e. Egyptologists recognize the pre-dynastic cultures of the Stone Age, established from pottery and silicon products found in ancient burials, which vary in subtlety of work from the highest Herzean culture to the primitive Tasian culture. The lowest boundary of the Neolithic is approximately 5000–6000 BC. BC BC, which seems just like yesterday compared to 20,000,000 BC. e., which, according to Dr. L. S. B. Faces, dates from the fossilized jaw fragments of Pithecus Africanus, found in January 1967 in Kenya.what seems like just yesterday compared to 20,000,000 BC e., which, according to Dr. L. S. B. Faces, dates from the fossilized jaw fragments of Pithecus Africanus, found in January 1967 in Kenya.what seems like just yesterday compared to 20,000,000 BC e., which, according to Dr. L. S. B. Faces, dates from the fossilized jaw fragments of Pithecus Africanus, found in January 1967 in Kenya.

It is unlikely that Egyptologists will look much further back in time: the radiocarbon method can only go deeper until about 30,000 BC. e. The deep sands make dating by geological methods nearly impossible. And while we honor dedicated Egyptologists for their brilliant discoveries, we must acknowledge the limitations of archeology in setting the boundaries of distant antiquity and consider the scarce sources left to us in the form of literary works and legends.

The most ancient and exciting description of Ancient Egypt was preserved by Herodotus, who was born into a noble family in Halicarnassus (an ancient Greek city in Caria on the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor. - Trans.) In 484 BC. e. To hide from the tyranny of the mayor, he went into exile and in 443 BC. e. sailed from Piraeus, starting his grandiose journey to the land of the Scythians on the Black Sea, Syria, Babylon. For some time he spent in Egypt, exploring the Nile to the first rapids at the island of Elephantine. His main goal was to describe the conflict between Greece and Persia, but his journalistic insight prompted him to turn to the peoples of antiquity. He paints a breathtaking, colorful, vivid picture, as vivid today as it was at the time of writing twenty-four centuries ago. The father of history Herodotus told about such miracles,that doubting scholars have dubbed him "the father of deception." Modern archeology and research are increasingly proving that he was a scrupulous and truthful chronicler. His wonderful travel story, full of short funny stories told to him by representatives of the intelligentsia in the countries he visited, was written with such sparkling humor that when Herodotus read his work to the assembled Greeks in Olympia, the young Thucydides (ancient Greek historian, V century. BC - Per.) was moved to tears and was inspired to write his own great "History".which he visited was written with such sparkling humor that when Herodotus read his work to the assembled Greeks in Olympia, the young Thucydides (ancient Greek historian, 5th century BC - Trans.) was moved to tears and was inspired to write his own great "History".which he visited was written with such sparkling humor that when Herodotus read his work to the assembled Greeks in Olympia, the young Thucydides (ancient Greek historian, 5th century BC - Trans.) was moved to tears and was inspired to write his own great "History".

Herodotus's insightful observations and his witty style delight us to this day. This is what he writes about the Egyptians (Book 2, Chapter 35):

Men carry weights on their heads and women carry them on their shoulders. And women urinate while standing, and men - sitting. They seek relief in their homes, but eat on the street, saying that shameful but necessary things should be done in solitude, and that what is not ashamed to be done in public … They knead the dough with their feet and the clay with their hands. Other peoples leave their genitals as they were at birth, with the exception of those who learned differently from the Egyptians. And the Egyptians are circumcising. Each man wears two pieces of clothing, and each woman only one.

In Book 2, Chapter 2, Herodotus states:

While the Egyptians were ruled by Psammetichus, the Egyptians believed that they were the most ancient people on Earth.

Further in Book 2, Chapter 43, it says:

But Hercules is a very ancient god among the Egyptians. As they themselves say, seventeen thousand years before the beginning of the reign of Ahmose, twelve gods were born, one of whom they consider Hercules.

The ancient history of the Egyptians clearly inspired Herodotus with awe, as he meticulously conducted his research. In Book 2, Chapter 142, he wrote:

Until such a long time ago, the Egyptians and their priests told me a story. They argued that from the first king to the current last, the priest of Hephaestus, three hundred and forty-one generations of people changed. And during the life of these generations, many [high priests and] kings changed. Now three hundred generations of people are equal to ten thousand years, since a hundred years pass in three generations of people.

And for forty-one generations, which still remained in addition to three hundred, one thousand three hundred and forty years have passed. Thus, according to them, for eleven thousand three hundred and forty years no god in the form of a man was king with them; and they did not speak of any such thing, either before or after the reign of those who were later kings of Egypt. During all this time, according to them, the sun moved off course four times and rose where it is now setting, and set where it is now rising; but in connection with this, nothing in Egypt has changed: neither in relation to the river, nor the fruits of the earth, nor disease or death."

