10 Mysterious Creatures Thrown Out By The Ocean - Alternative View

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10 Mysterious Creatures Thrown Out By The Ocean - Alternative View
10 Mysterious Creatures Thrown Out By The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: 10 Mysterious Creatures Thrown Out By The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: 10 Mysterious Creatures Thrown Out By The Ocean - Alternative View
Video: Most Unexplained Things Found in The Ocean! 2024, September

The ocean is still the most mysterious place on our planet. What can I say: we still do not understand all the secrets hidden on 70% of the Earth. We can say that man really knows more about space - scientists recently calculated that despite all our achievements in the field of underwater technology, only 5% of the ocean depths remain explored.

Therefore, it is not surprising that from time to time oceanologists stumble upon completely new types of underwater creatures. Sometimes meetings with mysterious creatures take place on the high seas, and sometimes the ocean helpfully throws strange creatures right under the feet of a person, as if mocking the arrogant title of "King of Nature". Just look at what people have to face in the immense depths!

East River Monster

This disgusting looking creature was carried by the river right under the Brooklyn Bridge, where tourists love to gather. Biologists sounded the alarm - the likelihood that the mysterious beast brought with it a contagious disease was very high. However, no one had time to blink an eye as the feds ordered to burn the remains. Nobody knows what it was to this day.


Lake Macquarie Beast

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Last March, the good citizens of New South Wales poured out in full force onto the shores of Lake Macquarie. One of the fishermen pulled out a strange creature with a net, which most of all resembled an illegitimate child of a crocodile and a boa constrictor. Just think how terrible the appearance of the creature was, if even the Australians were surprised, where spiders the size of an eagle often roam the streets.



The first video with a giant squid appeared only in 2013. These invertebrates are still worrying marine biologists, as few people had a chance to investigate even its battered remains. And in May 2015, a seven-meter carcass of squid was thrown out on the coast of New Zealand - local residents immediately dubbed it "Cthulhu".


Creature from Panama

Meeting this creature almost cost the lives of a couple of teenagers who decided to plunge into the troubled waters of the river near Cerro Azul. The creature grabbed one of the guys by the leg, but apparently underestimated the hot Mexican blood. From fright, the adolescents stoned the predator, and the scientists only threw up their hands during the autopsy - it is absolutely unclear who this is.


Siamese whales

And one more find of the Mexicans: they found twin whales in coastal waters. Apparently, these Siamese twins could not find food for themselves and simply died of hunger.



In March last year, a creature was taken to the Acapulco beach, which the press immediately dubbed "Globster". It does not look like anything in the world at all, and even marine biologists at the sight of a globster could only shrug their hands. According to the most daring assumptions, the globster is nothing more than a mutated squid. But where does the squid get wool?


Finding Zuye-Maru

The carcass of a mysterious sea animal was found in the water by the Japanese trawler "Zuye-Maru". Ten meters long, red fins and a long tail - go find out what that creature was. The captain gave the order to throw the remains overboard, as there was still a long fishing season ahead. Fortunately, the fishermen managed to take at least a few photos.


Giant sea serpent

When a couple of giant sea snakes were immediately thrown onto a California beach, the locals sounded the alarm. The fact is that these creatures live only at very great depths and rise to the surface only after feeling the vibrations of the earth's crust. There was no earthquake then, but marine biologists were still pretty surprised: one of the pair turned out to be not a sea serpent known to science at all, but a mysterious, although very similar to it, creature.


Russian beast

The Western press prefers to call the find "Russian beast", but in our country the name "Sakhalin Monster" has stuck. An incomprehensible three-meter-long carcass was carried to the Sakhalin coast in March 2015: beak, hair and unpaired fins. Welcome to the underwater world!


Deep Maw

Well, this creature attacked a fragile boat of Filipino fishermen in December 2015. A five-meter fish with a huge mouth tried to turn the skiff, and who knows how this confrontation would have ended if one of the fishermen had not taken a revolver with him into the sea. Screaming in horror, the Filipino shot the creature, which was then dragged ashore.