Strange Events In The Houses Built In The Old Cemetery In Texas - Alternative View

Strange Events In The Houses Built In The Old Cemetery In Texas - Alternative View
Strange Events In The Houses Built In The Old Cemetery In Texas - Alternative View

Video: Strange Events In The Houses Built In The Old Cemetery In Texas - Alternative View

Video: Strange Events In The Houses Built In The Old Cemetery In Texas - Alternative View
Video: The SCARIEST CEMETERIES In The World ⚰️ 2024, September

In the 1980s, the Texas city of Houston was flooded with new settlers due to its industrial development.

New residential areas were quickly built for them, and one of these was named Newport, located in Crosby, a suburb of Houston.

It was a picturesque area with beautiful new houses, manicured lawns, and it looked like a postcard of the American Dream.

But among all this splendor and prosperity of the peaceful suburb, unknown dark forces lurked.


One of the first families to buy a home in the area were Sam and Judith Haney, who settled here in 1982. At first, they could not help but rejoice in a chic house with a large plot, they have long dreamed of living in a similar place.

However, when they started digging a pool in their yard, a strange old man who called himself Jasper Norton came to them and said that it would be better for them not to do this, because there are old graves under their house.

“He pointed directly to the place and said that there are burials here. And I didn't know how to react to that. maybe this is such a joke or is he trying to achieve something? I could not understand, - said Sam Haney.

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But the old man did not lag behind and began to talk about how people were buried here back in the days when he was a child and this cemetery was called “Black Hope Cemetery”, because only black people were buried here. The last burial was dated 1939, after which the cemetery was closed. In subsequent years, some of the remains were moved to another place, but many remained there. where they were originally buried.

According to the old man, when they began to build new houses here, the workers simply forgot about these bodies and now there are at least 60 burials in the ground, on top of which houses are built.

The old man became more and more infuriated, and when he realized that Sam Haney did not believe him, he told him that he himself could start digging and make sure that it was true. When the old man left, Sam grabbed a shovel and started digging at the indicated place.

Soon the shovel came across a wooden coffin, and then another. Each contained the remains of a person, and their names were written on the coffins - it turned out to be the spouses Betty and Charles Thomas, who died in 1930.

Sam and his wife were shocked that their house was actually built in a cemetery and that Sam had now in fact committed the desecration of the graves. The Haney spouses then reburied the remains of the Thomas in another cemetery, but from that moment on in Newport, paranormal phenomena began.

Judith Haney began to notice that the wall clock was glowing with a strange light, then she felt that someone was watching her, although there was no one in the house at that moment. Then the poltergeist began and Judith's favorite shoes disappeared from their original place, and a few days later they were found in the yard on two empty wooden coffins, which lay at the bottom of an unfinished pit for a pool.

Goose bumps ran through Judith and Sam when they realized that the shoes on the coffins appeared on the day of Betty Thomas's birthday. Her late husband apparently gave her a gift in this way.

Haney and Williams houses
Haney and Williams houses

Haney and Williams houses.

A few days later, unusual phenomena began to occur at the house of Haney's neighbors, Ben and Jean Williams. They had beautiful flower beds in their yard and suddenly all the flowers wilted at once. Jean Williams tried to save them. but nothing helped. Then, all over the yard and the house, prints began to appear, shaped like hooves, water taps began to turn on by themselves, very cold air currents swept through the house, water was flushed out of the toilet by itself, and so on.

“I believe that these paranormal things happen here because our house is built on a cemetery and we will suffer here until we move, but we no longer have the money for this,” said Jean Williams.

“I came home from work late in the evening, went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and suddenly saw two ghostly figures. They went from the kitchen to the corridor, and then to Jean's room and stood by her bed. And I stood and thought angrily, "Just don't touch my wife." When I finally rushed forward and passed through them, it was as if I had plunged into a cold cloud,”said Ben Williams.

Remains of gravestones found at the site of the former * Black Hope Cemetery *
Remains of gravestones found at the site of the former * Black Hope Cemetery *

Remains of gravestones found at the site of the former * Black Hope Cemetery *.

Later, the Williams filed a lawsuit against the developer, accusing him of hiding details from them that the house was built in a cemetery. While the lawsuit was pending, Williams began digging in his backyard near a large and scary-looking old oak tree. They were sure that there was another burial under it.

But the excavation had to be stopped, as Jin and her daughter Tina suddenly fell ill with a strange illness. Both were immediately taken to the hospital, where Tina soon died. An autopsy found out that from a heart attack. True, Tina was a teenager and a heart attack at that age is an extremely strange cause of death.

The death of his daughter finally convinced the Williams to flee from here and they left for Montana. There Sam soon wrote a book about their history, The Black Hope Horror.

Haney also filed a lawsuit against the developers, but in the end they only spent thousands of dollars on legal costs and they had nothing left. Somehow, having fused their ill-fated house to someone, they also left here.

Now a family lives in Haney's house and they do not seem to experience any oddities, however, in their neighbors' houses, and now from time to time, something unusual happens.

One day, one of the locals saw a strange creature that looked like a huge black puma near Haney's house, another time there were unusual problems with electrical wiring, and the doors regularly slam by themselves. On another occasion, the girl saw in her room a "brown man" who had ceased into a black ball.

Another local resident, Venai Luna, says that once her husband's slippers flew through the air and one of their dogs also took off. And her grandmother often sees the ghost of a black woman who comes to her for some reason. but is silent and does nothing.