A Star Not Far From Earth Is Behaving Very Strangely - Alternative View

A Star Not Far From Earth Is Behaving Very Strangely - Alternative View
A Star Not Far From Earth Is Behaving Very Strangely - Alternative View

Video: A Star Not Far From Earth Is Behaving Very Strangely - Alternative View

Video: A Star Not Far From Earth Is Behaving Very Strangely - Alternative View
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The star Ross 128, 11 light-years away, is behaving strangely, and astronomers are trying to figure out what is happening.

On May 12, astronomers detected signals coming from the star Ross 128, which is 11 light years from Earth. This signal travels at higher frequencies than the normal radio signal from a star and travels in all directions. Its structure, constancy and immobility show that it cannot come from near-earth satellites.

Ross 128 is an active flare star, and so far these flares are the main hypothesis of what is happening to it now. True, there is one but: the signal is not similar to any of those flares that have been recorded by astronomers so far, since all the activity of the star takes place at much lower altitudes.

That is, while scientists believe that the new signal is a sign of a new class of stellar flares.

There are a couple more hypotheses, both of which are based on the assumption that the signal is not coming from Ross 128. According to one of the versions, there is another signal source in the zone, for example, a background star. On the other hand, the cause of the anomaly is a satellite in high orbit. This may explain why the signal is not moving (as it would be in the case of a satellite closer to the Earth), but its frequency does not clarify at all.

And yes, there is another explanation that has not yet been discounted. Abel Mendes, director of the Arecibo Planetary Habitability Laboratory, comments: "We need to discard all other probabilities before moving on to aliens, but nothing is certain for now."

But even if these are not aliens, then in any case we have a completely new type of activity of a red dwarf, which is Ross 128, which in itself is a completely unique phenomenon.

Nikolay Kudryavtsev

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