Eleven thousand years before Herodotus, the earth's axis moved violently four times and the sun rose twice in the west. Such a movement in the earth's crust, confirming the ancient traditions of the Hindus, probably caused worldwide catastrophes. Perhaps it was only national pride that made the Egyptian priests swear that this did not affect their country. The destruction and chaos caused by cataclysms, of course, explain the lack of written records of civilizations of the distant past.

Herodotus mentioned that a few years earlier the priests in Thebes had shown another Greek historian and traveler, Hecateus, three hundred and forty-five huge wooden statues that Herodotus saw with his own eyes. All of them were high priests and passed their office from father to son, without violating the order of succession. These pyromis were “of noble origin, but far from the gods; but they said that before these people, the rulers of Egypt were the gods who lived among the people! And the last of them, who ruled Egypt, was Horus, the son of Osiris, whom the Greeks call Apollo and who ruled Egypt after the suppression of Typhon."

Realizing that the huge periods of time about which he writes may be questioned, Herodotus, believing the Egyptian priests, adds:

Now Osiris is Dionysus in Greek … Even Dionysus, the youngest of them, was fifteen thousand years old during the reign of King Ahmose. All this, according to the Egyptians, they know, because they have always counted the years and kept records.

The extreme antiquity of the Egyptian god-kings is confirmed by Manetho, who was born around 300 BC. e. at Sebennite on the west bank of the Nile. He became the high priest in the temple of Heliopolis (literally: the city of the Sun; originated in the 4th millennium BC, now the city of El Matariya near Cairo. - Per.). Herodotus in Book 2, Chapter 3 writes: "They say that the inhabitants of Heliopolis are the most educated of the Egyptians." The entire Ancient World recognized Heliopolis as a major center of education, the University of Egypt. In the famous temple, Manetho probably had at his disposal all kinds of written documents, papyri, tablets with hieroglyphs, wall sculptures and endless inscriptions, and, above all, probably, the advice of his learned colleagues, educated according to millennial traditions. Familiar with both new philosophies and scientific theories of the Greeks,Manetho was given the unique opportunity to write History with so much material and scholarly critics at his disposal. He wrote this story in Greek to educate scholars who lived during the reign of the first Ptolemy Philadelphus (Egyptian king, 308–246 BC - Trans.). It contained an account of the various dynasties of the Egyptian kings, compiled from original documents. With this support, Manetho, undoubtedly, treated the writing of his "History" extremely scrupulously. Unfortunately, for posterity, his work is lost with all its sources. It probably died in flames when Julius Caesar accidentally burned the huge library of Alexandria. It may have been destroyed by some megalomaniac Roman emperor, or by fanatical Christians and Arabs in 642. From this precious "History" only a few excerpts have survived in the works of Julius Africanus and Eusebius.

The extant excerpts from Manetho's History of Egypt read:

The first man [or God] in Egypt is Hephaestus, who is also known to the Egyptians as the discoverer of fire. The heir to his son Helios [the Sun] was Sosis, then in turn Kronos, Osiris, Typhon, brother of Osiris, and finally Horus, son of Osiris and Isis. They were the first rulers of Egypt. After that, the royal power passed from one to another, without interruption, up to Bidis for 13,900 years. Then for 1255 years the gods and demigods ruled, and again for 1817 years another royal family gained power in the country. Then another thirty Memphis kings ruled for 1,790 years, and after them another 10 kings - for 350 years. Then came the time of the reign of the "spirits of the dead", which lasted 5813 years.

Perhaps aliens were considered "spirits of the dead".

In Thebes, the city of Amun, the majestic capital of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Nile still dreams of ancient glory, sighing about those dawns when the priests in white vestments sang hymns to the sun god Ra, who gilded the Earth with light. On the eastern bank of the river, the abandoned, destroyed colonnades of Ramses II rise, mute symbols of the past. Seven miles to the west is the Valley of the Kings with the tombs of the pharaohs. Their treasures have been plundered a long time ago. The only exception is the tomb of Tutankhamun, whose golden decoration revealed the wonders of Ancient Egypt. Among the many ruins that lie along the palm-lined river, Dendera is home to the well-preserved temple of the goddess of love, Hathor, a sanctuary of the mysteries of Osiris taught by initiates since ancient times. This secret knowledge, which inspired most of the great philosophers,today are indifferently discarded by our mercantile civilization.

The zodiac, or heavenly day, was carved into the ceiling of the temple at Dendera. It is so beautiful that the original ceiling was removed and transported to Paris and replaced with a copy. The zodiac signs depict the configuration of the stars around 90,000 BC. e., since astrological symbols, according to the precession of the equinoxes, mean the passage of three and a half large years of 25,800 years each. So it has been 90,000 years since this "sidereal clock" was immortalized. The originally built temple has long since turned to dust, but the unique zodiac was copied by initiates who sought to preserve this testimony from the past. Such antiquity shakes our modern minds, accustomed to limiting civilization to several millennia. Nevertheless, similar zodiacs in the temples of North India and on clay tablets, found in Chaldea,confirm this symbol of the times of Atlantis - the children of the Sun colonized Ancient Egypt.

