Ghosts Of Notre Dame Cathedral - Alternative View

Ghosts Of Notre Dame Cathedral - Alternative View
Ghosts Of Notre Dame Cathedral - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Notre Dame Cathedral - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Notre Dame Cathedral - Alternative View
Video: Inside Notre-Dame Cathedral after the fire 2024, June

On April 15, 2019, Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) suffered from an extensive fire, having stood untouched by fire for almost 900 years. The flames destroyed the spire of the cathedral, the clock, as well as the entire roof and many wooden floors.

At the sight of the frames of the fire, a wave of shock and sadness passed around the world. Regardless of your religion and whether you've only seen this building in photos or paintings, it is a stunning piece of art with its towers, huge stained glass windows and gargoyles.


This is one of those buildings that are known all over the world and which, among other things, has great historical significance.

And he has his own paranormal stories, especially ghosts. Anyone who has been to Paris has probably heard that there are many places in this city where you can meet a ghost, and Notre Dame Cathedral is one of them. Here are just a few of these legends.

It took almost 200 years to build the cathedral, it was started in 1163 and finished in 1345, and one of its builders was a castle master. He created locks for all the doors of the cathedral and for all lockers, but the church constantly pressed on him because they thought he was working too slowly.

Fearing that in case of violation of the terms of work, he could be executed, the master decided to ask the Devil himself for help. He summoned him and signed a contract with him and the Devil helped him finish the job on time. However, a few days later, the master suddenly died suddenly. And since then, his ghost is often seen wandering on the lower floor of the cathedral.


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A similar story from the 13th century tells of a young blacksmith named Biscornet, who was hired by the church to make metal decorations for the doors of the Cathedral. He had even more work to do. and the timing was also adjusted and this blacksmith also decided to conclude an agreement with the Devil in exchange for his soul.

The devil helped him decorate the doors, but when the priests came to inspect the finished work, for some reason no one could open the doors. One of the priests came up with the idea of the intrigues of evil spirits and he decided to spray the doors with holy water. And only then did the doors open.

This incident, by the way, also freed the blacksmith from his contract with the Devil, but later this gate was called the damned. True, it is not known which doors are in question and whether they have survived to this day.


In 1882, a young woman came to the Cathedral and asked permission to climb one of the two tallest towers, as well as accompany her as she climbed the stairs. According to her, she wants to pray there.

The guards, however, found the lady strange and did not accompany her, and then the woman asked a local old woman about it.

When the lady and the old woman climbed the tower, the woman showed the real reason for her visit, she jumped on the balcony railing and threw herself down. Her body fell on the sharp spiers of the fence, which pierced right through him.

Soon after, the ghost of a woman began to be seen near the tower with gargoyles, as well as on the top floor of the tower, where he wanders aimlessly and with his head down.


In 1931, the Mexican dancer, writer and feminist Maria Antonietta Rivas Mercado Castellanos, a very prominent figure in her homeland in those years, came to the Cathedral.

Shortly before that, her French lover rejected her advances, and this is probably the reason that, having come to the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Maria Antonietta took out her favorite pistol and shot herself.

A few years later, the musician Louis Verne played the organ in the cathedral and died right during his concert. In the following years, people saw the ghosts of men and women in the Cathedral several times, and perhaps they were the ghosts of Castellanos and Verne.