Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View

Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View
Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View

Video: Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View

Video: Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View
Video: The real reason conspiracy theories work 2024, September

The fire in Notre Dame Cathedral is a tragic event and, as conspiracy theorists believe, a landmark. According to those who see some kind of secret symbolism in this fire, the fire was a sign of the apocalypse. Particularly meticulous conspiracy theorists even attribute the prophecy of the burning of Notre Dame to Nicola Tesla. Others recall the execution of the Templars, who became the founders of Freemasonry. If the Freemasons wanted to say hello to the Vatican, the burning of Notre Dame de Paris, in turn, would be a very symbolic event.

The fire in Notre Dame Cathedral has become a tragedy for world culture and food for thought for conspiracy theorists. Over the past few days, the media have been studying versions not only about what caused the fire, but also about a certain symbolism of this emergency.

Some characters even see in this situation the beginning of the apocalypse, which, in their opinion, will begin in Paris.

Within a few hours after the start of the state of emergency on the Internet, citizens began to look for omens that would indicate that a fire could occur in the cathedral. Despite the fact that experts have repeatedly pointed out that the fire could have occurred due to an oversight of the workers, supporters of conspiracies refuse to believe it.

"Theorists" make references to Nikola Tesla, who is credited with the words: "If you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." So, on the Web, a certain Brother Berg noticed that the date of the fire in the cathedral is exactly 30,069 days from the date of birth of Pope Francis. It was this sequence of numbers that continued the absurd reasoning that the cause of the fire lies in the depths of history.

The Web developed his hypothesis, pointing out that the Order of the Knights Templar, which became the founder of Freemasonry, was persecuted in 1312 after the bull of Pope Clement V. In addition, the "sofa analysts" are terrifying, the last master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake March 11, 1314 ", and before his execution, he allegedly cursed both the Pope and the French King Philip IV.

Notre-Dame-de-Paris stands on the Ile de la Cité, which was previously a group of islands, on one of which executions were performed, allowing the chief priests to admire the process from the balconies of the cathedral. And if the Freemasons wanted to say hello to the Vatican, the burning of Notre Dame de Paris in turn would be a very symbolic event. At the same time, the time interval of 30,069 days between the date of the fire in the cathedral and the birthday of Francis is the binding of the event to the Vatican, according to the conspiracy story on the website Thebigtheone.

It is worth adding that such reasoning is perceived by the majority, if not with laughter, then at least with skepticism.

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Officially, the Russian Orthodox Church announced that it does not see an "apocalyptic sign" in the burnt-out Notre Dame.

“Centuries pass, civilizations replace each other, but people are still often defenseless,” Vladimir Legoyda, head of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Mass Media of the Moscow Patriarchate, told Interfax. He also added that modern society, despite advanced technologies, is still powerless in the face of the elements. “The sad signs of the times are quite obvious,” he stated.