Cursed Roads And Ghosts On Highways - Alternative View

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Cursed Roads And Ghosts On Highways - Alternative View
Cursed Roads And Ghosts On Highways - Alternative View

Video: Cursed Roads And Ghosts On Highways - Alternative View

Video: Cursed Roads And Ghosts On Highways - Alternative View
Video: Ghosts of Highway 20 - COMPLETE SERIES 2024, July

What secrets do highways keep? After all, messages about anomalies on highways appear with enviable regularity. At first glance, there can be no accidents on a perfectly flat road, but on the planet, there are hundreds of road sections on which strange things appear. Such places are called "Damned kilometers".

A fast landing vehicle was driving along a narrow mountain road in the Kador Gorge (Abkhazia). Captain Andrei Zubarev was the head of the military group. Suddenly, on a completely flat road, the BMD sharply threw to the right - straight to the cliff. The mechanic managed to help the driver at the last moment and turned the steering wheel. Another moment and the whole crew with the car would have fallen into the cliff. Late at night, the crew returned from the mission by the same route. Again the car jerked sharply and hovered over the precipice in the same place. The crew survived, everyone carefully got out of the BMD, which was balancing dangerously. In the morning a tractor arrived and dragged the car to a safe place.

The commission that was investigating the accident did not establish anything criminal. The crew members were sober, the car was in good condition, versions of sabotage or driver error were taken immediately. What force pulled the BMD to the cliff two times remains a mystery.

Mysterious fellow traveler. Eyewitness Alexander

On a May evening, I was driving my motorcycle down the highway. A woman standing on the side of the road waved her hand at me, clearly wanting me to give her a lift. When I asked where she needed to, she replied something inarticulate, the helmet probably prevented me from hearing. She deftly sat in the back, I gave her a second helmet and one of a pair of headphones so that she would not get bored and listen to the radio.

After a while it seemed to me that something was wrong with the rear wheel, I stopped to check it. And then, with amazement, I discovered that the passenger had disappeared! She could not fall, because the helmet was neatly tied to the seat. Astonishment turned into fear when, after taking off my helmet, I found that both earpieces were in my ears!

A similar anomaly occurs 70 kilometers from the American city of Austin, the capital of Texas. Several times a month, at nightfall, an elderly man with a backpack and fishing rods in a case appears on the side of the highway. He "votes" and asks for a ride to Bushlake Lake. A few minutes later, the drivers notice that there is no companion in the car! Once the mysterious grandfather was even brought up by a police car.

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