Archaeologists Have Discovered On The Territory Of Siberia Ancient Surgical Instruments For The Most Complex Operations - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered On The Territory Of Siberia Ancient Surgical Instruments For The Most Complex Operations - Alternative View
Archaeologists Have Discovered On The Territory Of Siberia Ancient Surgical Instruments For The Most Complex Operations - Alternative View

Video: Archaeologists Have Discovered On The Territory Of Siberia Ancient Surgical Instruments For The Most Complex Operations - Alternative View

Video: Archaeologists Have Discovered On The Territory Of Siberia Ancient Surgical Instruments For The Most Complex Operations - Alternative View
Video: Rewriting History... The Skulls That Changed Everything! 2024, September

Siberia is a very interesting place. And mysterious. Until now, Siberia has been very poorly studied, and in local ancient burial grounds and burials, archaeologists sometimes find simply amazing artifacts.

In 2015, news spread around the scientific world, which for some reason remained almost unnoticed - even then, archaeologists from the city of Novosibirsk discovered quite complex surgical instruments on the territory of Southern Siberia that are used for many complex operations, up to craniotomy.

But these tools are about 2.5 thousand years old. According to modern ideas, there was nothing of the kind on the territory of "progressive" Europe at that time. In the photographs presented, not all instruments are surgical.


Some of them are weapons, but you need to understand that this is the work of ancient craftsmen who lived in Siberia long before our era. You look at all this and you understand that in those days a developed and very powerful civilization could exist in Siberia.

As for the ancient surgical instruments, archaeologists discovered many interesting things that were used at the end of the first millennium BC - an operational knife for cutting bones, various types of saws, cutting tools, tweezers and even analogues of modern scalpels - a lancet.

Moreover, most of the found ancient instruments are similar in functionality to their European counterparts. But these analogs were made in Europe much later.


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Ancient surgical instruments were found during excavations of archaeological sites of the Tagar culture - a culture that lived in southern Siberia in about 4-3 centuries BC.

Also, in the burial grounds of this culture, archaeologists have found many skulls with obvious traces of craniotomy. The researchers also determined that in the arsenal of ancient Siberian surgeons there were also very strange tools, for example, saws, which had no analogues in the territory of medieval Europe.

All this suggests that the ancient Siberians possessed very great knowledge in the field of medicine and surgery - knowledge that, at least, did not set foot in knowledge in the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece.


That's just where they got this knowledge - a very big question. It should be noted once again that the territory of Siberia is not Ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia, it is not so popular in the tourist and archaeological sense, therefore it is much less studied.


In addition, the permafrost zone interferes with normal archaeological excavations in many places. And who knows what else is hidden there, under the ice and earth.