Simplications in the VI century. wrote that he had heard that the Egyptians had been making astronomical observations for the past 630,000 years. Even if he meant months, that would mean 52,500 years. Diogenes Laertius established that the Egyptians made their astronomical calculations 48863 years before Alexander the Great. Marcian Capella claimed that the Egyptians secretly studied the stars for 40,000 years before they revealed their knowledge to the world.

The existence of pre-dynastic rulers is clearly confirmed by the Turin papyrus and the Palermo stone.

The Egyptian monk Panodorus wrote around 400:

From the time of the creation of Adam to Enoch and the 1282nd space year, the number of days was measured not by months and years. But in the 1000th Cosmic Year, the Egregors [observers or angels] came down to Earth, talked to people and told them that the orbits of the two luminaries, marked with twelve signs of the zodiac, consist of 360 parts.

In 330 BC. e. Berossus gives a detailed description of six dynasties, or six gods, which is also confirmed by the "Chronicle" of Mabolas, who claimed to have received help from the wise Sotat and Palefot in the 3rd and 4th centuries. BC e. The same source testifies that during the 24th dynasty, during the reign of Bokhoris (721-715 BC), the "lamb" who spoke the human language predicted the conquest and enslavement of Egypt by Assyria and the transfer of her gods to Nineveh. Nearly sixty years later, the terrible Ashurbanipal and his hordes plundered Thebes. Bokhoris did not see this disaster, as Manetho briefly adds: "Shabaka, taking Bokhoris prisoner, burned him alive."

It was said that this wonderful "lamb" had a royal emblem on its head - a winged snake four cubits long. Nowadays, it is believed that the "feathered serpents" of the Aztecs were spaceships. Legends say that at the beginning of the VIII century. BC e. Roman king Numa Pompilius practiced magic and conducted conversations with the gods. Was the “talking lamb” who warned poor Bokhoris the “god” who spoke to Numa and Elijah? Was he an alien from space?

Sinzell wrote:

The Egyptians have a certain slab called the Old Chronicle; it contains thirty dynasties over 113 generations over a period of 36,525 years. The first group (dynasty) of princes are Aurites, the second is the Mestroen, and the third is the Egyptians. The Chronicle says: “No time is assigned to Hephaestus, since he was both day and night. The son of Hephaestus, Helios, ruled for thirty thousand years. Then Chronos and the other twelve gods ruled for 3984; next were the demigods, number eight, who ruled for 217 years."

The ancient Phoenician writer Sanchoniathon compiled in the Phoenician language a history of hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ. His work was translated into Greek by Philo Byblos in about 80. The story itself has been lost, only fragments of it have survived, placed by Eusebius in his first book, Preparation for the Gospel. Sanchoniathon wrote:

Their contemporaries (Taautus - Thor - Thoth - Hermes) were a certain Elianu, which means Hypsistus [The Highest], and his wife named Berut. And they lived near Byblos and gave birth to Epigenes, or Autichthon, who was later called Uranus [Heaven] …

What follows is a description of the war between Uranus and his son Chronos. With the help of the magic of Hermes, Chronos defeated Uranus as well as his own brother Atlas - a remarkable analogy to the well-known Greek legends.

The reference to Hypsist ("The Highest") is equated to Elohim and alludes to aliens.

Herodotus, Manetho, Berossus, Panodorus, Sinzell, Sanchoniathon and who knows how many gray-haired authors whose works died in flames long ago, confirm these amazing stories about other countries on the other side of the world. We remember the Indian Ramayana, the Chinese king Shu, the Japanese Nihonseki - poets in all these countries admired the colorful images of outstanding immortals who fought wars and loved women on Earth and heaven and whose divine dynasties ruled people in the golden age. Thousands of miles from the Nile, its sands are plucking stones, papyri and parchments that tell of the dynasties of the kings-gods who ruled ancient Egypt. Due to the fact that no shovel has yet dug up a single alien king,can an archaeologist deny their existence? Our paleontologists are studying bones - can they measure wisdom from half the skull and two back teeth? Historians who study Egypt, like the chroniclers of other countries, agree that their first kings were amazing creatures from the stars.

Pharaoh was worshiped as the son of Horus, who was a descendant of the sun god Ra. The religion of the Egyptians taught that Pharaoh is a god; the whole country and all the people belonged to him, because he was the giver of fertility, the keeper of everything.

The 12th Dynasty inscription reads:

Love the king! Place him on the throne in your hearts!

Thanks to him, Egypt flourishes more than thanks to the great Nile. He is life. He is the One who creates all that exists, the Creator who generates humanity.

Everyone believed that the pharaoh, who had a divine, heavenly origin, came down to Earth to rule over them, humble people. Ibn Aharon shows us with amazing insight that court etiquette obliged the Pharaoh in his personal habits to behave like God, to eat and to fulfill his natural needs away from human eyes, as if he were impeccable and perfect.

Who were these kings-gods of Ancient Egypt? Were they exactly aliens from outer space?

Raymond Drake