Death Is The Conquering, Eternal Law Is Love - Alternative View

Death Is The Conquering, Eternal Law Is Love - Alternative View
Death Is The Conquering, Eternal Law Is Love - Alternative View

Video: Death Is The Conquering, Eternal Law Is Love - Alternative View

Video: Death Is The Conquering, Eternal Law Is Love - Alternative View
Video: Death is Not the End | Dr. Ed Young 2024, September

Alas, here on the planet on which we exist, the state of integrity is deeply hidden and long forgotten. Integrity - both in the microsystem and in the macro. Everything here was disconnected, directed against each other, in a protracted conflict with each other. And we, as eternal travelers, by typing, by analysis, search, by trial and error, often haphazardly, blindly searched for - "how or what to do to finally feel satisfaction." How to achieve that very orgasm that will never end ?! Relax, breathe out - and finally start just living ?!

We firmly believe that for Happiness - well, blood from the nose! - it is necessary to have a lot of money, health, things, freedom, a loved one, a young (certainly slim, athletic) body, a luxurious home, a car, quiet neighbors, an obedient government, laws - "we ourselves do not know which" And to be sure, everything was "as I want !!!". And I want different every day. Since I did not understand - whose desires I am trying to fulfill, whose goals to achieve and what kind of happiness is it?

We miss something every time. But we firmly believe that "I'll lose a little more weight, buy that dress, the right face cream, fall in love, make money, the child will go to college and I will finally be happy!" This is also called "carrot in front of the muzzle of a donkey." And it seems that what we are looking for, what we strive for, lies in separate boxes. That these are all separate types of happiness. That you need to use different practices, techniques, recipes, and most importantly - more in order to finally reach at least one carrot. You need to get as much knowledge, information, professionalism as possible. To browse the entire Internet, put everything you found into a computer, go to all seminars, find the best guru and be happy: “Now I know! I have a magic method."

Sometimes it works.

But, for some reason, the pleasure disappears very quickly. Joy fades. The novelty fades. The feeling of nagging dissatisfaction remains. And again we rush in search of the next stimulus. Well, there must be at least something in this world that will make me happy forever !!! So in the books they write - "There are millions of things around that can bring you happiness!"

Uh-huh! Figurines … In fact, there is nothing like that - outside …

And these are not wise words of a theoretician. Above in the text, I described my path - including … The previous path.

But then one day it became very clear to me that as soon as I bet on something specific and direct all my thoughts, feelings, efforts to achieve happiness in the form of “getting, fixing, taking possession”, my life turns into a senseless running and frustration. And more often - continuous pain.

Promotional video:

During my searches and comprehensions, through different practices, schools, knowledge, from time to time I plunged into a surprisingly delightful state - I Am. There is nothing in it but the sweet, tender languor of every cell of the body, serenity, crystal clarity, lightness and silence. And, what is very important, it is simple and natural.

And suddenly, absolutely without any effort or even thought about it, the World began to pulsate with Love. Softly, gently, full. Everything disappeared! All other states. Only Love remained. And imagine - she looked like Me! From every leaf, pebble, step, signboard, passer-by, car, house, from everything - My Energy was poured on me in a trembling stream. My frequency. My vibrations. Familiar, dear, pure, Perfect. Amazing, delightful, fantastic - Perfect. It was Me, but some kind of huge, universal, real - Me.

Over the years, such "loss" happened more and more often. But, what is surprising and funny, while experiencing this State, trying to fix it, return it, once again plunging into it, I did not receive full awareness, an unambiguous insight that turns my life once and for all, that this “It is”. The same - "Here and Now" to which everyone is so striving, and I too! That there is nothing thunderous and pompous in it. That Heaven didn't fall and the Angels didn't sound And I Know Him and have always known Him! And only now, when I have passed many roads, conducted a lot of research on this topic, gained a lot of experience … everything became very clear. It is clear that there is no need to look for something powerful and stunning! This is mistake. Any redundancy deprives me of this State, in which I am the True One.

It is simple, natural, existential, which is our natural, up to about three years - the State of the Fullness of Life. The state given to us by the Right of God-bornness, that which we read about in a heap of clever books. A state that has been chewed up and recounted by a mass of teachers. To achieve which countless techniques and practices have been invented. And it was believed that He had to be earned honestly and hard in the cycle of meditations, long hard work in the field of "stopping the internal dialogue."

Nope, of course, my mind immediately gave out on this topic a huge number of interpretations, explanations of my State, indulgence and boasting. I have always had enough knowledge. The mind explained, was happy, proud. But … at that time I lacked the very little thing - to see, to realize, to make a decision, in the end, that it is simple! Being in the Present Moment is very easy. I've always been like this! I am so Created! And nothing else is needed.

