Damn Cars. Old Ford In The Kiev Yard - Alternative View

Damn Cars. Old Ford In The Kiev Yard - Alternative View
Damn Cars. Old Ford In The Kiev Yard - Alternative View

Video: Damn Cars. Old Ford In The Kiev Yard - Alternative View

Video: Damn Cars. Old Ford In The Kiev Yard - Alternative View
Video: My damn cars I whant 2024, July

An old-model Ford stands restlessly on one of the streets of Kiev. The current owner of this car, Andrey I., has not been driving his car for a long time, he does not even try to start it. And not because he is ashamed of the killed kind of car. Not. The man is frankly afraid of everything connected with her, and in every possible way tries to get rid of the old "Ford".

When Andrey bought this car, his friends said that the car is being pursued by an evil fate. The first owner died under unclear circumstances: he flew into a ditch on an empty and completely flat road, being sober and vigorous. The police officers wrote down an explanation in the protocol “for show”: “I lost control”. The widow fixed the car, and also drove it from time to time. Once while driving, she felt that someone or something from behind grabbed her chest with cold hands. The frightened woman slammed on the brakes, turning around, and did not find anyone in the back seat. Deciding that after the tragedy she had experienced, she was simply haunted by visions, the woman started the car again and started off. And again something gripped her. Unable to bear the nightmare, she left the car by the side of the road and walked home. After a while, she sold this car.

The new owner was very happy with the purchase: he bought a car for a penny! Soon the man was in the hospital and assured everyone that Ford had run over him himself. Although he remembers exactly that he put it not only on the handbrake, but also on the transfer. After lying for several weeks with a broken leg, he immediately got rid of the miracle of the German car ferry after being discharged.

The third owner of the car was a pensioner. Employees of several service stations recalled afterwards how he constantly knocked their thresholds so that they could check the steering. Auto mechanics said that the car was in order. And the old man argued that Ford wants to kill him, constantly turning into the oncoming lane at the most unexpected moment. Once the pensioner miraculously survived only because he was driving very slowly, and the oncoming truck managed to turn away from the annoying "Ford", making only a deep scratch on its side.

The last owner of the car, Andrey, buying it, did not believe in the stories about the devilry. But soon … On a winter evening, in the headlights, Andrei for a moment thought that a human figure darted under the wheels of his car. The car itself bounced as if it had run over a hit man. Horrified by the incident, the driver stopped, but there was nothing anywhere, including a hit man. The next day, Andrey posted an ad on all the surrounding pillars: "Ford Sierra is on sale cheap …"

There was another lover of cheap shopping. I bought it, but after a week brought the car back, saying that he did not need a car with "evil spirits". His two sons decided to investigate the purchase, but having climbed into the salon, they jumped out with frightened faces and shouts: "Dad, a terrible grandfather is sitting there!" Of course, the man did not find the mysterious old man, only the car, he returned it to Andrey out of harm's way …

So, Ford has been standing near Andrey's house for several years. Now he doesn't even close the doors of this damn car, hoping that some juvenile hijackers will be tempted and drive off somewhere. It seems that even the hijackers feel something and bypass the car.