The City Of Tomsk Is Possibly More Than Three Thousand Years Old! There Are Many Confirmations Of This - Alternative View

The City Of Tomsk Is Possibly More Than Three Thousand Years Old! There Are Many Confirmations Of This - Alternative View
The City Of Tomsk Is Possibly More Than Three Thousand Years Old! There Are Many Confirmations Of This - Alternative View

Video: The City Of Tomsk Is Possibly More Than Three Thousand Years Old! There Are Many Confirmations Of This - Alternative View

Video: The City Of Tomsk Is Possibly More Than Three Thousand Years Old! There Are Many Confirmations Of This - Alternative View
Video: Tomsk | Russia! The Other Way 2024, September

Nowadays, the fact that on the site of modern Tomsk there was the city of Grustina or in another way (Frankgrassion, Graciona, in various interpretations), no longer raises doubts for anyone, and numerous archaeological finds confirm this.

On the territory of the city, during the excavations, tools and numerous shards were discovered, the age of which is about 5000 years. This is, of course, circumstantial evidence and quite disputable, but they testify that people lived much earlier than the city was founded.


Moreover, these are not isolated finds, but rather numerous, which confirms the compact residence of people in this area.

Archaeological map of the Tomsk region, volume 1, ed. Doctor of Historical Sciences L. A. Chindina
Archaeological map of the Tomsk region, volume 1, ed. Doctor of Historical Sciences L. A. Chindina

Archaeological map of the Tomsk region, volume 1, ed. Doctor of Historical Sciences L. A. Chindina.

Archaeologists complain that everything in the city has been dug up many times and it is very difficult to look for something. Indeed, the city was destroyed many times and rebuilt again. According to legend, there is a huge number of caves and passages near Tomsk, the total volume of which may even exceed the city itself.


The riches of Sadina (Frangracion) were obtained in numerous wars of conquest. There was a very developed state of Artania at that time. And the most interesting thing is that many peoples and nationalities lived in this state of Artania, and their army reached India and China and even Persia.

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Artania's well-armed army constantly brought treasures and other valuable things to the city.

Around modern Tomsk in antiquity there were many settlements and cities and they are constantly being found, more and more.

According to unverified and unconfirmed reports, the city of Grustina was destroyed by the army of Genghis Khan and it was razed to the ground.

S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889
S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889

S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889.

Archaeologists have found numerous arrowheads, chopped horse bones, which indirectly confirms the capture of the city. But the most interesting thing is found amulets and beads, the likes of which were not found anywhere at that time.

S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889
S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889

S. K Kuznetsov On archaeological searches in the vicinity of the city of Tomsk, carried out in the summer of 1889.

All these finds were sent to St. Petersburg and where they are now to be found out, but it is impossible not to trust the well-known and respected head of the Tomsk University library in Tomsk. All searches and studies were carried out by Kuznetsov with great care. Everything indicates that the city stood on the site of Tomsk since ancient times and we have to prove it to everyone. Andrianov A. V. also noted more than once that a huge number of shards, household items indicates the compact residence of a large number of people on the territory of modern Tomsk.