In Yorkshire, Several People Have Seen A Werewolf - Alternative View

In Yorkshire, Several People Have Seen A Werewolf - Alternative View
In Yorkshire, Several People Have Seen A Werewolf - Alternative View

Video: In Yorkshire, Several People Have Seen A Werewolf - Alternative View

Video: In Yorkshire, Several People Have Seen A Werewolf - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Werewolf Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life 2024, July

Category: Mysterious creatures / Comments: 2 / Views: 680 / Added: Today

People living in the town of Hull (Yorkshire, UK) have received strange reports of meeting a real werewolf in the past few months. Local residents even gathered to arrange a hunt for an unknown large creature.

According to eyewitnesses, it is huge (8 feet - 2.4 meters) and once even attacked and devoured a dog. This is reported by the British tabloid Daily Mail.

The creature is described as very large, shaggy and fanged. It can walk on two legs like a human and also on all fours like a dog. He was mainly seen near the Barmston Drain in an industrial area outside the city.


There are legends about a mythical monster that lived in Yorkshire, who was given the nickname "Old Stinker" ("Old stinker"). According to eyewitness accounts, most likely it was he. The Old Stinker got its name from the foul smell from the mouth. It was described as a large furry beast with red eyes.

One woman saw this creature last December:

“He stood on two legs, and the next moment he was on all fours like a dog. I was very scared. It made a big long jump to the other side of the canal and rushed over the embankment and over the wall. At the same time, changing the position of the body, moving on two legs, then on four."

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The woman says that this creature looked like a wolf-man.

Other eyewitnesses, a married couple, say that they saw a large hairy creature eating a dog next to the canal. Most of all, they were amazed that the animal jumped over a high fence with a dog in its mouth.

Another woman saw the monster while walking her dog. Her dog suddenly stopped and refused to continue. Then the woman saw a creature not far ahead that looked like a half human, half animal. She was very scared.

According to the British newspaper Express, local residents want to arrange a "hunt" for this monster, armed with video cameras and cameras for the next full moon.