Traces Of The Holy Grail In Russia - Alternative View

Traces Of The Holy Grail In Russia - Alternative View
Traces Of The Holy Grail In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Holy Grail In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Holy Grail In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Bali and why everyone is crazy about it. Big Episode. 2024, June

There is a legend that the Holy Grail of the Order's knights is kept behind the impregnable walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress on Hare Island in St. Petersburg. In confirmation of the legend of the times of Peter the Great of the 17th century, one can cite examples of a series of strange historical events that are simply amazing in their incredibleness. The first oddity lies in the very plan of laying the citadel at the direction of Peter the Great, which amazes with its architecture. The townspeople had questions then. Indeed, why did the emperor of Russia need to build a fortified fortress as a defensive fort within the city structure?

The Peter and Paul Fortress was never used for its intended purpose. It has stood firmly for centuries, performing the function of a large-scale stone casket, as a repository of some sacred value. Tsar Peter I could not entrust this mysterious relic to either the treasury services, knowing about their corrupt nature, or to secret safes in the royal palaces with corrupt servants.

There was another purpose of the fortress. Even during the life of Emperor Peter, it was used as the most terrible prison for secret objectionable high-status prisoners and apostates who had to quietly disappear from high society. The very first prisoner of the Peter and Paul Fortress was Peter I's own son, the young Tsarevich Alexei, who was involved in a conspiracy against his father in an attempt to oust the legitimate ruler of all Russia from the royal throne. Later, in the casemates of the same fortress, under the conditions of the strictest secrets, the legendary Princess Elizabeth Tarakanova was imprisoned for life, who in 1774 declared herself the legal heir to the throne and a real Russian empress.

The fortress played the role of a prison until the Great October Revolution of 1917, destroying thousands of lives unwanted by the ruling power in its casemates and damp basements. And after the revolutionary armed uprising around Petropavlovka, very strange things began to happen. In the summer of 1927, the Leningrad OGPU followed the trail of an underground group called the Order of the Knights of the Holy Grail. It was a secret religious union, so conspiratorial that the Chekists managed to arrest only a few of the powerful and, at the same time, hidden from prying eyes of the ramified organization.

During interrogations, the caught members of the secret order answered, as if in advance, according to the same scenario. They claimed that they were continuing in Russia the work that they had always done in all worlds and centuries. But the strangest thing was that when searching the homes of those suspected of undermining the Soviet communist regime, maps and schemes of the casemates of the Peter and Paul Fortress were certainly found.

It is unlikely that such a fascination with the old fort by members of the conspiratorial organization can be considered a mere coincidence. Moreover, the capture of the knights of the strange order was preceded in May of the same year by a high-profile criminal incident - the murder of an elderly man in the very heart of Petropavlovka in front of the entrance to the Cathedral of Peter and Paul. The victim was shot in the head at close range, while the personal valuables and money of the shot teacher remained intact. Another strange fact during the examination was a yellowed ancient piece of parchment clutched in the dead man's icy fist.

Imagine the surprise of the investigator in the criminal case when he saw the only inscription on the discovered piece of paper - "Grail", and written in Latin. The task force immediately went to the victim's home, and found there a complete pogrom, broken desk drawers, heaps of overturned books and piles of scattered papers were lying on the floor. In the personal library of the murdered, as the investigation of Ariens Hart found out, there were ancient archival books and copies of ancient folios concerning the history of the Peter and Paul Fortress associated with the Holy Grail.

In this regard, a special department of occult sciences at the Cheka joined the investigation under the leadership of the head of the special department of the OGPU Gleb Bokiy and his employees, who developed occult methods of protecting state secrets, a researcher of anomalous phenomena, Professor Alexander Barchenko and a member of Roerich's Asian expedition, the Chekist Yakov Blumkin. However, the more all the investigators in the strange case of the murder of the teacher in Petropavlovka and the secret group of knights gathered information on the case, the more they ran into a dead end. The case remained unsolved.

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According to historical chronicles, back in the 9th century in Europe, the search for relics associated with the earthly life of the martyr Christ began. In the 13th century during the reign of Saint Louis, when he brought from Constantinople and placed in a specially rebuilt chapel some of the artifacts of Jesus' earthly life.

According to legend, this relic in the form of a cup, from which Jesus Christ drank at the Last Supper, has tremendous power. With the help of the chalice - the Holy Grail, you can get rid of hunger forever, recharging from it with divine energy. The Grail gives its owner eternal youth and knowledge of the secrets of eternal life. Some researchers claim that this artifact has a built-in magic crystal from the Cosmos, into which an information base of knowledge about everything in the world and at all times past, present and future is embedded. For several centuries, a fierce hunt has been going on for the shrine, therefore, against his will, he has become one of the instruments of human passions.