Technique "Active Review Of The Situation" - Alternative View

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Technique "Active Review Of The Situation" - Alternative View
Technique "Active Review Of The Situation" - Alternative View

Video: Technique "Active Review Of The Situation" - Alternative View

Video: Technique
Video: How to discuss a topic in a group 2024, September

Each situation has its own reason, directly related to your internal information space. If it were not for it, you certainly would not have got into the situation. The reasons are different, but first, I propose to disassemble the "shoe marks".

When something happens to an ordinary person, an emotional wave is born in him, which is, but may not be outwardly manifested. In various interactions between people, emotions are a decisive factor in establishing energetic connections. But a person has a certain mechanism aimed at survival and protection from dangers, which, however, sometimes works excessively.

As a result of the conflict with the manifestation of negative low-frequency emotions, the aggressors' energy cocoons interlock and a bond is formed, the stability of which is determined by our residual emotionality - resentment and anger. As such, the conflict has long been gone, but for its participants on the energy-information plane, it seems to continue.

According to the Law of Equilibrium, energy is distributed evenly and flows from excess to deficiency. It turns out that if you are connected with another person with a stable connection with a wide bandwidth - there are a lot of emotions left and continue to arise at any mention of him - then in case of illness of this person or a strong weakening of the body, the energy will go from you to him, again according to the law of Equilibrium. And vice versa.

But since this energy is assimilated by man and processed, it contains various energy-informational waste that act as a poison on another organism. But in our life, most of us have more than one conflict situation, where we could not calmly react and formed connections. They continue to exist - a person becomes like a colander for washing vermicelli - that you don't pour into it, you won't hold much. There is a constant alignment of excess energy - no matter how you try to strengthen your cocoon, this will not be enough for a long time.

Our internal energy-information space is a transceiver in situations. We kind of tune in to the different lines of life that we fall into. And hung with connections, we additionally modulate them, reconfigure. As we strive upward, and the binding burdens and pulls to the bottom - we wanted the best, but like that! Most esotericists agreed that situations are lessons intended for each individually, after going through which, a person moves on to the next and thus completes his personality with the necessary qualities. Lessons not taken are repeated. That vile negativity on two legs with handles is no longer near you, but a new and still new one appears, forcing you to return to the unsolved.

Considering the frozen emotional attitude to what happened in our memory, one more thing should be added - after all, we can react negatively not only to people, but to whatever your mind pleases. It can be animals and different things, and even yourself. For example - I hate cats and dogs! In general, there is no specific object for hatred, but there is an abstract category, the imprint of interaction with which we find in the back streets of our subconscious. And this glitch modulates our further sticking into unpleasant. What about all this junk, you might ask. Very simple - we will carry out an active review!

I am familiar with different revision techniques that vary in complexity of execution. But I like to isolate the point from the question and discard the unnecessary. The result is a method of Active Revision, which I sometimes use. However, it is worth considering that in order to work with it, it makes sense to decide in advance on the goals - who will be washed into powder and put into the jellied meat or which situation you intend to change your attitude to. Of course, conducting an active review of all negative situations will not end your existence at all, something will not stop happening to you, but in any case, you will remove unnecessary tails from the past, which you often stepped on in the present.

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Find yourself a small, quiet, cozy place where you can work alone. Pantries and cupboards work very well for these purposes! In the latter, I often had to work, buried among a huge number of unnecessary things of my parents.

Staying in dark, compact spaces allows us to get out of the rigid attunement with the outside world and the practice of immersion in the depths of the subconscious is much easier. Place yourself in maximum comfort for long hours of work. However, it is better if your position is sedentary - it will make it more difficult to fall asleep.


We work with closed eyes. Breathing is slow, even and calm. Stay in this state for several minutes. You remember an unpleasant situation for you - you see everything not from the outside, but with your own eyes, you are there now.

Select from the recalled microfilm a bright, emotional key moment of the scene - do it in accordance with your intuition and loop it as if. It repeats itself to you over and over again, making you feel uncomfortable.


Now you become a magician within your memory. Set yourself the parameters of work - you only affect your glitchy images from scenes of the past - real objects are now different, although they may look the same, because everything changes and nothing stands still in our phenomenal, manifested world.

You visualize powerful balls of fire in your hands and throw it into an unpleasant image with the intention to remove it from your memory - to burn, evaporate, dispel, etc. Then from you emanate a mighty stream of electrical discharges, lightning, sucking all the energy from the surrounding space, from unpleasant objects and people.

Connect your imagination - in your inner world, you can create any instrument and any phenomenon. The Nox toy helped me a lot - there I played as a magician and a wizard and made many astral instruments on the basis of game ones - from fireballs and lightning, to meteorites and other things, I used magic spells.


Gradually, you find that the picture becomes lifeless and colorless, you lose interest in what happened. Very good - this is what we worked for - you removed the significance, and accordingly aligned the potentials.

If this effect is not achieved and you have not invested enough in destroying your glitches, then continue working on the previous paragraph. It is possible that the situation greatly influenced your attitude and you will have to go through several key plots in this way. So do it.

Now is the time to replay the situation the way you would like it to happen - bolder - this is your inner world, it is plastic for your thoughts! Highlight a key point in a situation from which, in your opinion, everything could have turned out completely differently and the situation would not have happened - you went to a completely different place, or did not go anywhere at all, said pleasant words instead of being rude or remained silent, etc.

Imagine a new plot very vividly and fill it with energy - shine it in bright sunlight, for example! If at the same time you feel spiritual joy, some kind of inner upsurge and a good attitude towards an object or person, then everything has been done correctly! Congratulations, you did it! Relax and continue with another person or object.


And they will definitely be. You have not changed the real situation from the past, but your attitude has changed from the present moment, and as a result, you will begin to perceive the external world a little or even very much differently, and the world will also change your perception! From personal experience, I noticed the effect obtained - the fastest occurred the next day.

I met a man who always demanded one thing from me for almost every day, and then I saw him for the last time, he didn't even remember anything, wished me luck and I never saw him again. Coincidence? I wish all of you constant desired coincidences.

There were many other interesting things, but a new article needs to be written about this. And as they say, this is a completely different story!