In this state, it is enough to simply think and receive. Moreover, your desires become very harmonious, calm, balanced and creative. Because you stop pushing the river, rushing, running, scared, annoyed, if something goes wrong. Because you wake up in a peaceful, calm, loving Stream of Life! And there is nothing separate there anymore. And there you are in complete merger with what you want to be with right now, have right now, communicate right now, interact right now. This is due to the fact that such an artificial, clumsy, intrusive and strange structure - the "talker in the head" - disappears. She's gone! silence … complete. And there is no effort … Generally. None.

What then is there? What remains? I remain - I! And the criterion of where I will move is My State of Serenity. Everything in it is transparent and clear. Therefore, only creative thoughts and ideas are formed in Consciousness, bringing pleasure from touching them, spreading throughout the body. And everything becomes easy! Because at this moment, fear, concern, powerlessness, self-torture are completely absent. There is no thought that if you do not get what you want, you will suffer.

What is "suffering" in this State is generally incomprehensible.

There is no one in my head who would yell, wringing his hands: “Oooh !!! You can not do it! You have no knowledge, you do not know how, you have no one to help, you have no money, talents, aaaa !!! You don't have normal clothes! Now, if you were younger, more beautiful, if the winter was warmer, if the laws were different, the prices are lower !!! Yes you are FAT, after all !!! )))))))))))

Learned? That's right: "His" - no! Uma! As if it never happened. Because you woke up from the world where the mind was. I woke up in my natural, simple, light World. The overseer and the prison, it turns out, were dreaming …

And once, in moments of special pleasure, balance, light playfulness, you casually glance into the mirror and freeze in amazement … The face of not just a rejuvenated woman or a young girl looks at you … In the mirror you see a completely childish face, childish eyes, a bright nursery skin, plump lips … from the depths of those eyes you look at yourself from your old five years.

In addition, the "self-assembled tablecloth" of the Universe is revealed. And everything that seemed previously inaccessible, difficult, too expensive or simply impossible - begins to happen by itself. If there is enough awareness and balance. If you can keep yourself in a calm, light, harmonious state. If you perceive everything as the norm, and not as a miracle, pleasant events last for a long time.

After that, when the mind turns on and the analysis begins, you will definitely understand to what extent your body is plastic! How strongly it depends on the state! In a matter of minutes it can become young, healthy, strong, resilient, beautiful - and in the same few minutes it can grow old dramatically.

And insight comes to some - that's what you really need! Be able to! Hooray! Now I know EXACTLY how to Live!

And the State … as it came and went … And we again plunge into a deep sleep, lulled by an endless talking background in our head. And again, chilling fear, impotence, annoyance, aggression, hopelessness. As if nothing had happened. And now, one's own awakening in that very State seems to be a distant fairy tale, a bright unattainable dream.

But the mind is very proud, since "He" now knows what Silence is. And it is unaware to him that he does not have “Knowledge”, that he simply “has information” about how “how and what” one can feel in this State. After all, the ancients used to say: "You know, then you do."

And, obeying the mind, we embarks on discussions, proofs, disputes, descriptions of the fact that "it is very correct and sublime to find silence, to stop internal dialogue, to live in the Present Moment." Because it is “very spiritual”, unusual, and indeed it is written in all the books. Gradually we are joined by those who also "studied this issue." We break spears, get angry at those who “do not understand” or understand in a different way. We quote the Bible: "Be like children!" We are trying again to explain to each other our understanding of childhood. And the river of life with all its pleasures, with this State - flows quietly beside itself. And we are sinking deeper and deeper into the muddy sleep of logic and separation from Life.

Today (and this is my absolute conviction) the World, the Universe, Life provide us - the Returners - just a huge support. Now the energy state and the possibilities of transformation have become hundreds of times more effective. Finding Yourself has become much easier than even a year ago. There is no more need for serious, complex, sophisticated technologies and practices, secret keys and following the leader. "The war is over."

Honor and praise for this to those who started 20-30 years ago. Who turned to the issues of internal transformations even then. By whose forces, whose Light, whose Courage, Devotion, and most importantly, Love, a platform and conditions have been created for transforming those who are walking now.

Everything on our dear Planet has changed a lot. More and more people realize the complete illusory nature of the former life, the former conditions, the former laws that owned Our Earth and Our Consciousness. The field of Information and Consciousness has accumulated a sufficient critical mass for everything to change dramatically. Knowledge gives way to Love. And Love is a State. Now we can walk in Lightness and Serenity.

Go - playing. Create - expanding. Live - enjoying.

Author: Aigul Adylbaeva